Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 552 551 Fantasy Killer!

Chapter 552 551. Fantasy Killer!

"it's over."

Slowly opening his closed eyes and exiting that powerful state, Yukimura breathed a sigh of relief.

The beads of sweat on his forehead also indicated that he was not relaxed.

"Cut it once."

"I will definitely find it."

Standing in front of the net again, Akutsu stared at Yukimura in front of him and said solemnly.

The time left for him was still too short, and he failed to detect the weakness of Yukimura's moves.

But I believe that if you think about it carefully afterwards, you will be able to figure out what is wrong.

It's just a pity that the interval between the two rounds is not enough.



Yukimura was about to say something, but found that the exposed veins all over Akutsu's body had shrunk back, but the blood flowing through his skin made him look very scary.

"It's nothing, just the sequelae."

"There won't be any competition later anyway."

"It doesn't matter if you get hurt a little."

Akutsu may be the first person in history to be able to describe the "destruction" of Alaya consciousness so easily.

It was obviously an injury that could put people into a "critical" state, but Akutsu seemed to be used to it and didn't care about his blood-soaked body forcing himself to move.

Although he can withstand damage to his Alaya consciousness for a certain period of time, it does not mean that his body is immune.

It can only be said that his strong physique allows him to display his combat power well.

The one who can do this is also another guy who has the same knowledge of Alaya as him.

"It was a wonderful game. Please come again next time if you have a chance."

Hearing this, Yukimura did not dissuade him, but smiled.

"Hmph, you don't even dare to take my moves, you're really shameless."

Thinking of the unpleasant scene, Akutsu sounded somewhat dissatisfied.

Whether it's attacking the Ichibu or Yukimura, these guys always try to prevent themselves from using combos.

Obviously he can score as long as he plays, but there is nothing he can do if he can't.

It seems that the only one who can truly fight back head-on is Shirazu Chisei of Teikou.

But if Akutsu is given another chance, he believes that with his current state, he will definitely make it impossible for the opponent to fight back.

"Those are two different things. After all, your power is undeniable."

"If I don't think of a way to stop you, I will be the unlucky one."

Shaking his head and smiling bitterly, Yukimura also recognized Akutsu's strength.

Without any special moves, Akutsu's Alayaji Kuzuryuu Flash (Light Strike) cannot be blocked at all.

That can be regarded as a highly offensive technical killer move recognized in junior high schools.

"Hmph, anyway, I'll look good next time with you!"

"I look forward to it."



Compared with the decisive game played by Tatekai Dai, the match between Atobe and Shiraishi was also very exciting.

"Come on!! Shiraishi!"

Kintaro put his hands over his mouth and shouted loudly.

Kintaro’s cheers also inspired other teammates of Shitenhoji.


"This round is won by Shitenhoji Shiraishi!"



"Not bad, you can still keep up with my actions now."

Atobe looked at Shiraishi who was still breathing steadily across from him, and his tone was very surprised.

"After all, I haven't done anything this year."

Holding the racket tightly, Shiraishi looked at Atobe and said seriously.

He didn't know how many days and nights he persisted.

Whether it was his mother-in-law's teachings or Osamu Watanabe's instructions, he always followed them.

Mu Shou has made huge progress, how can Shiraishi stay still?

"Hmm Star Bible"

"It's more interesting than I thought."

Aobe dragged his chin and stared at Shiraishi for a while before commenting.

Originally, he thought that no matter what happened, it wouldn't drag on for too long.

But he didn't expect that Shiraishi's strength exceeded his imagination.

The World of Ice, Illusion of Ice, and Atobe Kingdom moves were all ineffective against him.

Without using the "Eye of Ice", he couldn't even see through Shiraishi's blind spots.

This is something that is difficult to imagine under normal circumstances. You must know that even people as powerful as Tezuka and others cannot do this.

Perhaps it is due to the special nature of the "Star Bible".

"The Star Bible alone only allows me to keep up with you."

“It’s not just physical ability that needs to be constantly compensated.”

“It’s about the same level of technical capabilities, insight, etc.”

As he spoke, Shiraishi prepared to pick up the ball and hit it again.


"Ahem. Did you miss another sentence?"

Looking at the ball that was served, Atobe raised the corner of his mouth, then rushed forward and hit the impactful blow.

Ice Emperor!

"Moves also need to be followed up!"

After hearing Atobe's words, Shiraishi did not panic. Instead, he rushed over without fear and swung the racket violently with his left hand.


A powerful shock was emitted at the junction of the two. The glass in the surrounding areas was shattered, and the debris formed beautiful snowflakes floating around.

"What a violent attack!"

"Can Shiraishi stop it?!"

That violent blow was still impacting the racket, and the eyes of everyone in Tiantianbao Temple were fixed on it.

"Now, do you know what Baishi actually needs most?"

Osamu Watanabe looked at the slightly anxious team members behind him, and then said silently.

"White stone."

"The thing you need most?"

Not understanding what the coach meant at this time, many people were stunned.

(Yes, it’s a move just like Atobe said.)

(Even if the physical ability catches up, if you don’t have the skills to compete with them, you will still be at a disadvantage.)

Chitose was very aware of the code words in Osamu Watanabe's dictation, and thought to herself at the same time.

Now the four major ministers in Kanto are all very powerful and terrifying.

Not only are their personal abilities outstanding, but the moves they have mastered have also been gradually upgraded.

Therefore, facing this group of people, it is not enough to be equal in physical ability. It can only be said to be barely standing on the same stage.

How to resist the opponent's strong and unreasonable moves is the key.

"In his Star Bible state, he is no worse than them."

Seeing the bandage gradually disintegrating, Osamu Watanabe's tone gradually became more expectant.

It seems that the "golden left hand" that was finally cultivated can begin to be put to use.


Aobe looked at Shiraishi catching the ball and noticed something unusual.

The power of the "Ice Emperor" he fought began to decrease indefinitely.

It started to go out as if it was being offset by something.

The shock is far less intense than it was at the beginning.


The ball was hit back, Atobe found the spot again, and then hit the "Ice Emperor" again.

(I want to see what you did.)


Shiraishi was still swinging with his left hand, and the bandage that was about to be shattered revealed his strong arm.

But what surprised Atobe was that this time the Ice Emperor's power dropped significantly the moment Shiraishi touched it.

So that he was beaten back easily.



Instead of catching the ball, Atobe focused on his left hand.

"I see. Using that strong hand as a medium, you used a technique unknown to me to eliminate the effect of the move?"

"The bandage is the so-called seal?"

As if he saw some interesting ability, Atobe said.

"It's just a habit."

"Well, but I have to admit that this hand is indeed a medium."

"The power of technology I developed at the end of the Star Bible"

"Because it reduces the effectiveness of the ball, so..."

"Coach and mother-in-law call it that."

"Fantasy Killer!"

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