Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 530 529 Berti Noah VS Murasakibara Kuroko!

Chapter 530 529. Berti Noah VS Murasakibara Kuroko!

"Sure enough, if you show too much strength, your opponent will be unable to withstand it."

This is not the first time this scene has appeared, Vulcan is already used to it.

"It's not good to be too harsh, Kagami-kun."

"The opponent is only a first-year student after all."

Kuroko glanced at him, then reminded.

"I know, I just feel it's a pity."

"There are only a few people who can fight with us."

"If you use more things, the seemingly equal confrontation will become tilted."

Looking at Kuroko speechlessly, Kagami then explained aloud.

He knew this, but he didn't mean to look down on the other party.

"Well, I can only say that the opponent is not strong enough."

Kise didn't have too many opinions, and they wouldn't look down on him just because he was a newcomer to the country.

After all, who hasn’t been through that age?

They also hate it when someone talks about their grade.

"However, he is also a very good newcomer."

"France is lucky to have such players."

Momoi's words are not a joke. Judging from Plance's current situation, it is true that the future is promising.

I believe that he will perform equally well in the third year of junior high school.


"This set was won by Teiko Aomine."



It had almost become one-sided, and Prons was unable to turn the tide, or in other words, he didn't even have room to struggle.

Qingfeng in this state is still too supermodel for him.

If we just say that he is wild and selfless, he can rely on the power of another dimension to deal with it, but after superimposing BUFF, Qingfeng is no longer something he can handle.

"Thanks for the guidance!"

Standing in front of the Internet, Prons didn't have any negative emotions, he just said those words with an open mind.

Although he lost this time, he did learn a lot.

Prongs is not a bad-hearted guy, so he will naturally put away his arrogance and face it.

(There are also such strong guys among foreign seniors.)

It would be better to say that today also broadened his horizons. His previous self was still not perfect, and he still needed to continue to polish and become stronger.


In response, Qingfeng, who had returned to normal, didn't say anything, but smiled evilly.

After realizing that Prongs was in a pulling state, Qingfeng changed his style of play and used stronger strength to press him to see if there could be any change.

But it seems that he still thinks too much.

There seem to be only a few players who can evolve in the game.

"Are you okay?"

Jonard looked at Pronce walking back and asked in a low voice.

"Huh? It's just a loss. It's nothing."

"What's more, that senior is also very friendly."

He didn't feel disappointed at all, as Plance responded very normally.

Although you are unwilling to do so, there is always a gap in strength. What is there to care about?

"That's okay, I'm afraid you can't accept it."

After taking a breath, Jonnar patted his chest and said relaxedly.

"Who do you think I am?"

"It's not like I was beaten like this by my peers."

If he was beaten like this by his peers, Prance would definitely be a little emotional.

But it is acceptable to be beaten like this by a senior, even if it is just a foreign senior from the third grade of junior high school.

After all, they have practiced for two more years than me, and their talents are not bad, so what does it mean if they can't beat me?

There is no need to worry about it and make yourself uncomfortable.

The main reason is that I am not strong enough to overtake in corners.

"Invite the No. 2 doubles players on both sides to come forward!"

The referee's voice also sounded appropriately at this moment, urging people to enter the field.

"Sa, please give me some advice."

Noah glanced at Berti who also picked up the racket and spoke.

"Each other."

Berti looked at Noah and responded in the same way.

Both of them came here on behalf of various countries. As members of the rational faction, they actually got along surprisingly well when getting along.

Therefore, the doubles combination for this time was finalized and negotiated.

Due to the strength of these two people, no one dared to say anything.

What's more, he still occupies a doubles position that most people don't want to go to.

Naturally, no one will object.

"Oh, it seems that the opponent has come up with a very heavyweight test paper."

Bai Jin looked at the two people and said in surprise.

"Noah, I know, the other one is the profession Momoi mentioned before, right?"

After hearing what he said, Vulcan then asked.

"Berti Barisavage Polke"

"Yes, he graduated from a prestigious school in Germany at the age of 13. He is a super genius and professional player with an IQ of 300."

"He himself is also a proficient player in doubles."

“He is also the younger brother of Polk, the current No. 1 professional.”

Momoi nodded, and then began to provide everyone with information about the visitor.

"Isn't this a bit exaggerated?"

"No, he has graduated from a prestigious school, why can he still participate in competitions for junior high school students?"

"You're going to use a German sword to kill neon, right?"

After hearing the detailed content, even Murasakihara, who had always been too lazy to understand the information, became serious.

Regardless of his identity, Berti's background is quite large, or his life history is very outrageous.

But now such a player is paired with another master.

Berti + Noah

Now a professional and doubles master + tactician

Even if they are not from the same country, they will still become a quite threatening combination.

If they didn't send corresponding combat forces up here, they might really be in danger of losing.

(As expected of Momoi-senpai.)

(Often able to handle things calmly and make judgments.)

After understanding the opponent's terrible combination, Aida Reiko was also thankful for the situation during the formation.

(Considering the worst case scenario)

(So ​​we need to use the same strong players to conquer it.)

Intelligence is a life-saver when it comes in handy.

If you bump into this group while ignorant, there may be no return.

"It's probably the best choice for both of them."

Midorima looked at the two people walking onto the court silently, and then said.

"Hey, isn't that a given?"

Qingfeng looked at someone's back and showed a proud expression.

Facing such a strong lineup from the opponent, Diguang made the choice

Murasakihara Atsushi + Kuroko Tetsuya.

"We meet again, Kuroko-san."

"The last time we faced each other in the arena was two years ago."

"I won't be careless this time."

Noah looked at the familiar scene in front of him and couldn't help but smile and said.

He didn't expect such a dramatic scene.

Two years ago, I met Kuroko in the doubles, and two years later, I met Kuroko again in the doubles.

"That's interesting, isn't it?"

Berti looked at the towering Murasaki Field opposite and thought of his partner.

The other party seems to be well prepared.

Berti didn't care about this. Instead, he looked forward to the confrontation between strong men.

Because this way more information can be collected.

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