Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 543 542 Perfect!

Chapter 543 542. Perfect!

"Not even close!"

This sentence immediately calmed Elmer down from his frantic state of mind.

It's not because he gave up, but this sentence just pointed out his situation.

So much so that I woke up from the extreme emotions.

(Tsk, I also have such gaffes sometimes.)

(I was actually educated by such a player.)

Holding the racket tightly with both hands, he looked at Kaibin, who was calmly gaining the upper hand on the opposite side, and secretly cursed himself for not living up to expectations.

"That's right. Stop being blindly arrogant. That's what a real player should have."

"It doesn't matter if you are arrogant or arrogant, but if you just ignore others, it doesn't matter at all."

"Just an idiot."

Berti looked at Elmer, whose eyes became firm, and knew that he had stabilized from his complicated emotions.

"The opponent's words actually calmed him down."

"This victory or defeat."

"There seems to be a chance."

Noah quietly watched the situation unfold on the field, and then spoke.

"His movements are much smoother again."

"And now that I know how to avoid my opponent's advantages, I no longer choose to fight head-on."

Jonard was surprised when he saw Elmer's completely different style of play from before.

"He has the ability to detect the weaknesses of his opponents, otherwise he would not be able to stand out from the German training team."

"Elmer is at his strongest when he is stable and focused on winning."



He hit a sharp backhand, and the ball hit the net and bounced into the corner with a subtle trajectory.


Upon hearing the referee's declaration, Elmer changed his previous attitude and shouted excitedly.

"Oh, it breaks the absolute declaration of brilliance."

"And he cleverly used the technique of hitting the net to give the ball irregular beats."

"It doesn't look that bad."

Seeing that his opponent was finally fighting decently, Qingfeng cheered up a little and watched.

"The guy who can be selected by Germany seems to have some strength."

Although it can't compare with monsters like them, it's pretty good for ordinary geniuses.

"You look so relieved, you seem to be full of confidence in Kaibin."

Midorima glanced at Kise who was silent and felt a little strange.

Normally at this time, Kise would be the first to speak up.

What's more, Kaibin can be regarded as his "direct disciple".

It's a bit abnormal to be so silent now.

"That's okay. Although the opponent has regained his form, for Kaibin, this is not his full strength."

"Nothing to worry about."

With a mysterious smile, Kise was not worried at all.

He didn't practice with Kaibin for nothing this month. If Kaibin was really not good, he would have ignored him long ago and would not really practice with him for a month.

"Ryota still has some sense of proportion."

"Otherwise, Kaibin wouldn't have been handed over to him in the first place."

On this point, Akashi Omotoe has a lot of say. He and Akashi Sato know the potential of each player and will try their best to organize them with suitable candidates.

"The results should be available within ten minutes."

After calculating the time, Bai Jin took a look at the situation and assessed the situation.


"This round is won by Nagoya Elmer!"



"That guy's condition is becoming more and more stable as he plays."

Henry looked at Elmer's changed appearance, and his disappointed mood gradually calmed down.

"Maybe if this continues like this, there will still be a chance."

"The premise is that the opponent is not stronger."

Although Pronce wanted to support him, he was not overly optimistic.

His words also silenced the others, and then they all turned their attention to Kaibin.

"15 goals!"

But unexpectedly, Kaibin, who was serving, had no emotion at all, and once again made an absolute declaration.


"That move is no longer useful to me!"

With such confidence, Elmer struck back swiftly.



There is constant confrontation, and the spectators are also silently counting the number of balls.

“It’s about to be 15 goals”

"According to the previous rhythm, Elmer should have broken it long ago."

After waiting for a long time, there was still no sign of Elmer scoring, and everyone in Nagoya felt heavy.

"Storm smash!"



But unexpectedly, just as Kempin had declared, he hit Elmer's racket with a powerful smash and scored the point.


Looking at the violent blow, Elmer couldn't believe it.

“This is the second level of brilliance.”

"It's much easier to use than normal."

Lifting the racket, Kaibin said confidently with his head held high.

The second-level talent radiance has been improved and can be said to be a very excellent state move.

No longer stick to the fixation of the process, but shape the process to reach the declared results.

There is a lot of room for manipulation, which is equivalent to no longer fixing the content and letting the players fill in whatever they want.

It also makes the most of the players' own strengths.

"Second-level brilliance?"

After hearing Kaibin's words, Elmer didn't know how to describe his current mood.

How come your Neon team members are always able to develop some confusing moves?

It obviously looks fancy, but it feels like "indiscriminate killing" at the same level.

"Well, but with your ability, you can probably find the weakness if you fight more."

"To be honest, I don't really want to continue pulling this off."

"Then get serious and finish the game."

Although he scored points, Kempin was not arrogant enough to use his second-tier talent to quickly win the game.

Elmer is not as weak as he thought. If he fights repeatedly, he might find a way to counterattack.

So Kaibin planned to bury him directly with the strongest force.


Hearing Kaibin's words, Elmer frowned. Does the other party mean that he hasn't gone all out from beginning to end?

And just when Kaibin was about to serve the next time, his eyes suddenly opened wide, his pupils shook violently, and there was an expression of disbelief on his face.

"That is.!"

"The light of reserve?!!"

The cyan light shone, and the familiar aura instantly attracted everyone's attention, and also made Elmer's mood fall into a low point.



I couldn't see the trajectory of the ball clearly. When I reacted, the tennis ball was already rolling slightly on the ground.

"This is the worst possible outcome."

Berti looked at the current situation and knew the outcome.

"Guoyi has mastered the light of reserve"

"Prance, in a sense, that person is as talented as you."

Jonard looked at Kaibin in surprise, then turned to him and said.

"Humph, isn't this interesting?"

"It's a pity that it wasn't him I met before."

"Otherwise it should be a good contest."

Pronce was much more interested than Henry's silence.



Elmer was unable to react to another serve. Under the influence of the seamless service, he could not resist at all and could only stand on the court like a wooden stake.

"It's over."

"There is no suspense."

"Is such that."


"This set is won by Diguang Kaibin!"



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