Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 542 541 is still far away!

Chapter 542 541. Not even close!


"This round is won by Diguang Kaibin!"



Fierce attacks and defenses continued, and Elmer, who was originally content, gradually became irritable.

"12 balls!"


Kaibin's voice echoed in his ears, and he felt uncomfortable.

The two-color stream of light enveloped Kaibin's body and was constantly exerting its power.

"That is the predecessor of the reserved light."

"Brilliant and tempered"

Berti looked at Kaibin's situation, and then murmured softly.

"It's really completely different from other parts of the world."

Noah observed it carefully and found it very interesting.

Whether it is an absolute declaration of brilliance or a hard-earned double response, foreign countries have never been exposed to it.

Even if foreign players realize it, it is only one step, directly inspiring the power of the reserved light.

It won't be like Neon's from the order of "selfless → talent, thousand hammers → seamless".

I don't know why there is such a wonderful difference.

"That senior is worried."

Pronce looked at Elmer who was getting more and more anxious in his play and said.

"The gap is too big."

"He still maintained a superior attitude before."

"When facing a player who I thought was inferior to myself, I found that the opponent was slowly able to compete with me, so that I became unbalanced."

Berti knew exactly what he was thinking at this time and said it without mercy.

It's nothing more than that Elmer has such "unsociable" thinking.

After all, entering the German team is a very honorable and recognized fact in itself.

Just imagine how proud and excited you would be to join a team that has won the World Cup for nine consecutive years.

Especially when I have been recognized through my hard work and have the opportunity to become an official team member, it is undoubtedly a huge sense of honor and self-satisfaction.

For players from other countries, they will naturally subconsciously think that they are better than them.

It is natural that there will be so-called "confidence".

Originally, this idea was almost suppressed in the first half of the game and was impossible to come up with.

After all, after witnessing such a monster playing, Elmer had no intention of making any mistakes.

But this time when he came on stage, he encountered not so powerful monsters, so the "arrogance" hidden in his heart began to surface again.

As a member of Germany, he is indeed superior to Kaibin in many aspects.

But unfortunately.

Kaibin also has great potential in terms of growth, and can compete with him through the skills and moves he has learned.

And this is the power of hard work and brilliance.

Elmer, who was once in the lead, was tied in this way.



Still being scored by twelve balls, Elmer became more and more angry.


"8 ball!"

Kaibin didn't care about him that much, but continued to make the announcement.

"The scoring intervals are getting shorter and shorter."

When Noah heard that sentence, he was immediately reminded that if he couldn't see through the problem, the follow-up would be even more ugly.

"If he doesn't realize it, he may have to reconsider his evaluation."

Berti's mood was also quite subtle. Elmer's performance at the moment was so bad that he even thought he should be sent back to the bottom of the training camp for more training.

“Is this the attitude that has been held from the highest point?”

"That's ridiculous."

Pronce looked at this scene and sarcastically said.

He felt pathetic for this guy Elmer. He could obviously play well with his feet on the ground, but he was entangled in unnecessary "status" and "identity" and ended up in this miserable state.

King Germany.

Thinking about it carefully, he felt sad. He was really glad that he was not on the top team from the beginning.

That will only make you arrogant and easily lost.

That's right

Just like Elmer at this moment.



(Can’t receive it!)

Looking at the tennis balls passing by, Elmer took a few breaths and felt restless.

Ever since the guy opposite used a strange move, he has been losing points.

(I will lose if this continues.)

(How could I lose to him!)

(I am a member of Germany. How could I lose to such an unknown guy)

With twisted obsession, Elmer's spirit could no longer concentrate on the competition.

"5 goals!"


On the other side, Kaibin didn't have so many thoughts, but responded calmly.

Comparing the two, Kaibin looks quite calm and handsome, with quite the demeanor of a master.




The racket was hit and rolled on the ground, and Elmer was stunned for a moment.

"What? That German guy is weaker than I thought."

Qingfeng looked at this scene and felt extremely bored. It was hard for him to imagine how such a guy could exist without being beaten.

"It's strange. According to the intelligence, Kaibin should not be able to fight so easily."

Momoi was also wondering about this kind of thing. She just felt that her opponent's performance was quite poor.

"Oh, is it the arrogance of a king?"

"You can't recognize your identity like that."

Akashi and Shirazu didn't care what the other person thought, they just thought it was ridiculous.

Superficial thoughts and positions are too easy to see through. Such competitive and rude players are the most likely to have mental problems.


Walking to the edge of the court to pick up the racket, Elmer felt a chill in his back as he looked at Berti who was silent.


Although he really wanted to say those words, Elmer found it difficult to speak for some reason at this moment.

Berti's cold eyes pierced his heart, making him panic.

"Don't be so strict."

"How about some encouragement?"

"He's obviously a player on his own team."

Noah looked at Berti's appearance and couldn't help but smile crookedly.

"no need."

“There are a lot of players of this level just by looking at them.”

"Why should I care?"

He was more callous than expected. What Berti said shocked Elmer, who had just picked up the racket. Then he walked back to the court with his head lowered and trembling.

"You really don't mean what you say."

"Hmph, don't you just want to see him cheer up and collect more information?"

"Ah, I was discovered."

The subsequent exchange between Noah and Berti was not heard by Elmer.

Instead, he picked up the racket and walked back to the court, leaning on his head without saying a word.


"This round is won by Diguang Kaibin!"



Even without using the power of brilliance, Kaibin easily scored at this moment.

Because Elmer didn't move at all.

"Have you given up?"

"The German players are so good."


Elmer, who was still thinking a little confused, became anxious when he heard Kaibin's words.

Kaibin looked at his opponent's expression, felt the changes, and actually uttered the classic words.

This sentence also directly shocked the restless Elmer, making him completely calm down.

"Still a long way to go!!"

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