Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 548 547 Alaya Consciousness Appears!

Chapter 548 547. Alaya Consciousness Appears!


"What's wrong? Byodo-in looks uneasy."

The ghost looked at Byodoin who was standing next to him and suddenly frowned and asked strangely.


Watching Tokugawa's game ahead, Byodoin shook his head and said nothing more.

(That boy.)

(Did it actually start?)

(Who did he meet?)

Feeling the throb of being a fellow traveler, Byodoin learned about Akutsu's choice.

The ultimate unfolding of ignorance

Alaya knows!

That is the destination that only "resuscitators" can reach.

This was how it should have been before Akutsu appeared.

Recalling the abnormality of that boy, Byodoin could not calm down.

Unlike him, a "mortal" who was groping forward step by step in the realm of spiritual consciousness, that guy really enjoyed all the favor.

The obstacles along the way were nothing to him.

Strong body, strong vitality

Akutsu completely withstood the "destruction" brought about by the Alaya Consciousness.

This is a scene that is still fresh in Byodoin’s memory.

Even he can only rely on probabilistic "rebirth" to accept it, and Akutsu simply stopped acting.

Isn't it just hurt? I will resist directly!

It highlights a person who doesn’t know the heights of heaven and earth, and even makes fun of his own life.

But the strange thing is that Akutsu can actually afford it for some reason.

True to that sentence, Byodo-in, which was so irritating that people were so popular, was really a bit "sour" for a time.

"Now that we have liberated that kind of power, we must win."

With a sound that could not be detected by others, Byodoin murmured in a low voice.

Although he didn't know who Akutsu was fighting, since he used that move, there was no way out.



"This round is won by Tatekai Daiyukimura!"



The silent Akutsu failed to make any obvious resistance, which allowed Yukimura to easily widen the point difference.

"Sure enough, once a move like destroying the five senses is effective, it will always have a huge impact."

Seeing this scene, King Ni couldn't help but sigh.

After going around and around, it turns out that the most basic moves can always be improved.

"The conditions for activating the ultimate five senses annihilation don't need to be that troublesome."

“And it’s even more powerful.”

Sanada observed this scene and understood the power within it.

"This move is obviously prepared for Akashi Seijuro, right?"

"I didn't expect to be forced out by Akutsu here."

Having said this, Niou felt a little pity, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Akutsu is indeed a very powerful player, enough for the ministers to deal with him seriously.

Even Atobe was like that last year, he was forced to hand over a hand of cards before he won.

"The ultimate in spiritual power."

"It should be easy to get it now."

After finishing his words, Yukimura on the court had already started serving.



"Isn't that guy Akutsu just going to lose like this?"

"No! Akutsu-senpai will definitely win!"

"However, he is now as if he was possessed by an evil spirit. He has no reaction at all."

Yamabuki's side also triggered a heated exchange.

A duel of this level is no longer something they can describe.

Only as a person involved can you know the depth of it.




Deep darkness enveloped the surroundings, and Akutsu couldn't feel any breath at all.

Nothing at all

Be it sound, sight, taste, touch, etc.

Including your own breath of life.

It's like everything has disappeared.

He even "questioned" whether he was still alive in the world.

Yukimura's "ultimate destruction of the five senses" brings a higher level of suppression.

It can be said that if Akutsu hadn't cultivated his mental power, he might not even have the ability to think.

(Cut little tricks.)

After regaining his consciousness, Akutsu curled his lips in disdain.

He knew there was only one way to break it at this moment.

That is to use the power of Alaya consciousness to break through this suppression.

But being forced out like this was honestly not the intention.

But now there is no way to break through the blockade, and Akutsu is really struggling.


Just as he was about to serve, Yukimura suddenly caught a glimpse of the electric light coming from Akutsu's body.


That familiar light will never be forgotten, Yukimura observed strangely.

In this case, no matter what kind of Zone it is, it should not have any effect.

"But...this feeling."

"What is it"

His heart was turbulent, as if he had an ominous premonition, and Yukimura felt the uneasy state of mind.


After suppressing the confusion in his heart, Yukimura finally hit the ball.

No matter what Akutsu is going to do, as long as he ends the game first before his return, everything will be useless.


But a scene that made him feel horrified appeared. All the veins on Akutsu's body were exposed, and even the blood vessels were as visible to the naked eye as if they were close to the skin.

After that

"How many are there?"

There are simply countless counterattack trajectories. Even onlookers can clearly see the dense number of clones.

"more than ten?"


It cannot be easily described in words, but it is like there is no end at all.





At that moment, when there was room for swinging, Yukimura's racket was also knocked away, replaced by the flamboyant posture of Akutsu, who exuded thick black energy.

"Is that also ignorant?"

Yukimura asked curiously, not paying attention to the flying racket, but asked directly.


"I heard what the old man said it was called."

"Alaya Consciousness?"

In response to Yukimura's sudden question, Akutsu hesitated for a while while carrying the racket but still responded.

"The name doesn't matter, as long as it's enough."

"Yes, you can tell at a glance that you are stronger than before."

Compared to Akutsu, who looked completely indifferent, Yukimura walked to the back and picked up the dropped racket.

(His body is always under high pressure.)

(Obviously the feeling will have a great impact on the body, but his calm and composed appearance does not seem to be fake.)

Thinking back on Akutsu's current situation, Yukimura is also thinking about the problems.

Not to mention the exposed veins, the blood vessels were clearly visible through the skin. Those who didn't know better thought they were going to explode. It looked really scary.

What's more, Akutsu's mental state seems to be even more excited.

"Honestly, I quite like this."

"Because it will make me feel like my blood is on edge all the time."

"Sa, Yukimura, come and fight!"

His whole body shows a posture that makes people scared, but he himself looks like a normal person.

At this moment, Akutsu has reached his peak state.






"This round is won by Akutsu Yamabuki!"



Akutsu won the first game and Yukimura confirmed that fact.

That means Akutsu is simply unstoppable at this moment.

Because he has "infinite" attack modes.


I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

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