Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 537 536 Seigaku and Hikachu! Fuji VS Kute!

Chapter 537 536. Seigaku and Hikachu! Fuji VS Kute!


Compared to the external fight between Teikou and Nagoya, other major powerful schools are also waging fierce battles on their own side.

The first is the competition between Seigaku and Higa.



Qingxue took the lead with two consecutive wins.

"Is it really you?"

Mu Shu looked at Fuji who appeared on the stage, and his tone was not surprised at all.

"Besides me, there's no one else qualified to be Qingxue's No. 2 singles player, right?"

With a slight smile, Fuji said the most subtle words with the kindest expression.


Ryoma outside the court subconsciously wanted to retort when he heard this sentence, but he still held it back.

It's better to keep the kind of attention-grabbing gossip to a minimum.

He is just holding back and preparing to give others a big surprise.

"Huh, sorry about that."

"I have to defeat you."

He stretched out his hand to lift the lens, and said seriously with his head lowered.

"You are so confident, then let me see your ancient martial arts."

Those arrogant words did not make Fuji feel unhappy, but instead made him full of expectations.

Inui Sadaharu's information has not fallen behind at all. They Qingxue also know a little bit about how much progress Mu Shu has made now.


"Just hit Phoenix serve when you come up?!"

"Senior Fuji is serious!"

"Idiot, how serious is that? It's just a test."

Fuji stood at the baseline, twisting his wrist to hit a serving move that had not been seen for a long time.

Compared to the shock of the first graders, Kaitang and the others knew exactly what this move was used for.

To put it bluntly, the current Zero Serve, Phoenix Serve, and Perfect Tannhäuser Serve are used to "abuse food."

Facing real masters, Tezuka, Fuji, and Atobe have never used it.

Because they know it has no effect at all.

On the contrary, if they are fighting weaker players, they will take the initiative to use this trick.

After all, it’s the easiest and fastest way to score without any bells and whistles.

"I've really been underestimated."

Arriving at the spot where the ball was about to fall, Mu Shu leaned sideways, placed the racket diagonally above his shoulder and whispered.

"Takeda-ryu Aiki no Jutsu!"


Fuji raised his eyelids slightly, squinting and staring at the gradually changing direction in the air.

For that sensitive point, he noticed a change.

The wind has changed!


"The ball seems to be bouncing?"

"Phoenix serve failed?"

Everyone was surprised when they saw that the serve that was supposed to hit the ground and slide out unexpectedly happened, and was easily counterattacked by the wooden hand.

"You can actually change the direction of the wind manually, and even affect the movement of the ball."

"Kite Eishiro"

"It seems that his evaluation can be improved to another level."

Recording the data in the field, Inui Sadaharu crossed out the previous information and then evaluated it.

All the information in his hand is old, and it is unclear how many moves Mu Hand has hidden.


"I see."

"It's really not good for me."

He didn't use any more moves right away, but Fuji still maintained a smile and said.

The kind of ancient martial arts that can affect "wind" is enough to shut down many of Fuji's moves.

Plus other martial arts schools hidden in the future.

No wonder Mu Shou was so confident that he would defeat him.


"I haven't been waiting for anyone for so long."



Fuji's faint voice rang in his ears. Mu Shu was stunned when he saw the tennis ball that bounced off the ground but disappeared. Even though he subconsciously swung the racket towards the place where it disappeared, he still didn't feel that he touched the ball.

"Disappearing serve?"

"Isn't this a return? How could it be a serve? And it only disappeared when the ball bounced."

"It seems that Eishiro didn't hit back even when he swung the racket from such a close distance."

That magical move still surprises people, and many people don't know what Fuji did.

"Here we go again."



After performing the same move again, Fuji still smiled as he looked at Mu Shu.

"Takeda-ryu Aiki no Jutsu!"


Once again, he swung the racket towards the blank space. Even with the addition of ancient martial arts that changed the "wind", there was still no real sense of hitting the ball.

(Isn’t it affected by the wind?)

After pondering the feeling of waving it empty just now, Mu Shu also came to a conclusion.

That is, the ball changed its trajectory after becoming invisible.

Exclude the illusion, otherwise there is no reason why he would be empty.

(Among the moves that Fuji Shusuke is good at, those that can change the trajectory include the white dragon and the mayfly shroud that uses both offense and defense.)

(Excluding the effects of wind, that is.)

After making some corresponding thoughts and judgments, and being convinced of the result, Mu Shou probably knew how to deal with it next time.


"The ball bounces and disappears!"

Fuji fought back again, but this time Mu Shu closed his eyes.

"Yagyu's heart is flowing"

In the pitch-black environment, Mu Shu clearly captured the flickering white light this time.

"it's here!!"



He responded fluently and scored a point directly, which also surprised everyone.

"He countered Fuji-senpai's moves"

"This is just the beginning of the third at-bat."

"You saw through it so quickly?"

But they were surprised. It was only the third goal and the opponent was able to fight back. This was a bit too fast.

"Hey, Eishiro is the strongest among us Higa!"

"How could I be defeated by your little tricks!"

"Yeah yeah!!"

Everyone in the excited Higa cheered and became happy.

"As a minister, he still has his own outstanding qualities."

Looking at the situation on the field and the scene of complete trust, Tezuka admired him.

Compared to his unmentionable performance last year, the wooden hand now looks decent.

His variety of moves and solid foundation earned him a place among his peers in the third grade.

"Is it also the mind's eye?"

"No wonder."

Feeling the moves Mu Shu used, Fuji saw through them immediately.

He himself is good at the "Mind's Eye" technique, and Mu Shou can use another type of "Mind's Eye", so it is not an accident that he can break the "disappearing ephemera shroud".



(His senses have become very sharp, and he can function very well even without relying on his eyes.)

After fighting again, Fuji really found that Mu Shu was very good at it.



(It seems that I have worked very hard this year)

With such an evaluation, Fuji was not in a hurry even if he continued to lose points.


"Yangliu Cannon Technique!"


The racket was penetrated, which also brought an end to the start.

"Higa Nakabuki wins this round!"



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