Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 540 539 The results of both sides!

Chapter 540 539. Results from both sides!


"This game is won by Emperor Guang Vulcan!"



The referee's declaration was made, and the situation ended in this situation.

With almost no sweat, Vulcan easily won the set.

"Three consecutive losses"

"According to the formal competition, it is over."

Touching his chin, Noah looked at this scene and said regretfully.

"But unfortunately, this so-called national competition requires five games before the semi-finals."

"So there's still a chance left."

"Isn't it?"

Berti also saves other worries. For them, today they can force out more of Di Guang's strength and understand more.

"But if it's like Henry, the information obtained is meaningless."

Sighing, Jonard felt a little discouraged.

The next thing left in Nagoya is Elmer and him, plus an able fighter named Tibetan Usagi.

But if the fight continues, it is still unknown how much force the opponent can be forced to use.

Luck is almost like Henry and Vulcan, others will defeat you purely by relying on their own flat A.

The data collected can be said to be close to nothing.

"No matter what, fight until the end."

Berti didn't worry about anything. He could collect whatever he could.

You can't come here in vain.

"It feels like I'm in a very delicate position."

Elmer's expression was very stiff, and he looked at Jonard and Tibetan Hare who came on stage and whispered.

As a rising star in Germany, it would have been a great honor for him to make his final appearance as a single.

But now I feel bad no matter how I look at it

The other group of people are obviously the same age as myself, but they are all terrifyingly powerful.

Even if it was France's Plans, he didn't have the confidence to deal with it.

It would be strange not to feel terrified if he was asked to fight against a player of the level that could easily defeat Prons.

"There's nothing to be nervous about."

"Just play at your own pace."

"Just treat it as normal training."

Seeing Elmer's changing attitude and mood, Berti also knew what he was thinking.

Before I came here, I acted like "I am strong", but now I feel stupid no matter how I think about it.

As for what kind of opponent he will encounter in singles, Berti cannot guarantee.

after all

Diguang's formation has never been so predictable. The team is too versatile and has an attitude of having fun in arranging the players.

"Hey, let's have some fun."

Kise stood in front of the net, looking at the two strangers and said expectantly.


Compared to the silence of others, Tibetan rabbit appears to be much more cautious. He has experienced the power of Berti and others in the team before, so he will not lose his temper when meeting Emperor Guang.

"Please give me some advice!"

Jonnar said politely, but kept looking back and forth between Kise and Midorima.

"If you want to collect data, you must first have that strength."

“Just by looking at it”

"It won't work."

Seemingly seeing through his behavior, Midorima's tall body stood in front of him and spoke condescendingly.


"I will try my best!"

Completely startled, Jonnar looked very delicate before he was "puppetized".

"Double No. 1 match!"




"Unfortunately, it seems that I am stronger in the end."


The ball slowly rolled along the net and fell to the ground, finally announcing the result of the game.

"This set is won by Seigaku Fuji!"



It was a complete victory. Fuji suppressed Mu Shu with his excellent strength and won a set.


Tian Renzhi's fat body swayed, he turned his head and shouted in the stands unwillingly.

They worked hard for a year, but the result still seemed to be meaningless.

"Stop making it harder on yourself."

"We have worked hard enough."

"Isn't it?"

Kai looked at the depressed mood of his companions and knew what they were thinking.

"Just like Seigaku Fuji said."

“It’s always them that’s a little bit stronger.”

Ping Guchang shook his head and couldn't say anything else. Even though he knew that there was no hope of advancement after three consecutive losses, there were still two games left.

"Play the rest of the game seriously for me!"

"Show them our roots!"


The minister's defeat did not demoralize them for long, but instead became high with encouragement.

"Your players have a really good mentality."

Facing Bokute in front of the net, Fuji turned his head and glanced at the howling Higa, and the others spoke.

“The game is over but not over yet.”

"Giving up halfway is not our purpose."

"No matter what, we will only follow our own course."

"Huh, what a pity."

Glancing at Tezuka outside the venue, Mu Tezuka opened his mouth, but ultimately failed to express his previous thoughts.

"You want to fight Tezuka, right?"

"But unfortunately, you also know you can't win."

"So the next best thing was to find me."

"Just to see how far it is."

Having seen through Mu Shou's thoughts at that time, Fuji revealed the truth bluntly.

Others may not care, but he is not so kind. What is Mu Shu thinking that Fuji doesn't understand?

As a strong man, whenever he fights with Qingxue, everyone will go to Tezuka immediately.

But unfortunately, Mu Shu is more intellectual and rational.

He could only barely fight against Shiraishi, so how could he have any spare time to challenge the stronger Tezuka?

I'm afraid that when the time comes, I won't even be able to force out the opponent's strength, and I will be defeated like a clown.

That picture was definitely not what Mu Shou wanted to see and accept.

The "killer" is not an idiot

"Yeah, actually, it's more exaggerated than I thought."

After being exposed, he did not hide it. Mu Shou then responded and turned around and left coldly.

"Aren't you willing to accept it?"

Watching the other person's leaving figure, Fuji could somewhat understand his mood, but he would not sympathize with him.

The result of starting too late is that one step is slow and one step is slow. There is already a gap with the opponent, but it is much slower, which is quite fatal in practice.

There is a saying that goes well, if the talent and strength are not as good as the opponent, then put in more efforts to make up for it, but when this cannot be accomplished, everything is meaningless.

If Mu Shu was not really talented, he wouldn't even be able to do such a thing as catching up.

Once upon a time, if Fuji had not corrected his mentality, he might not be the same wooden hand as he was now.

That national first game really changed everything.

I can only say that it was so timely to meet that person.

Shirazu Jisung

"One day, I want to fight you again."

With her beautiful eyes fixed on the racket, Fuji murmured in a low voice as he recalled the events of that day.


There should be another single meeting on Diguang’s side to write about in detail.

Higa Naka and Aogakushu are almost done with each other.

Then there are the matches between Hyotei and Shitenhoji, Tatekai Yamato and Yamabuki.

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