Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 535 534 has no solution to its advantages! Ancient holy pterodactyl!

Chapter 535 534. The advantage is inextricable! Ancient holy pterodactyl!



The form is far worse than imagined.

As the game progressed, Berti and Noah felt the increasing pressure.

Every time the defense becomes more difficult, the opponent's attacks become stronger and stronger.

"Is that also the same tone?"

With such questions, Noah opened his eyes, looked at the other person and murmured.

Surrounded by the same white light as our own, but the difference is that there are a few more light spots and apertures.

"Of course it's the same tune"

"But it's not the same one you use."

The person who answered him was Heizi, who had already shown his sharpness, and his calm expression and words were quite stressful.

"Is this the rumored doubles miracle?"

“I kind of understand the content of that local legend.”

After hearing Kuroko's words, Berti seemed to understand something and spoke.

Berti now understood the reason why coach Ray Cantru and his brother Polk also paid special attention to Kuroko Tetsuya.

As a leader in doubles, Berti understood the importance of sunspots.

In the realm of doubles, tennis has not seen such a figure in decades.

Since the original "synchrony" and "ability resonance" were recognized and popularized by the world, no new tricks have appeared.

But now, in the known common sense, someone has once again demonstrated a brand new power system in an unknown manner.

This is bound to bring new vitality and impact to the current tennis world.

Just like the original seamlessness and various different-dimensional powers.

And according to Heizi's ability, he will definitely become a new leader and founder.

The content of this identity is much more exaggerated than the so-called "professional" title.

What's more, he himself has considerable strength, and seems to be a special player born for doubles.

Once you step into this area of ​​the world, it is bound to cause a storm.

Mysterious connection, excess.

Coupled with the improved synchronization this time, its importance is fully demonstrated.

(Berti, if you can, I hope you can analyze clearly the playing style of Kuroko Tetsuya.)

(He has magical powers. Once we can study them, we can also gain many advantages.)

No wonder they sent him, who had already graduated from school, to come to Nagoya, a junior high school.

In addition to collecting information on other junior high school students, it was also specifically designed to allow him to get close contact with Kuroko.

After all, he is also one of the strongest doubles players in the German team.

Maybe you can find some clues from this.



(Each ball is heavier than the other.)

(It’s like having the power of an incarnation from another dimension.)

(Forget it about Kuroko Tetsuya alone, Murasakihara Atsushi has also improved tremendously.)

It can't be stopped at all.

Berti made this judgment at this moment.

Just like meeting on a narrow road and being chased by the enemy after gaining strength, it was impossible for him and Noah to stop the offensive.

“The strength and power of the shots are getting stronger as the margin gets bigger.”

Midorima observed this very keenly, and then spoke.

"Of course, if you give yourself and your teammates the power of the incarnation of another dimension, they will naturally be so powerful."

"Even if the opponent has all kinds of strategies, there is nothing he can do at this moment."

"Besides me, he is the only person who can use the power of multiple different-dimensional incarnations in such a complicated way."

Bai Jin knew very well what was attached to Kuroko and Murasakibara now.

Regardless of the effectiveness of super volume and connection, Kuroko simply developed these as new techniques.

His weird mental power is enough to support his thoughts and imagination, and by the way, it seems to resonate with his due existence.

That is, the monsters of the "elf world".

Compared to Baijin's direct development and use without media, Kuroko has one more step.

That is to borrow different "summoning methods" and downgrade them in the form of different-dimensional incarnations. This is the truth of "coherence, excess, and connection".

Compared to Omo Akashi's pendulum, which is meant to provoke crowds into beatings, Kuroko's is more in line with his unique personality.

Because Heizi prefers "a group of people" to have fun.

In a sense, the so-called protagonist might be more attractive to the elves, although Kuroko's hairstyle is not the type that is very good at playing cards.

And the power used by the synchronization that Kuroko has shown now can also be treated as an incarnation from another dimension.

But unlike others, the blessings he received include his teammates.

The spirit possessed at this time is the level 7 "Ancient Holy Winged Dragon".

The effect shown by conforming to the rules of this world is.

[When your score is higher than your opponent's, your attack ability will increase by the difference, otherwise it will decrease. 】

Having only led one game before, Murasakihara's power had already allowed Berti's racket to be easily penetrated.

This is an ability with unsolvable advantages

Especially when this effect is given to a player like Murasakihara who has exceptional strength.

The chain reaction caused by that is enough to crush any opponent in front of you.


"Teiko Murasakibara and Kuroko win this round!"



The difference in points in three games was enough to enhance the offensive abilities of Murasakihara and Kuroko to a terrifying level.

This is why Berti and Noah concluded that they couldn't stop it at all.

They have already felt it from the changes in their opponents

It's not that they gave up so easily, but that they really couldn't see the possibility that could be blocked.

Because Kuroko and Murasakibara's growth in strength is beyond common sense and incomprehensible.

"How do you feel, suddenly defeated like a mountain?"

Prons was also confused. Berti and Noah had the advantage before, so why did they collapse into such a one-sided situation in the blink of an eye?

"Sure enough, that synchrony has a secret existence that we don't know about."

Jonard bit his thumb and thought about the previous process, but they couldn't deeply understand the situation in the game just by watching.

"This is what is called breaking all laws with one force, right?"

Berti glanced at Noah and then said.

"We should have stopped them before they started to gain momentum."

"Now that it's become like this, there's nothing we can do to stop it."

Smiling helplessly, Noah was a little at his wits end.

Before he and Berti could use what they were good at, Heizi was smothered to death by Heizi's hand.

In this situation, nothing may be possible.

"But, no matter what, there should be weaknesses."

"The final struggle still needs to be done."

Waiting to serve, Berti and Noah still reached a consensus.

This time they were suddenly hit by such an attack and suffered a heavy loss, which really surprised them.

Later, he and Noah were also glad to have come to Neon today.

"Fortunately, it's just an inconsequential game. It's worth getting out such important information."

"The real outcome should be decided in the World Championships."

"Maybe that's what they think?"

Akashi looked at the two people who still planned to resist and expressed their inner thoughts.

"If so, they are dead wrong."

"Eh? Senior, why do you say that?"

"It might be troublesome for other people, but it's not a possibility."

"Heizi doesn't care about this leak at all?"


(19/12)Difference 7

It's rare that I'm not busy tonight.

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