Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 554 553 can’t be attacked for a long time!

Chapter 554 553. Can’t attack for a long time!

Mind Freeze is a move that uses one's own mental power to forcibly block the opponent.

For players who rely more on mental power, the effect of this move will be more outstanding.

The reason why Yukimura fell into this trap was also due to his excessive mental strength.

Instead, face Shiraishi

Atobe admits that his mental strength may not be weak, but there is an unstable factor.

That is. "Fantasy Killer".

It seems that the effect is brought about by the left hand and can only be produced by hitting the ball, but it is always just a "message" after Atobe sees it, and it cannot be ruled out that there is a hidden place that he failed to see through.

You know, the "dominance" that is specially used to break evil spirits can be broken up by Fantasy Killer, and the eyes of ice cannot see through the weaknesses of "Fantasy Killer".

From these two aspects alone, it is undoubtedly full of unknowns.

If he uses mind freeze, but Shiraishi can eliminate it through "Fantasy Killer", wouldn't it be in vain?

It wasn't for nothing that he used that move.

If Shiraishi uses his small skills to make a big difference, wouldn't his Jibu suffer a big loss?

It is precisely because of this uncertain situation that Atobu has not taken action quickly.

So much so that the situation turned into a situation where he and Shiraishi were unable to attack each other for a long time.

"The Waltz of Destruction!"


A smash hit, but Shiraishi, who was knocked away from the racket, quickly caught it back and hit back.

"How long will this football match last?"

I don’t know how many times they have seen each other fight, but the two of them still couldn’t tell the winner.

"That's the limit right now."

"Atobe has no moves to use and Shiraishi uses his full strength."

"The only competition is endurance."

Osamu Watanabe lowered the brim of his hat, already very satisfied with this situation.

Shiraishi couldn't do this last year, but now he can push Atobe to the point where he has to fight hand-to-hand.

Although there is a problem of compatibility, it also shows that Shiraishi himself is correspondingly powerful.

(The current physical ability is enough for him to catch the ball.)

(Coupled with the effectiveness of Fantasy Killer, it is simply an impenetrable fortress.)

(Unless it prevents him from catching the ball, however)

Constantly fighting back, Atobe also got a rare headache. Theoretically speaking, as long as Shiraishi can't catch the ball, the effectiveness of Fantasy Killer will have no effect.

Shiraishi, who is under the Star Bible, cannot catch the ball.

Atobe still thinks it’s unrealistic

After all, he doesn't have any exceptional hitting moves.

Unlike Akutsu, Shirazu, Sanada, and Fuji, Atobe's moves are biased toward interference and assistance, except for Ice Emperor and Haki.

But the Ice Emperor and Haki have no effect on Shiraishi at all.

This is almost a dead end.

(Really, why do ministers have such a wonderful relationship chain?)

Thinking of Akashi, Yukimura, Tezuka and others, Atobe couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Shiraishi is his natural enemy in a sense.

It would be best for Tezuka to fight this kind of player.



"Tennis ball?!"

"But it's useless, Shiraishi will catch up in no time."

Faced with the tennis ball played by Atobe, Shiraishi immediately rushed to the net, and then swung a blow across the racket.



The ball that missed the net was knocked out by Jibu and fell straight into the corner.


Taking advantage of the characteristics of the Star Bible, he increased his speed beyond the standard and caught up with the ball in an instant. Shiraishi hit a smooth backhand shot.


"Yeah! He definitely can't catch it."

Seeing the ball passing by Atobe, Kenya suddenly became overjoyed.


But the tennis ball stopped at the bounce point revealed a strange atmosphere.

"It's true that you can eliminate the effectiveness of the ball in the future."

"But there's nothing you can do about something you can't touch, right?"

Atobe casually walked to the position of the ball, and Atobe easily hit it back to the opening.


"It's the time and space of ice!"

"If this continues, none of them will get points."

They were completely in a stalemate, and no one could break anyone else's defense. It looked so funny.

"Doesn't this mean they can fight for the rest of their lives?"

Kintaro pointed to the current situation in the stadium and suddenly became envious.

"What nonsense are you talking about, Xiao Jin!"

"If there is no winner in this game, it means we will miss the time to eat!"

"Ah yes."

Kintaro's expression changed immediately after he reacted, and he immediately jumped onto the guardrail and shouted.

"Shiraishi! Come on!"


"Forget it, let's see who can persist to the end?"

Instead of rushing and using the idea of ​​​​"thinking freeze", Atobe simply started to "lose".

Aren't you just playing ball normally? At worst, it would take an hour or two to see who can't hold back first, and he wouldn't be a coward in insisting on it.



Shiraishi looked at Atobe's counterattack and clearly noticed the change in speed of the ball.

"It's too boring to do it so slowly."

“Let’s speed up the pace of the game a little bit.”

Next, all I can rely on is my own foundation and golf intelligence, and I no longer think about using any of my moves.

"This invitation."

"I accepted!"

In response, Shiraishi did not refuse, but followed his actions.

"It's a spinning ball!"

"Atobe saw through it."

"This time it's Atobe's turn to hit the angle!"

"It's useless, Shiraishi won't let up!"

The two began to show off their back-and-forth confrontation again.


"The game on Court 3 is still going on?"

They were resting at the lunch break place, but Tezuka and others heard the news about Inui Sadaharu.

"Over there is the match between Hyotei and Shitenhoji Temple."

"No way? We've been over for over an hour."

"Why are they still fighting?"

Kikumaru didn't understand what was happening at all. In his opinion, there was no reason why it would take so long.

They had seen Teiko and Tatekai's games end before.

Why is the match between Hyokui and Shitenhoji still going on?

"I heard that Atobe and Shiraishi are fighting a protracted war."

“Neither of them can score points against each other.”

"That one goal alone lasted almost an hour without results."

Gan Sadaharu was also in disbelief when he heard the previous news.

"That Atobe won't be able to score points against Shiraishi?"

Fuji opened his eyes, feeling incredible about this matter.

You know, Atobe's strength is well known to the world, not to mention that he also has the eye of ice to see through weaknesses.

How could such a difficult player face a situation where he couldn't score points?

Therefore, even Tezuka and Fuji thought the process was a bit bizarre.

"Let's go take a look first."

"But it seems like dinner is about to start."

"It's okay. There's no game in the afternoon anyway, so it doesn't matter if we skip a meal today."

"Wait for me to pull!!"

At the same time, several other schools also got the news and rushed there.


Add more chapters!

(19/13) Let’s see if we can pay everything back during the National Day.

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