Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 555 554 gather together!

Chapter 555 554. Gather together!

"Bang! 1"


"How's the battle going?"

When people from other schools ran in to watch, Atobe and Shiraishi were still playing ball in the field.

"The score is still there."


"Hey, hey, isn't this a little too slow?"

Kise raised his head and glanced at the scoreboard on the big screen, with a look of astonishment on his face.

You must know that an hour has passed since the end of their game for the semi-finals.

When the game started simultaneously, it was a bit strange that Hyokui and Shitenhoji were still insisting on this.

"The two of them sweated a lot."

Momoi also observed the expressions of Atobe and Shiraishi gradually falling into fatigue.

"That guy from Atobe was able to keep scoreless?"

Bai Jin was very surprised and looked at the game in the field with curiosity.

With Atobe's level of strength, it is logically impossible for such a situation to occur.

What's more, he possesses so many powerful moves that it would be incredible to be completely guarded against him.

Even Akashi was surprised by this situation, so everyone was quietly observing.

"Why do they have to fight so ordinary?"

Vulcan asked as he didn't quite understand the two people who were racing and fighting in the field.

His words are also a question for everyone.

Because the quarterfinals started at the same time, they didn't have extra time to pay attention to other schools' competitions when they first got a glimpse of the groupings.

After my own game ended, I happened to see people from other schools staying at the accommodation, so I didn't expect that Hyotei and Shitenhoji were still playing.

If someone hadn't tipped off the news, they might not have noticed this.

Therefore, they were not very clear about what happened before.

"I understand Shiraishi-kun, but what's Atobe-kun's reason for not using his moves?"

Even Kuroko raised a question, but at this moment, the sound of footsteps coming from the side also attracted their attention.

"Qing Xue."

"Tezuka, Fuji."

"Emperor's Light."

"Akaashi, Shirazu."

"Li Hai Da"

"Yukimura, Sanada."

It was quite surprising that people from three powerful schools gathered at the entrance, but the people who were paying attention to the game did not pay much attention to this.

"It seems that we still have the same idea."

Yukimura looked at Tezuka, glanced at Akashi again and chuckled.

"Ah, it seems that Shiraishi of Shitenhoji Temple is not easy to put Atobe into such a difficult battle."

Tezuka nodded and spoke frankly.

"Maybe something unexpected happened that we couldn't imagine."

Omo Akashi turned his gaze to the field, and then spoke.

"It's a pity that I don't know what happened before."

One sentence clarified all their doubts at the moment.

After all, no one expected that the match between Hyokui and Shitenhoji would go on for so long without a winner.

"Huh? Isn't that a little one?"

"He came here secretly and didn't even say a word to us?"

Kikumaru turned his head and suddenly spotted a familiar figure in the stands below, and he said angrily.

Everyone followed his finger and saw Echizen Ryoma standing by the stairs with his hands in his pockets, watching the game.

"He might know something."

Inui Sadaharu's lenses reflected the light, and his face full of shadows looked very evil.

"I know!"

Taocheng answered directly on the side, and then a group of second-year students quietly went over.


Sure enough, when a group of people approached, Ryoma spotted them, but he didn't expect that they would all pounce on them together.

"Seniors! What are you going to do?"

"Tell me the truth, what did you see?"

"Yes! You came over to me without saying a word, you are really outrageous!"

Looking at the junior being carried over, the others all laughed in an interesting way.

"In other words, almost all Atobe's moves have no effect on Shiraishi?"

"So I had no choice but to play the most basic tennis."

Yukimura seemed to have heard some interesting news, and then turned his attention to Shiraishi.

"Fantasy Killer."

"It sounds very powerful."

"Murrasakihara-kun, if you weren't powerful, you wouldn't have embarrassed Atobe-kun like this."

Compared to Murasakihara and the others' dull discussion, Baijin was not unfamiliar with that name at all.

(Hey, I always feel that one day this world will end.)

Covering his head with his hands, Bai Jin didn't expect that the situation would develop to this point.

The "third hand" Midorima showed before had already made him feel that the times may have begun to run amok.

But until the "Fantasy Killer" that can eliminate the power of supernatural powers and magic appeared.

It proved to be exactly what he had guessed.

Although the images shown are different, they are also consistent with previous assumptions.

Anyone can start pursuing the road of becoming stronger without any limit, the difference lies in whether there is that opportunity.

As for what you will comprehend and learn in it, that is all up to you.

(But, of course.)

As the person who brought about the change in the first place, Bai Jin was only entangled for a while before he was relieved.

Ever since he came here and kept getting stronger, there has been no peace.

It doesn’t matter if it’s Zone or Fourth Tianyi.

Things that should not appear in this world have appeared one by one.

Even the prince and the miracle have taken their own different paths.

So it is not surprising that something would appear in such a world.

"Shiraishi Kuranosuke, it looks like he will have some good data."

Inui Sadaharu observed Shiraishi silently, and was very interested in him.

Judging from the description from Ryoma's mouth, it is definitely an object worth observing.

"If you put it this way, it seems that I won't have an advantage in a fight with Shiraishi."

"I feel very uncomfortable if I can only play ordinary tennis."

Fuji squinted his eyes, crossed his arms, and spoke a little nervously, but his tone was full of eagerness to try.

"Brother, you are obviously very interested."

Yuta didn't even want to reveal his thoughts, because he had the "instinct" to compete with a strong person.

"Honestly, I would also like to fight against Shiraishi like this."

Tezuka agreed with Fuji's idea, and then spoke.

The same goes for Yukimura and Akashi next to them.

How much effect can a "hand" that can eliminate any special skills have on them?

If they can overcome this problem, does it mean they have new areas of progress?

"What a pity. Even if Shitenhoji wins this match, it will still be against Rikkai."

"We and Qingxue seem to have no share in it."

Kise looked at the restless people, and then poured a basin of cold water on them.

"This conclusion is drawn a bit too quickly."


But it was Ryoma who suddenly spoke, and he spoke again under Kise's surprised gaze.

"Atobe-senpai may not lose."

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