Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 541 540 Singles No. 1! Kempin vs Elmer!

Chapter 541 540. Singles number one! Kempin vs Elmer!


"This set is won by Teimitsu Kise and Midorima!"



"Isn't this too exaggerated?"

Compared to the previous games, which were more interactive and back-and-forth, this time the No. 1 doubles, Kise and Midorima, won with an overwhelming advantage.

"Are all of them so strong?"

With such doubts, Henry, who had just been defeated, was in disbelief.

Just like what they thought before, it would be understandable if only one, two or three were so strong, but the 6 people who have appeared so far are all incredibly strong, which is a bit too much.

"This is just Teikou as the champion."

"According to rumors, there are people in the other four strong schools in Kanto who can compare with them."

Berti frowned, no longer knowing how to describe his complicated mood.

He had just learned the news, his first contact with neon, but his coach and brother had known about it for a long time.

At this time, when I think back to the anxious training atmosphere in the German team, I can gradually understand it.

Facing the World Championship with such strength, Neon is simply a group of monster organizations.

And they are all still young, at the level of National Three.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are quite professional masters among them.

What's even more troublesome is that strong players don't only exist in Emperor Guang, he hasn't learned much about other schools yet.

But just by listening to the rumors, you know that someone who can deal with such an opponent must not be weak.


(Compared to the exchange competition two years ago, it has become even scarier.)

Noah frowned and recalled the original coaching competition. The group of people at that time were far from as powerful as they are now.

But after two years, I didn't expect it to have grown to such an extent.

Under such a situation, if they encountered it in the world, it would be difficult for Australia to have a chance.

No matter how resourceful one is, once the gap in combat power is too huge, everything will be in vain.

Just like how he and Berti lost to Kuroko and Murasakibara before.

"Not good."

"Not good."

As soon as he walked back, he could hear Jonnar's lost murmur.


Prons looked at his appearance and shouted immediately.

"It's really terrible!"

Shaking his head, Jonnar responded that he was completely overwhelmed by Kise's style of play just now.

That one shot and one change of style stunned Jonard, a data master.

Let alone collecting data, the "CPU" is almost burned out.

He simply couldn't imagine that there would be someone so unfriendly to data tennis.

"Xiao Midorima, you are too rude."

"It killed the game so quickly."

Walking back into the team, Kise shouted to Midorima looking a little dissatisfied.

"Hmph, who is that bad-tempered guy who knocked the opponent down while joking?"

Midorima turned to look at him, and then said disgustedly.

"How did I know he would be a data tennis player?"

"It was a little teasing and he was dumbfounded."

When mentioning this matter, Kise scratched his hair a little embarrassed and explained.

It's been a long time since he met a player who played with statistics, so Kise couldn't help but show off his skills a little by imitating them.

As a result, I didn't expect to kill my opponent.

This wouldn't be the case if it were just a state of selflessness, but Kise's imitation sticks to the reproduction and transcendence of the ontology.

This creates an illusion for the opponent, "Why am I fighting against all kinds of players?"

Data flow players will also become confused and collapse due to the frequently mutating clues.

It can only be said that this is the first time Jonard met Kise, unlike Yanagi Renji and Inui Sadaharu who are already used to it.

"Okay, the final singles number one."

"Go ahead."

After clapping her hands, Momoi walked up to Kaibin, looked at him and smiled.


For a moment, all eyes looked over, and Kaibin was a little confused.

"Yes, the last single number one is reserved for you."

"Right, Xiaobai, Akashi-kun."

After explaining to him, Momoi turned to look at Shirazu and Akashi.

This made Kaibin look over, a little unbelievable.

You must know that he only asked Aogakushan for a singles position to compete with Ryoma, but he had no dream of participating in the duel in Nagoya.

"Momoi is right."

"Trust her judgment, there is no problem. Letting you play is just as a sentry."

"Aren't you going to fight Echizen Ryoma? Wouldn't it be better to at least go to him with a copy of the great victory?"

Akashi and Baijin replied a few words respectively, which also convinced Kaibin of this fact.

The number one singles player on the list is really him.


"How enviable, you brat!"

"How could such a thing happen?!"

"Yeah, yeah, it's hard to win now, Kaibin."

The other first and second graders immediately became commotion when they heard this. Not to mention other things, just this treatment made people jealous.


Kaibin immediately picked up the racket and understood why he had been allowed to warm up alone before.

At first he felt strange, but after the seniors had finished the previous games, he naturally stopped thinking about it.

But I didn't expect that I would end up in the No. 1 singles position.

"Take it."

"Consider this a declaration of war to Echizen Ryoma!"


Entering the venue, Kaibin also saw his opponent.

"Huh? First grade...?"

Elmer looked at the little man in front of him in surprise, his tone a little unnatural.


The two did not communicate too much, but shook hands and left after the starting rights were officially decided.

Looking at Kebin who was about to serve, Elmer began to get serious. He wanted to see first what kind of strength this guy had, and he could actually play in the final position of No. 1 singles like him.


"Spin serve?"

The bouncing ball bounced like a ball in the face. Elmer immediately stepped back to avoid it, and then hit it back.



"too slow."

Seeing through the opponent's movements, Elmer immediately turned around and ran towards the landing point and swung again.

"How does it feel?"

"The personnel Di Guang sent here this time."

"It doesn't seem that strong?"

If you could tell how strong the opponent was just from the appearance in the previous games, this time it was a bit "weak".

At least the feeling of oppression is far less than that of the previous ones.

"Thank you for your accurate guess, May."

Bai Jin squatted on the ground, looked at the two people fighting fiercely in front of him, and then said.

"Hehe, it's just a small summary."

Momoi smiled happily and responded in a relaxed tone.

She had carefully studied the composition of Nagoya's personnel, and then explored the possibilities based on its playing style and system she was good at, and finally came to this result.

Letting Kaibin play was not just a whim, but a confirmation that there was a "rookie" among his opponents who could make him feel confident.

Although Kaibin himself is also a "weak" in the team, if the opponent is also the same, it will be even.




The counterattack scored, and Elmer suddenly felt relaxed.

He thought that the opponent was another monster like Qingfeng and Vulcan, but suddenly he was replaced by a newcomer from the first grade of the country. It seemed that his level was not very high?

Look down on him?

If it were before, Elmer would definitely yell out.

But now. He just wants to say


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