Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 532 531 Counterattack!

Chapter 532 531. Counterattack!


"This round is won by Nagoya Berti and Noah!"



"Are those two foreign guys so powerful?"

"Di Guang's third grade actually lost a game first!"

Compared with the players who knew the identity of the person coming, many people watching the game outside did not know the inside story. They only saw the picture of the opponent taking the lead and were surprised.

You must know that the person standing on the field is Atsushi Murasakihara.

It is much more difficult to score from him than against other masters.

After all, that strange physique and defensive range are a nightmare for many players.

But now, they not only saw the scene of losing points, but also discovered that the opponent did not rely on coincidence, but scored through hard power.


"Every one of them is irritating."

Murasakihara pouted, his tall body looked down at the two people in front of him, and said in an unhappy tone.

This was the first time that he was "disgusted" by someone using a low ball like this.

Berti's skilled fighting style really annoyed him.

Noah's technical style of giving two spins just made it difficult for him to fight back.

"Little Murasakibara is very restricted."

Kise looked at that look and said immediately.

"This also shows that the opponent is very strong."

"Being able to hit a line like that against Murasakibara's physique is something that ordinary players can't do."

Midorima recalled Berti's every move and was surprised by his fighting style.

It seems that no one among them has ever dealt with Murasakibara like this, so Murasakibara is not used to dealing with this kind of play.

(But that’s not an easy ball to master.)

But at the same time Midorima also understands that this requires a lot of experience and practice against the enemy to be possible.

If you don't understand huge players very well and often practice analysis with this goal in mind, it's impossible to hit that kind of golf course.

"As expected of a professional, I do have the same feeling as Alex and the others."

Kagami is no stranger to the appearance of this scene. In the past, when Alex trained him and Himuro, he would often hit tricky shots that left the two of them helpless.

Professional experience.

It can be said that it is the calmness inherent in having experienced hundreds of battles.

"It's indeed stronger than expected."

"In doubles matches in professional competitions, he can easily defeat the opponent in many cases."

"Calm personality, specializes in doubles."

"Know all the information about your opponent's game data, special moves, strategic methods, habits and personality at one hand."

"Based on data collection and reasoning, and coordinated strategies, you can occupy a favorable position in the game. Even if you have never seen a move before, you can quickly decipher it with your excellent brain and judgment."

This is Berti Barisavage Polk.

An all-around doubles player.

Momoi also realized this, so he asked for safety and let Murasakibara play.

Because compared to Kagami and Kise, it is undoubtedly easier for Murasakibara, who is relatively stable, to control the situation and fight.

After all, Murasakihara had no obvious shortcomings and was able to cope with many situations, but the only thing that made Momoi miscalculate was that Berti had the experience and technical skills to deal with players with larger bodies.

This led to an accident at the beginning.

"Well, there's no need to be too anxious."

"The game has just begun."

Bai Jin and Akashi glanced at the restless crowd, and then spoke to each other.

Although their opponents are strong, they are not weak here.

Murasakibara and Kuroko are not that easy to deal with.


(Huh? The ball path has changed?)

Berti looked at Murasakibara who moved slightly, frowning and analyzing.

Then unexpectedly, I saw Murasakihara no longer hitting the ball hard, but picking the exact spot where Noah was and hitting it.

"Did you target me?"

His mind was still awake, and Noah was always alert. He took a step forward and swung out at the same time.

(When he hits back, the ball will come from the left. At this time, he will hit his inside foot with a backhand volley)

Berti has already analyzed the next attack pattern and is preparing for it.

But when he thought this way, he found that something seemed wrong with the development of things.


While he was stunned, the ball was returned early.


He failed to realize who was hitting the ball, nor was he aware of the opponent's position.

"Sure enough, it's here."

On the contrary, Noah had already been waiting, filling in and counterattacking.

"too slow!"

Murasakihara looked at the ball hit by Noah, ran forward and waved his arms to hit it directly.



Scoring the first point also heralded the beginning of their counterattack.

"Is this the consciousness induction you mentioned before?"

Berti covered her head, then looked at Noah and asked.

"If you relax even a little bit about him, it will become like this."

"How does it feel?"

Knowing very well what condition Berti is in now, Noah responded with a smile.

"Ah, it feels so bad, like my brain is blocked."

"Very critical information is missing and is not circulating at all."

"I can't even remember what the other person's name is or what he looks like."

Berti did not hide it, but stared ahead with wide eyes, trying to observe something.

Unfortunately, no matter how he looked, he couldn't see the other person.

(Completely erased from my mind?)

(What a terrible opponent.)

Realizing the current situation, Berti finally realized what Noah meant by "tricky" before the game.

I can't remember the other person's existence at all.

This creates a fatal flaw in doubles play.

Especially for an all-rounder like Berti who is very good at analysis, the impact will be even greater.

The lack of information about a key person will lead to omissions in the cooperation between him and his partners.

Even well-negotiated tactics and formations can create instability.

(The only way to break through his situation is to force him to show up in front of me once and remember him completely.)

Even though he couldn't escape at this time, Berti still knew how to deal with it.





"Oh, we started a counterattack!"

"Yes, that's it, don't let them underestimate us!"

As the referee's voice continued to sound, the onlookers were also shouting.

"Oh, it seems I arrived in time."

"Senior, you are in the wrong place."

Jusaburo Mori looked at Shuji Taneshima in front of him and couldn't help but feel helpless.

They should have arrived a long time ago, but they walked to the wrong venue and missed the No. 3 singles in the first game.

"But it looks like we're pretty lucky. It happens to be a doubles match."

"And he's on the field."

Pointing at the player with blue hair, Mori introduced him to Taneshima.

"Kuroko Tetsuya."

"Is that the junior high school student you mentioned, who is very similar to me?"

"Then I'll take a closer look."

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