Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 536 535 has some strength, but not much!

Chapter 536 535. A little strength, but not much!


"This set is won by Teiko Murasakibara and Kuroko!"



After Kuroko used the power of synchronization, Berti and Noah had no chance to resist.

At one point, he won the game cleanly with an overwhelming offensive.

"Phew! As expected, Hei Zai and Hei Zai are the best in doubles."

Letting out a sigh of relief, Murasakibara felt the remaining energy gradually dissipating as he spoke.

Putting aside the issue of coordination, just this kind of play that can increase one's own strength is not something ordinary people can do.

"Sure enough, you are really a group of rising stars that cannot be underestimated."

Standing in front of the net, Berti looked at Murasakibara and Kuroko and expressed sincere praise.

To be honest, he didn't expect that he would lose by such a big score without any suspense before the game.

Although he was caught off guard, it also proved that his opponent had such strength and level.

He and Noah weren't able to fully perform, but the same goes for Kuroko and Murasakibara.

I never imagined that Neon could have such a powerful junior high school student now.

"It was a bit of a failure."

Although he saw different synchronizations, Noah still felt a sense of frustration.

This is even more intuitive than two years ago. A strength that makes him completely helpless directly turns any tactics and plans into bubbles.

Many of the methods he and Berti hid failed to come into use and they declared bankruptcy.

"See you on that stage next time."

After waving their hands and saying goodbye to each other, Noah finally said to Heizi.

"That stage?"

Hearing this, Murasakihara and Kuroko were both slightly startled.

Since they have not yet learned the rules of the World Championship, they naturally have no idea what Noah is referring to.

“I was really shocked at the beginning.”

"I didn't expect that the two seniors would be at a disadvantage."

Seeing the result go so smoothly, Reiko Aida also realized the danger involved.

The opponent is indeed stronger than expected, but he is still no match for his senior.

"It's a good timing."

Shirazu recognized Kuroko's sense of the ball very much. He used synchronization when he was leading, and added the "Ancient Holy Winged Dragon", which has an extremely powerful effect when he is ahead.

Berti and Noah were crushed to death in one breath.

It gave the two of them a sense of despair that they were unable to resist even if they saw through it.

Under other circumstances, it might not be possible to do this.

"Sa, who will they send next?"

Qingfeng turned his gaze to the opposite side, and was quite interested in this kind of opponent that appeared by chance.

He also realized that in addition to his old domestic rivals, there were also foreign players who were worthy of him fighting.

"There are not many who can fight."

"Just be appropriate."

Although there are still one or two familiar faces, with the strength of the Miracles, they are not particularly strong opponents now, so there is no suspense at all.

Bai Jin, who knew the inside story, was wondering about something.

This time the so-called foreign coalition forces came in from Germany, France, Switzerland, and Australia.

There are a few less famous ones such as the United States and Spain.

He could understand that there were no visitors from Spain, after all, it was a gathering place for freaks.

I'm afraid the United States couldn't find suitable junior high school students, so they gave up, right?

After all, in the main drama, except for Ryoma, there seems to be no junior high school student in the United States.

Another sad thing is that the UK doesn’t even have a high school captain.

(Isn’t there one among American junior high school students?)

Suddenly realizing something, Bai Jin turned to look at Kaibin and fell silent.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but the appearance of Kaibin seems to have just made up for one of the missing pieces of the puzzle in the United States.

Judging from the situation in the World Championship, there is a chance that Kaibin will be called up.

After all, after training, he has the scale and strength to initially contact the world.

Otherwise, Kaibin would not have been so blatant in trying to compare with Prince Pronce of France.

(Is this a coincidence?)

He always felt that something unimaginable would happen in this year's World Championship, and Bai Jin suddenly started to look forward to it.

"That's Henry Nobel III of Switzerland."

"He is called a young genius."

"He comes from a noble family like that French prince Plance."

Momoi looked at the opponent's No. 2 singles player and immediately explained.

"Why do you feel like you have to wear a skin to play ball?"

"If he's not a prince, he's some kind of noble son."

"Is this comparing your family background?"

Kise had to complain about the origins of this group of people. You can forget about Berti and Noah.

Why are there two so-called young masters from famous families?

Everyone is here to play ball, not to show off their titles, right?

"Wouldn't it be better if you just act like Akashi?"

Kagami looked at him, not quite understanding why Kise was struggling with this issue.

If we really want to talk about this identity issue, isn’t there Akashi, the young master of the consortium, among them?

"That's completely different. Little Akashi doesn't have anyone calling him prince or noble son."

"That's why their names sound weird."

"Don't you think the emperor is not weird anymore?"


After comparing it with others, Kise finally found that he just couldn't adapt to foreign nicknames, so he didn't say much.

"What grade is that guy in?"

"Third grade, the same age as us."

Seeing Kagami asking this matter, Momoi immediately answered.


"Then I really hope he can give me some help."

Picking up the racket, Kagami stretched his body and then spoke.

"It's better not to have too high expectations."

"After all, even though they are all geniuses, there are differences between geniuses."

Seeing Kagami's expectant look, Bai Jin reminded him.

In my impression, this Swiss nobleman has some strength, but not much.

Generally speaking, it should be inferior to Prince Pronce of France.

"Two consecutive defeats? If this were in a real competition, my life would probably be hanging by a thread, right?"

"What bad news."

Compared to the relaxed atmosphere in Teikou, Nagoya is much heavier.

Facing Berti and Noah, Plance no longer felt that strange.

"Not really."

"Coming here, isn't it the greatest good news?"

Noah immediately laughed when he heard this. The reason why he came was to see what the level of neon this year was.

I'm not here to compete.

"I'd rather not know, maybe it's better."

As a member of the data masters, Jonar had a headache. The existing intelligence was simply not enough to support a complete analysis.

It just adds to his troubles.

"It's all the same. No one expected the neon lights to be so strong."

"They're scarier than we thought."

Thinking of the cautious attitude of his brother Polk and Q·P, Berti finally understood their concerns.

This year's World Championship may be more difficult than they imagined.

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