Chapter 529 528. “National Server” and “First Server”!


"This round is won by Diguang Qingfeng!"



"How can it be?"

"Wild nature overwhelms the other dimension?"

An unexpected scene appeared on the field. Pruns, who was supposed to have an absolute advantage, began to lose points frequently at this moment.

"That's no ordinary wildness."

"He has blessed the wildness in his body, making himself and the wildness become one."

"Strengthen yourself even more based on it."

Berti couldn't help but frowned after seeing through this situation.

He has also seen many wild players, but none of them can do what Aomine does so wildly.

Put wild power into your body?

Let yourself become one with the beast to reach a stronger state?

It was a completely genius idea, and Berti was stunned by it.

The result of extending this approach can be said to be a "little different dimension".

The knight used by Pruns was no match for the swift cheetah.

"No, or from this moment on, you can fully appreciate the huge gap between the two sides."

Noah observed quietly, and then came to a conclusion.


Elmer looked at Noah incomprehensively. He didn't understand why the master tactician said this.

"The other party just used stronger wildness, and it has already caused such interference to the prince."

"If there is any hidden clumsiness, then the prince will definitely not be his opponent."

As a member of France, Jonard can naturally understand the situation on the field.

He finally understood why Duke-senpai cared so much about what "Senior Byodoin" said.

(Duke, this year’s Neon will be the strongest and most comprehensive even without me.)

Remarks that were once incomprehensible now seem so terrifying.

Aomine who is in the third grade of junior high school alone has such strength, so if others are on par with him, it means that the overall standard of junior high school students in Neon will be quite terrifying.


(You cannot see with your eyes.)

(You have to feel it with your body.)

Prongs, who was on the court, didn't care that much. He was just immersed in the game.

How to reverse, how to fight.

That rapid speed is too late to catch up with the naked eye. In this case, the only thing left is to rely on the normal body to sense.

Prons is not a pedantic player. On the contrary, as a newcomer, he always follows new ideas.

This is why he is called "the leader of France's next era."

Talents and talents, potential and strength, ideas and action.

He lacks none of them.

Even in such adversity, he remained calm and looked for opportunities to counterattack.

"it's here!!"

Seizing an opening and swinging back, the knight stabbed out his sword in an instant, forcing the attacking cheetah back.



"Oh, good performance."

"You can still handle it calmly under such circumstances."

Kise looked at Plance's performance in surprise, and was impressed by him.

Normal guys would be shocked to see Qingfeng in such a situation, but Pruns was able to stabilize his mentality and gradually adapt. Just saying this is enough to crush about 90% of newcomers.

"He may also be a very difficult opponent for you."

Imayoshi glanced at Kaibin, and then reminded him.

"I understand that he adapts very well to the game."

"If the outcome cannot be determined quickly, it is very likely that he will seize the opportunity to counterattack."

"Sure enough, the world is big."

Nodding, Kaibin also admitted this. There were only a few national students in their generation who could be considered ordinary.

He was also glad that he came to Neon this year and chose Diguang.

Otherwise, he would have been eliminated by the times and would be at a loss what to do.

Let alone catch up to Ryoma by then, whether he can see his opponent's back is a matter of two opinions.

"Players who have incarnations from different dimensions are indeed not easy to do."

"Hmph, according to the concept of another dimension, I am a group of tough people, so naturally I will not be easily shaken."

"And to be able to do that at that age is extraordinary."

Kagami, Midorima, and Kuroko spoke in turn, and at the same time they also affirmed Plance's performance.

This French first grade is very good.

"But... it's a pity."

"Feng Zai is not completely serious at all."

If it were the time they were at that time, Prongs might have been a good opponent, but now.

Not an opponent at all.

In the wilderness, the cheetah and the knight continued to fight. After beginning to adapt, Plance also developed strategies to attack.

(It’s difficult to deal with his speed, so you need to lure the enemy with yourself.)

(Fight back while avoiding fatal wounds, just like he did.)

He made a corresponding decision in his heart, and the fact that he can be so strong with the power of another dimension fully demonstrates his strength.

In the main drama, during the battle with Ryoma, he was able to quickly understand the super sweet spot style just by watching and exploring, which is enough to prove his excellence.




But just when he was about to act as before, Qingfeng's further actions overturned all plans and responses.

"Can it be faster?"

Looking at the knight who was knocked over in horror, Pronce held the broken racket in his hand and didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment.

This time it was no longer the case of a person being overturned, but the cheetah directly overturned the horse and the person together.

You must know that his knight incarnation is wearing heavy armor, and the same is true for the horse.

But now... got knocked over head-on by a cheetah?

What an incredible picture.

"Is that the so-called Zone?"

Berti had a thoughtful look on her face, carefully observing Aomine's changes and murmuring in a low voice.

The electric light stimulated by his eyes is constantly flashing all over the body.

Different from the information obtained in the intelligence, it seems to be a different kind of zone.

"In addition to stronger wildness, is there also a stronger Zone?"

Judging this, Berti looked very unhappy.

If this is true, it means that these foreigners have been staying in the "national server" while the other party is in the "first server".

The quality and information are just one level behind.


"This round is won by Diguang Qingfeng!"



It was a completely unexpected situation, and Prance was completely in danger this time.

(my hand.)

The hand holding the racket was shaking, which was the result of forcing an unbearable ball.

Even if I could barely change my hand to deal with it, it was too insignificant.



The score difference is constantly widening, but at this moment, he is not struggling like before.

Even the power of the incarnation of another dimension seems so fragile now.

Because what Prons is facing now is...

Wild selfless + full power zone Qingfeng!

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