Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 551 A weakness that 550 didn’t notice?

Chapter 551 550. Weaknesses that were not noticed?

"Delete" and "Create".

That is a new path based on "change".

If changing the future is a passive "choice", then "deletion" and "creation" are active choices.


He made a striking stance, but that scene was still useless in front of Yukimura who closed his eyes.

No matter how hard Akutsu tries to struggle, he will never be able to escape the shackles of the "future".


"This round is won by Tatekai Daiyukimura!"



Still completely unaware of the ball's landing, when Akutsu reacted, the ball had quietly ejected outwards.

The posture he held the sword in before also changed to a normal standing posture.

Just like before

(My movements will return to the normal stance, which means I have finished the Nine-headed Dragon Flash.)

(But the fact is that the ball was hit by Yukimura, but I couldn’t see the process at all, only the result.)

(Everything during this period was still happening normally, but I couldn't detect the "disappearing" scene.)

Frowning and constantly analyzing Yukimura's abilities, Akutsu felt troubled.

"it's useless."

"No matter what you think, there is no escape from Delete the Future."

Still closing his eyes, Yukimura seemed to understand Akutsu's doubts, and spoke.

"Delete the future?"

Hearing this, a bunch of people were at a loss.

"Yukimura was able to delete what happened next."

"Just edit it like a video... leaving only the process and result he wants."

The power of God has extended to areas beyond the reach of mortals. Sanada is the most aware of Yukimura's power.

"That is to say."

"The reason why Akutsu tried to fight Kuzuryu just now but failed was because Yukimura deleted the future in which he fought back?"

"Is that possible?"

Compared to Yanagi Renji's concentrated analysis, Kirihara's eyes widened in disbelief.

"No, that doesn't make sense."

"Even if Akutsu's future counterattack is deleted, he should still be able to score on this line."

"Is it possible that even the ending can be changed?"

Looking at Yanagi Renji who was in trouble, Niou was worried that one day he would go crazy.

"Because the future is headed for an unknown road under the guidance of Yukimura."

"The original result will not exist."

Sanada recalled the information obtained through repeated tests and said in a serious tone.

Suppose that if the confrontation between Yukimura and Akutsu is divided into three steps, then they are

Yukimura hits the ball → Akutsu hits back → Akutsu scores

The effect of "Delete the Future" is that it directly eliminates the intermediate part of the counterattack and becomes.

Yukimura bats → Akutsu scores

This is the case under normal circumstances.

But just because the most critical step in the middle is missing, there are "defects" in the process, which can be filled.

Therefore, as long as Yukimura is guided at the same time, he can change the process and affect the results.

later became

Yukimura hits the ball → Akutsu counterattacks normally → Yukimura counterattacks and scores

Just like a jigsaw puzzle, you only need to fill in the required future, and then it can be combined to form a real ending.

The power of "deleting the future" and "creating" the future is clearly demonstrated at this moment.

It can be said that he changed his destiny and turned everything around.

This is why Akutsu feels too much violation.

He knew what Yukimura had changed, but he couldn't tell what exactly he had changed.

The future in which Alayaji and Nine-headed Dragon Flash (Light Strike) is used will always be deleted by Yukimura and replaced by a new future.

Akutsu may not have changed in the "final" moment, but the actual scoring results may have changed.

That's why he always ends up in a normal stance.

Because it should have been his action to score the points.

Now it's just that the ending that should have been scored was "taken away" by Yukimura.

"As long as we can't touch the edge of the future."

"Then he can't be Yukimura's opponent."



As described, Akutsu's fight became difficult.

It's okay to just use Alaya, but once he wants to use Nine-headed Dragon Flash and Light Strike to cooperate, it will definitely be "deleted" by Yukimura.

(Damn! Everyone is like this!)

This feeling of frustration of not being able to use my ultimate move at all is really uncomfortable.

Akutsu could only stare at Yukimura fiercely, but there was nothing he could do.

Playing with the "future" is really not something a "warrior" like him can encounter.

Only "magicians" like Akashi and Atobe have the corresponding means to contact them.

It can only be said that the usual training directions are different, and the areas of expertise are also different.

Just like the four major ministers restraining each other, Akutsu's compatibility with Yukimura can be said to be extremely bad.

Because if Yukimura is serious, it is absolutely impossible for him to hit Alayaji Kuzuryuu Flash (Light Strike) again for the second time.

"Just like you said before"

"The power between us is equal, but the weight of our moves is different."

After hearing what Yukimura said, Akutsu gritted his teeth but could not refute anything.

Change the future + delete the future + create the future.

This set of chains immediately turned him off.

If Alaya consciousness + Nine-headed Dragon Flash + Light Strike is \u003e3.

Then changing the future + deleting the future + creating the future is also \u003e3

But adaptability and specifications are not at the same level at all.



"It's useless. No matter how many times you try, it's all in vain."

"I won't let you use it again."

Another score also indicates that Yukimura is closer to victory.

Akutsu's stubborn personality was also on display at this moment.

"It's obvious that it can't be beaten out. But he still plans to use it."

That familiar posture seemed so helpless at the moment. Just in the blink of an eye, the future at this moment was deleted.

The only things that caught his eyes were the ball bouncing off the ground and Akutsu standing like a stake.


Without giving up, Akutsu used the power of Alaya consciousness to try to launch endless attacks.



(Sure enough, if it really has such almighty effect, he should delete the activation of Alaya Consciousness from the beginning.)


Another loss also heralded that defeat was imminent, but Akutsu was still immersed in the information he had found.

The seemingly invincible combination allowed Akutsu to glimpse an unusual secret.

That is, if Yukimura can really delete freely and create the future, why not delete the process of using his alaya consciousness?

And just for combos?

Obviously if the use of Alaya Consciousness is deleted, it should be easier to win.

(Is there any weakness or limitation that I didn't notice.)

(Must exist.)

In the face of divine power, the bloodthirsty lone wolf still has its proud head.

But in the end, the power of God ruthlessly suppressed him and completed the final foundation.


"This set is won by Tatekai Daiyukimura!"



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