Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 547 546 The ultimate destruction of the five senses!

Chapter 547 546. The ultimate destruction of the five senses!


(Can’t interrupt?)

Frowning at the tennis ball that fell on his court, Yukimura fell into deep thought.

"This round is won by Akutsu Yamabuki!"


Even if he uses the combination of Destruction Sense and God's Strike again, he can't cope with the offensive ability of Mu Muji·Kyuzuryu Flash (Light Strike).

"In addition to a one-time large-scale super attack like Shirazu Tomosei used, or Atobe's method of attacking weaknesses and preventing them from being used."

Yanagi Renji tried to analyze Akutsu's moves, but based on his experience, he couldn't think of a good solution.

Highlight the idea that "it all depends on human effort".

"It's okay, doesn't the minister still have that trick?"

"We can definitely win!"

Kirihara was not overly worried, but was full of confidence in Yukimura.

He believed that his minister must be stronger than the other party, and even if he was at a disadvantage for a moment, it would not affect the final result.

"But being forced out so early might not be a good thing."

Nioh touched his chin, but he had another understanding of the situation in front of him.

"Why do you say that? Senior."

If Ruoren didn't quite understand, he turned to him and asked.

"We all know that Akutsu's signature is his ignorance, but it seems a bit abnormal that he can use it so unscrupulously."

"That should obviously put a lot of burden on the body."

"But now he just started with a dozen clones, and there's no backlash at all."

As he spoke slowly, Niou also noticed the inconsistency in it.

You must know that even Akutsu last year could not have reached this point.

The Kanto Tournament was too short, so I couldn't see the depth of it back then, but it was undoubtedly not as smooth as it is now.

"Uh, so what does that mean?"

Kirihara's mind was in a mess after hearing this, and he didn't quite understand.


But as the familiar sound of scolding sounded, Kirihara was startled, and he looked over with his hands flinched.

"You don't understand such a superficial question, you are too lax!"

Seeing Sanada's tough and dark face, Kirihara didn't dare to say a word at all.

"That's what Niou means."

"The Wuwuji currently used by Akutsu may not be his final resort."

Yagyu couldn't stand it anymore, so he glanced at his old partner's expression and explained.


"No way?"

Many people were shocked when they heard this. Isn't such a strong posture the strongest?

"So if you take it out early to change the future, it might not be a good thing."

"The minister is also testing his bottom line although it is difficult."

"Well, everything is just my speculation. Maybe there is no such thing."

With a subtle smile, Niou explained to several people.

"Don't scare people, Niou-senpai."


"If Akutsu-senpai can get to another level of strength, that would be terrifying."

Hearing this, Kirihara breathed a sigh of relief, and he and the people next to him responded awkwardly.

They seemed to have forgotten from beginning to end that the reason why Niou said this must have his own basis. Even Sanada agreed with his opinion.

None of them believed that Akutsu would be a player stuck to the status quo.

Maybe this month, he has also undergone mysterious changes.

But now, the unscrupulous use of it without any knowledge may be some kind of signal.


"What's wrong, Yukimura?"

"Is there no way to go?"

Akutsu spoke in a provocative tone, his expression was so natural.

It fits his hidden bad personality in the past.

"What you said is very difficult for others to say."

Not paying attention to what Akutsu said, Yukimura looked at Akutsu who was about to serve and was ready at any time.

There are very few people who can respond head-on to this move, and even other ministers may not feel that they can handle it.

(You can’t fight back head-on, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have any means of restraint.)

With his heart condensed, Yukimura looked at the tennis ball that had soared over and hit it with his racket.


"Huh, no matter how many times you try it, it's useless!"

Before the ball even hit the ground, Akutsu had already assumed that posture, and more than a dozen figures also spread out.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered something.


Boundless darkness once again enveloped his world, bringing absolute silence.

(Destroy one sense?)

(Can’t see or hear.)

(This is!!)

Subconsciously manipulating his body to perform a stunt, Akutsu sensed something was wrong.




People outside the court were surprised to see Akutsu hit the net and felt strange.

"To deal with you, we still need stronger means to suppress you."

"If the ordinary five senses and the enhanced one sense are not enough."

"Then use the ultimate annihilation of the five senses to deal with it."

"Even if I say this now, you can't hear me."

Holding the racket across his chest, Yukimura looked at the motionless Akutsu and said.

The former five senses annihilation was also his best move.

But as more opponents come into contact, although this move can be used, its effectiveness gradually becomes insufficient.

Many people can easily overcome the effects of "Yip Syndrome".

As strong as Akashi, he was directly immune to it at the level of "high magic resistance".

Later, he developed a "concentrated" annihilation sense just to deal with opponents like Akashi.

However, the enhanced first sense of destruction always has its limits, and it cannot attack the opponent in all aspects like the destruction of the five senses.

Many times Yukimura also thinks about how to enhance his own strength. Changing the future is a strong trump card, but people do not dislike having many trump cards.

Then he came up with a very good idea.

That is to use the condensing properties of "God's Strike" to utilize it in terms of mental power.

If it is said that it is usually used to play ball, it belongs to the "physics department".

The use of spiritual aspects belongs to the "magic system".

The result is that the "strengthened one sense of annihilation" held by Yukimura will directly become the "ultimate five senses of annihilation."

Originally, he wanted to save this move to deal with Akashi, after all, the latter's "magic resistance" was too high.

But I didn't expect that now I have to deal with Akutsu first.

It can only be said that Akutsu is indeed an excellent "spoiler", and he can always let their four major ministers use their trump cards to deal with it every time.

"This round is won by Tatekai Daiyukimura!"



A long time passed with Akutsu's stiff pause.

He couldn't even serve, so he ended up with a timeout.







"This round is won by Tatekai Daiyukimura!"



"If ignorance is your last resort"

"Then just sleep in the ultimate darkness."


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