Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 549 548 Changing the Future vs Alaya Consciousness!

Chapter 549 548. Changing the future vs Alaya consciousness!

It’s no longer the concept of a dozen or dozens.

Instead, it evolved to the "infinite" final strategy.

This means that Akutsu can split countless routes in one offense and defense.

That vast range is simply unstoppable.

Being able to see about ten people was Yukimura's current limit, let alone such a large number.

A realm stronger than ignorance.

alaya consciousness

The end point of spiritual consciousness.

Theoretically speaking, people cannot reach this area by normal means.

But neither Byodoin nor Akutsu are ordinary people.

The latter's body was nourished by Zone, so that he became a veritable monster.

Facing the "destruction" that was simply unbearable, Akutsu was able to resist it for a certain period of time without being affected.



The score that is about to be tied means that the situation is anxious, and it also means that Akutsu has the possibility of victory.

"I had already mastered the almost indefensible inter-dimensional fusion technique, but now I have become an irresistible monster."

"It's such a headache."

Nioh looked at this scene and couldn't help frowning. Facing Akutsu like this, he seemed to have a hard time winning.

"But, for Yukimura, it's not absolute."

Sanada watched this scene silently, not wavering at all.

Perhaps to others, Akutsu's current state is simply unbeatable.

But Yukimura is hard to say.

"Hey, after all Buchou is the player who has mastered that move!"

Everyone is full of confidence in Shiruqiehara and still firmly believes that the minister will win the final victory.

"It works!"

"Akutsu-senpai has a chance to win!"

Tan Taiyi looked excitedly at the gradually leveling score, and his whole body became happy.

"Don't be careless yet, your opponent is that Yukimura."

"It's not polite to make remarks like that at halftime."

Qianshi stopped his jumping behavior and then persuaded him.

If it were anyone else, Qianshi wouldn't have said that, but he still had to keep a trace of vigilance when facing the legendary ministers.

"Then it will turn into the so-called myth war."

"Two Monsters"

Haizaki looked at the two people in the field with an expression of watching a good show.

As expected, he will definitely face Yukimura Seiichi's strongest extra-dimensional moves next.

Change the future!

It’s also interesting to see what kind of effect Akutsu’s Alaya consciousness will have.

Change the future VS Alaya consciousness!

They are each other's ultimate power, who will win?

"Ha, are you finally serious?"

"I'm tired of waiting."

After twisting his neck and feeling his sober brain, Akutsu shouted excitedly as he watched Yukimura's changed aura.

"bring it on!"

In the midst of a shout, just before Akutsu was about to serve, Yukimura also used his own abilities.

Countless futures begin to expand, and dense parallel choices appear.


Countless clones split apart, and it was impossible to capture the trajectory of the ball.

For normal players, let alone coping, whether they can react or not is a difficult problem.


"Fight back?!"

But amidst endless attacks, Yukimura still controlled an excellent rhythm and returned the first goal.

"The Alaya Consciousness has been cracked?"

"No, there's no point in changing the future!"

"They are on par with each other!"

Shocked words continued to come from all around, and they were all filled with nervousness about the current scene.

As stated, Alaya in infinite attack mode did not score points with one hit, and Yukimura's changed Mirai also did not score points.

this means

"We can't help each other."

"The infinite attack of Alaya Consciousness can be detected by changing the future."

"But changing the future and facing Alaya consciousness cannot create a victorious outcome."

Although the alaya consciousness can create infinite routes, it can also observe the real attack point to defend by changing the future.

But according to Akutsu's condition, changing the future cannot create a winning path for Yukimura.

Just like Akashi who was faced with using the pendulum last year, Akutsu in the state of Alaya blocked all the results he could win.

This resulted in a confrontation scene where both of them were in a stalemate.

"Hey! Your strength may be equal to mine, but the weight of your moves is different."

After hitting each other a few times, Akutsu suddenly changed his attitude and spoke.

"That is!!"

"Nothing is wrong."

"It's stronger."

Seeing the posture that looked like standing with a sword, everyone screamed in surprise.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang."

I can no longer describe the sound my ears heard. I could only feel the roaring sound of hitting the ball echoing in my ears.

"Hey, hey, hey, holes have been blown out of the wall."

"This is too scary."

"Won't this auditorium collapse?"

An atmosphere of panic began to spread around, and the spectators in the stands were also afraid of where they were.

In such a state, Akutsu used more powerful offensive moves.

Alayaji·Kyuzuryu Flash (Light Strike)!


"This round is won by Akutsu Yamabuki!"



It was impossible to defend, and Akutsu easily won the game and tied the score at the same time.


"Why would such a monster appear?"

A drop of cold sweat slipped down Liu Lian'er's cheek, and he looked at the stadium that had changed beyond recognition and said in a deep voice.

Although I have confidence in Yukimura, facing such a fierce player, there seems to be no hope of winning.

Nothing else

The sublimated moves are too powerful, and I don't know how to defend them.

Alaya consciousness alone would not make people despair to this extent.

Mainly because the combination with Kuzuryu Flash and Light Strike is really difficult to crack.

Infinite offensive lines + blazing-speed Nine-headed Dragon Flash + destructive light strike.

That was already a blow in the inhuman realm.

"Is it not enough for matching?"

Yukimura frowned at Akutsu's performance and murmured softly.

Changing the future can be fought against the Alaya Consciousness, but it is just like what the other party said.

The portion sizes of move combinations can vary.

Alaya Shi can be combined with Nine-headed Dragon Flash and Light Strike to produce an effect of 1+1+1\u003e3.

Changing the future cannot be done to this extent even if the effectiveness of Yukimura's other moves is used.

Taking the two together, it can be said that one loses to the "auxiliary".

Unless Yukimura can also use matching moves, he will never be able to compete with Alaya's combo of moves at the moment.

(In either future, he can return the ball.)

(And if he is unable to play in the team, there is almost no future.)

Meditating on the captured information can also be a headache.

Generally speaking, when faced with powerful skills, if you can't solve it, it's best to make it impossible for your opponent to play.

But Akutsu is an outlier. It's impossible to defeat him.

Even if it is a swivel corner kick that deviates from the midfield, he can stand up faster and then strike back in a posture. His extremely high physical ability turns Akutsu into a numerical monster that is difficult to limit.

Yukimura's "Ultimate Five Senses Destruction" has no effect on him in Alaya's state.

This is a dead end.

"Excessive strength is always the nemesis of changing the future."

Yukimura knew this from beginning to end. After all, he experienced it from Akashi last year.


"Not beyond who I am at this moment"

"It's impossible to beat Akashi."

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