Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 533 532 Synchrony!

Chapter 533 532. Synchrony!


"Teiko Murasakibara and Kuroko win this round!"



Compared to being suppressed before, Noah, who was alone, failed to cope well and frequently lost points.

"Sure enough, Xiao Heizi's trick will also be effective for professions."

Kise clenched his fist, feeling proud of Kuroko's performance. Berti was affected and made an awkward mistake.

This resulted in a flaw in his and Noah's tag team.

"For those who have not experienced it, Kuroko's move is the most troublesome interference."

"Especially when my opponent is a player who is good at using his brain."

If there's anyone who hasn't struggled with his moves, it's Kuroko other than him.

Unless you encounter a special thinking player like Noah, sight induction can still be effective as long as the time is right.

And the consciousness induction is so powerful that it hinders the opponent's brain thinking and memory, causing mental confusion and ambiguity, leading to errors in judgment, and in serious cases, it can even cause players to fall into self-doubt.

And the conditions for its effectiveness are very simple. As long as the opponent ignores the sunspots in his thinking for a moment, it will be effective.

This is quite easy to achieve.

As strong as Berti was warned by Noah before the game, and still fell into the trap, you can see how tricky it is.

The loss of these two games is inseparable from the contribution of consciousness induction, because it successfully broke up the cooperation between Berti and Noah, and caused the former to fall into confusion, causing Noah to fight alone.

"How about it?"

On the field, Noah looked at Berti who was silent and walked over and asked softly.

"It sucks to be honest."

Berti tried to think back as much as possible, but to no avail.

Even if he knew how to get rid of the influence of consciousness induction, he just couldn't do it.

As long as Heizi reappears in his consciousness, he will not let it go again to avoid the influence of consciousness induction.

Unfortunately, Heizi didn't give him this chance.

Even though it was now Kuroko's serve, he still couldn't see or hear Kuroko's movements.

This was the first time he encountered such a headache.

Even if he wanted to do something, the instinctive confusion deep in his brain would cause his movements to freeze.

That feeling of worrying about another person but not being able to let go, has been restraining myself for a long time.

Having said that, you can't just fight randomly, otherwise the "invisible" Heizi will seize the flaw and fight back.

Noah alone cannot withstand the dual attack of Murasakibara and Kuroko.

"It seems like this will force us to resort to the first resort."

The current situation has become like this, and there is nothing that can be done about it. Noah also relies on his experience to always be wary of sunspots, so he will not fall into the trap.

To be honest, he paid more attention to Kuroko than the huge Murasakibara.

It was because of this realization that Kuroko hid behind Murasakibara many times in order to disappear from the field of vision, and then physically reduce his sense of existence before further planning.

Judging from the results, Noah was not fooled, but Berti was.

(This competition has been going on since the moment the ball was served.)

This familiar sense of confrontation made him miss the scene of his confrontation with Atobe.

Even though Kuroko is not a master of tactics, he is also a "miracle" and "legend" in the doubles field.

So Noah won't underestimate him



The serve came, and Noah took the lead to hit back.

The ball drew a beautiful line in the air with a beautiful arc and fell to the baseline.

"It's hard to say that this has made you pass."

Murasakihara just stood up straight, without even jumping, and waved his arms to hit the slightly higher ball back in a smashing manner.


Berti reacted correctly to the ball and faced it after it bounced off the net.


"That guy hit Murasakibara's ball back without changing his expression."

"If Heizi hadn't suppressed him, I'm afraid the situation wouldn't have been so smooth."

Vulcan stared at the smooth counterattack and had a deep impression on Berti.

This person is not only technically excellent, but also has superior basic physical abilities.

It is normal for most people to be blown away when facing Murasakihara, let alone catching the ball.

But he was able to fight back with one hand without making a sound.

"However, it shouldn't go so smoothly."

"Both of them didn't seem panicked at all."

Akashi looked at Berti and Noah's gradually unified movements and steps, and noticed something fishy.

"Murrasakihara-kun, be careful."

"Something's coming."

Heizi, who was hiding behind him, seemed to feel something and frowned as he reminded him.


In this regard, Murasakihara could only remain silent. After all, he also felt that the other party's atmosphere had changed a bit.


Kuroko crossed the midfield area and returned Noah's shot.

Under normal circumstances, Berti, who had been induced by consciousness, would not be able to react to this ball.

It can only be left to Noah to continue to deal with it.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened.




That's when Berti sprinted towards the ball with flying grace and then hit a sharp volley to win the point.


After reacting, Murasakihara looked at Berti in disbelief. The ball was hit so neatly and smoothly that his racket missed the ball by a little.

"He escaped from the consciousness induction?"

"How did you do it?"


Many people didn't understand Berti's reaction when they saw it.

How did he suddenly adapt to the situation when he was clearly affected just a moment ago?

"That is.!?"

But then some people reacted when they saw the white light wrapped around his body.


However, Kise was surprised. This scene was really unbelievable.

In the venue, Berti and Noah emitted white light together, and their actions reached a consensus.

"Are they really not from the same country?"

With such questions in mind, Vulcan exclaimed.

A German profession, an Australian military advisor, two unrelated players, actually used synchrony here?

"Isn't it true that only those with special tacit understanding and high adaptability can have the chance to activate synchrony?"

That's something you only have the opportunity to come into contact with as a double team that reverses a desperate situation.

But now that they actually saw Berti and Noah using this move, it seemed a bit shocking.

After all, it is impossible for these two people to have long-term communication, and they don't even live together.

"For both of them"

"Coherence may not be as difficult as imagined."

Kuroko looked at the two people in front of him, his eyes narrowed, and he spoke to Murasakihara in a natural tone.


"Because it's these two people"

"That's why it's so easy to do."

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