Chapter 550 549. “Delete” and “Create”!

Changing the future has always been Yukimura's strongest power after his awakening, there is no doubt about that.

Even the opponents agree with this.

The specifications and capabilities that are enough to change reality all demonstrate the nobility of "it".

But that doesn't mean "it" has no weaknesses.

Choose a future in which you can win and become a reality.

But once there is no future that can win, then this ability will have no use.

It sounds difficult to do, but there is always someone who can do it.

Akaashi last year.

This year’s Atobe.

Akutsu now

Among the outstanding people, they still have the means to win when faced with such a transcendent move.

Therefore, Yukimura has always had the attitude of "being prepared for danger in times of peace", and it was also to give him an answer last year.



The opponent in front of him is not an unknown person, nor is he a weak person.

Rather, he is a tennis player worthy of his using his strength to take him seriously.

"Same road?"

This scene is just like Atobe at that time

I don’t know if the four chief ministers would have suffered such a fate if they met Akutsu as legends.

The vicious lone wolf can always bring trouble and disaster.



His mind began to concentrate, and there was no longer any interference from outside thoughts. Even if he lost points again, it did not shake Yukimura's mentality.

He closed his eyes tightly and looked very relaxed.


Seeing Yukimura in such a posture, Sanada recalled the scenes he had seen before in his mind.

(The light and clouds are unobstructed)



It was during a training match. When he faced Yukimura, he hit his strongest attack as always.

But the result was that he didn't even touch the ball and lost a point.

(Change the future?)


An indescribable expression appeared at that time, and Sanada didn't know how to describe it.

That was a situation that was enough to make him confused.


Seeing Yukimura start playing with his eyes closed, Akutsu felt puzzled.

He wouldn't think that this guy Yukimura was pretending.

Since the other party did this, it must make sense.

But no matter what, he is fearless in the state of Alaya consciousness.

He now

Combined with Nine-headed Dragon Flash and Light Hit, you will be invincible!


After the serve was hit, Akutsu ran to the front of the landing point as usual, and then took a stance.

"It's coming again!!"

Alayaji·Kyuzuryu Flash (Light Strike)!

That absolutely undefendable blow was about to be struck, and everyone seemed to be able to see him scoring again.





But what is shocking is that Akutsu didn't seem to come back to his senses until the ball hit the ground and bounced out.

"what happened?"

"Did the ball just speed up?"

"It felt like it fell from the air to the ground all of a sudden."

"Idiot, shouldn't you be surprised why Akutsu didn't move?"

"Yeah, he's already in a posture, why did he suddenly change to a normal standing posture?"

For a while, many people did not come back to their senses. They only felt a strong sense of disobedience.

"what have you done?"

Looking back at the ball that fell to the ground, Akutsu looked directly at Yukimura and asked loudly.

He felt that something had been changed by Yukimura just now.

But it is different from "changing the future".

His intuition told him that if he didn't quickly sort out the situation, he would definitely continue to lose points.

(I obviously played Nine-Headed Dragon Flash.)

(Why is this?)

Recalling the scene of the ball in the air in his mind, Akutsu frowned, his fierce cheeks filled with confusion.

"Next ball."

"coming soon."

But Yukimura didn't answer him directly, and instead hit the next ball with his eyes closed.



(No matter what tricks you are playing, I will know it if you hit me again!)

Facing another incoming serve, Akutsu once again ran to the landing point and assumed a sword-holding posture.

Focusing his senses and mind to the limit, he must see what happened.



But the next moment, as if his consciousness went blank, when he came back to his senses, he found that the ball had fallen to the ground again.

But he still remained standing indifferently.


"Sanada, what is this?"

Liu Renji looked at the situation in the field in astonishment, then turned his head and asked Sanada again.

"How did you feel when you saw this scene?"

Everyone in the team looked over, but Sanada suddenly said something else.


"It was as if the ball accelerated and suddenly fell from the sky into the ground."

Kirihara hesitated for a while, then answered seriously.

"Akutsu's movements are also very strange. One moment he was maintaining the Nine-headed Dragon Flash's power posture, but the next moment he changed to a normal standing posture."

"Even if you change the future, you will behave similarly, but you can't do it to the extent that people won't react, right?"

Nioh pondered the scene just now, and then spoke strangely.

He swore in the name of a fraudster that it was definitely not as simple as "changing the future".

"And why does Yukimura play with his eyes closed?"

"For him, that shouldn't be so-called, right?"

Yagyu also felt something strange. Normal Yukimura would not act like this.

Since this is done, there must be a corresponding reason.

"The reason why I close my eyes is to concentrate my energy more."

"And for the moves he wants to perform, it doesn't matter whether he can see them or not."

Sanada spoke slowly, with an imperceptible tremor in his tone.

"After all, the future is completely in his hands."





Just like before, when he came to his senses, the ball had already hit the ground. Even if he reacted and wanted to chase the ball immediately, he still couldn't get rid of the "loop".

(That’s right. That’s not a fastball at all!)

(Whenever I can’t react to the ball, it’s as if the flight has been shortened.)

(Does Yukimura control the future after hitting the ball?!)

Vaguely aware of what might have happened, Akutsu had an expression of disbelief.

If it's really what he thinks

If he can't find a way, he will lose the game in an instant.


Every time he focused on serving and returning, Yukimura was much more relaxed than before.

"Why didn't Akutsu dodge his Kuzuryuu?"

"Obviously that's the easiest move to score."

"I don't know. Maybe something happened to Akutsu that we don't know about."

Upon hearing the questions and looks from his teammates, Qianshi could only shake his head.

Neither he nor Haizaki understood the way Yukimura checked Akutsu.

But only Yukimura himself knows.

The moves that are sublimated after "Changing the Future" are those that bloom after the mental power reaches its extreme.

"Delete the future" vs. "Create the future".


Today is a day off for the Mid-Autumn Festival, and there will be an extra update tomorrow!

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