Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 525 524 Foreign Allied Forces vs Miracle!

Chapter 525 524. Foreign coalition forces vs. miracles!

"Aren't today's opponents a little strange? Their hair is also colorful."

"I think before you say this, Kise-kun, you should look at yourself."

"Isn't that Noah?"

When Kise rushed to the stadium today and saw the so-called "foreigner" team, he was a little surprised.

Although they had received Momoi's reminder the day before and were mentally prepared, they still didn't know who it would be.

So this scene happened.

"Hey, long time no see, Kuroko-san."

Before the game officially started, Noah walked over to Heizi to say hello.


He responded politely, and Heizi did not abruptly ask why the other party appeared here.

"I feel more and more how unfathomable you are."

"I'm looking forward to today's game."

After shaking hands with Heizi, Noah said very friendly.

He glanced at the teammates behind Kuroko and was slightly curious about their existence.

In that public coaching match, only a few people actually appeared.

Nioh, Kise, Atobe, Kuroko, Tezuka, Akashi, Shirazu.

Midorima, Murasakibara, Aomine, and Kagami were unable to appear due to special circumstances.

But since he can be teammates with Kuroko and others, he must not be an ordinary person.

So compared to the arrogance of his teammates, Noah treats it with a very cautious attitude.

Not long after the exchange, Noah turned and left.

"France, Germany, Australia, Switzerland."

"There are really all kinds of foreigners here."

After counting the personnel and comparing the information, Momoi did not let Reiko handle it alone this time. Instead, she made preparations herself.

After all, as Shirazu and the others said, this is the last national competition. As a member who has followed from beginning to end, Momoi will naturally want to be responsible for the entire process and go to the end.

This is the responsibility and awareness of being the "Tenth Person of Fantasy".

"This feeling of gathering together for a team fight."

"It's really subtle."

To others, the group of junior high school students were unfamiliar, but to Bai Jin they were quite familiar.

The current professional players of the German team, Berti Borisovich Polk, and Elmer Seyfried, who has perfect potential.

The Prince of France, Prince Ludovic Charoudarou, and the data guru and puppet, Jonard St. George.

Australian tactician Noah Gorgias.

Henry Nobel III, the genius prince of Switzerland.

Those are all famous and powerful candidates in the drama.

The reason why they say they are gathering to play in a group is because Bai Jin believes that the current strength of junior high school students from other countries cannot keep up.

Under the premise of knowing about the World Championship, Bai Jin could also guess their purpose of coming here.

Nagoya itself in the main drama follows the setting of introducing foreign students, but I didn’t expect that this time it would be used.

"It seems that the big tree attracts the wind after all."

"Paper cannot contain fire."

There is no need to worry about who is organizing and planning behind it, but they are indeed starting to stand at the forefront.

But Bai Jin didn't care about this. Whether it was the miracles or the princes today, which one was not stronger than him in the main show?

It's not that easy to deal with them who have jumped the gun and evolved.

"It doesn't matter if they are foreign or not, as long as they can fight."

Qingfeng didn't care so much about the other party's identity, but rather wanted to know whether the other party could stand the fight.

"Don't worry, the other party has an active professional player after all."

"Although I specialize in doubles, I am capable."

Akashi looked at his anxious monkey look and said calmly.

To be honest, as a professional player, it is a bit "shameless" to participate in a national competition.

After all, national and professional players are obviously not on the same level.

But unfortunately, they don't care.

It doesn't mean that the profession is the strongest, they will also be defeated by "casuals".

Classes are also divided into strong and weak ones, not to mention who they are dealing with.

"Oh, who is it?"

"That rascal"

Following the sound, I looked over and found a serious peer talking to someone else.

"Then I'd better meet him!"

"Is it really okay for the coach to ask you to participate in a competition in such a small country with such great fanfare?"

"Isn't it too shameful?"

Elmer glanced at Berti next to him, his tone full of contempt.

"Do you know why I chose you?"

Turning to look at his teammates in front of him, Berti crossed his arms and asked calmly.


When Berti asked this, Elmer was stunned. He really didn't know why the coach arranged for him to come.

"That's because I thought you were too arrogant, so I asked you to come here to gain some knowledge."

"You can't even keep your second place this time."

Berti said bluntly without any mercy.

Elmer had never seen the videos of Atobe and Yukimura, nor had he met Tezuka who encouraged him to work hard.

So now his bones are full of the arrogance he had after joining the King.

Although it does have that kind of potential and strength, the current state of affairs is not a good thing.

Elmer is a magical guy from the beginning of his life experience.

In any exam or competition he participated in, he would always come in "second place".

In the main play, he worked hard enough to think that he could become the number one junior high school student in Germany. However, Polk parachuted in with Tezuka the next day and directly pushed him to second place, which almost made him mentally depressed.

But there are good things and bad things. He couldn't stand Tezuka's airborne arrival, so he kept competing with him, and finally unlocked the power of perfection.

It can be regarded as proving oneself in disguise.

But now, he does not have such opportunities and treatment, so that he has no signs of awakening even though he is perfect.

Coupled with his more arrogant attitude and thoughts, Ray Cantrew asked Berti to take him here.

In addition to letting Berti collect information personally, he also wanted to let Elmer see the world.

"Invite the singles No. 3 from both sides to come on!"

Following the guidelines of the national competition, it started with singles, the referee declared.

"Really, it's not as strong as you think, right?"

"It's better to let me meet that lovely girl."

The first to take the lead was Prince Pronce from France, a talented player who once suppressed Ryoma in the main drama.

A master who is a junior high school student who can detect the weakness of a light shot just by looking at it.

He is also a powerful newcomer who lives in another dimension.

He has practiced horse riding since he was a child and has excellent physical balance and physical ability.

"I really don't know why Senior Duke asked me to come."

"It's so boring."

When he walked into the venue, he looked very casual. He easily defeated a neon school yesterday, which made him feel even more bored.

Although today he faced a strong championship school that his teammates repeatedly warned him about, he still ignored it.

He was a new star in the country who had the incarnation of another dimension and was a master of horseback riding. There was no way he could lose.

The advantage must be mine!

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