Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 556 555 Be prepared!

Chapter 556 555. Be prepared!

"Atobe-senpai may not lose."

Ryoma's words directly silenced the others.

This is not because they look down on Shiraishi, but because they have had a lot of contact with Atobe and know very well how tough this man is.

In this situation where there is no way to defeat each other, only basic attack and defense depends on the players' own experience and background.

Naturally, the stronger side will have an advantage.

No matter how you look at this, Atobe's chances of winning will be more favorable than Shiraishi's.

After all, even if Shiraishi used the Star Bible, he still couldn't crush Atobe due to his physical advantage. It can only be said that there was a confrontation between them.



Everyone silently watched the offense and defense of the two people on the court. Even when their physical strength was gradually depleted, they still played perfectly.

"Lob shot?"

"It's an opportunity!"

(What a superficial bait.)

Looking at the trap set by Shiraishi, Atobe frowned and disapproved of it.

I just wanted to trick him into smashing and then take advantage of the opportunity to stay in the air.

(However, you still insist on this reason even though you know that I have ice time and space)

(I want to further consume my mental energy.)

(Trying to get me to make a mistake?)

"So you are still too young."

He did not choose a high-jump smash. Instead, after the ball landed at a certain height, Ajibe bent over and bent his knees, then slightly took off with his body and hit the ground smash.


He blocked the incoming smash ball with a backhand shot, but the strong force made Shiraishi realize that something was wrong.


Even though he hit the ball back, Shiraishi found that the surface of his racket began to have ripples.

Each piece of silk thread has some twists and slight bumps.

(Sure enough, even if I try to avoid it, I still can’t prevent Atobe’s attack.)

Knowing that Atobe had been attacking the racket, Shiraishi made remedies, but the effect was still minimal.

"As expected of Atobu, we are taking the initiative step by step."

Jujueping seemed to have discovered something, and then he opened his mouth to praise.

"Shiraishi's reaction is also very fast, but it is still inevitable that he will continue to fall."

Himuro knew that the balance was about to be broken. After all, even though they were playing basic tennis, there were some things that Atobe could do but Shiraishi couldn't.

Being able to persist for so long without falling behind is enough to prove that Shiraishi is strong enough.


"You mean Atobe has been attacking Shiraishi's racket since the middle of the game?"

"That's right."

Some people were dumbfounded when they heard the discussions among the ministers.

"He's not such a rigid guy."

"Although Shiraishi discovered it, he still couldn't stop it."

"After all, it's impossible to hide the racket and not hit back."

Akashi touched his chin with one hand and explained softly while looking at Atobe's retaliation.

"But if it's a weakness seen by the Eye of Ice, shouldn't it be broken by a touch?"

Recalling Atobe's performance against Akutsu, many people were puzzled.

"It's hard to say. If the racket held by Fantasy Killer will also make the Eye of Ice invisible, then Atobe can only do this."

"Is it just relying on brute force to break up the opponent's racket frame or net?"

"Isn't this too messy?"

Hearing this, Kise felt a little subtle. Is this gambling style too unstable?

"That may be the case for other people, but for Atobe, maybe he can know where the weak points of Shiraishi's racket are without relying on the Eye of Ice."


Compared with other people's explanations, Yukimura's statement is puzzling.

"I'm afraid he knows exactly what type and brand of racket Shiraishi is holding, right?"

"He may know the nature and value of the racket better than anyone else, and he may have already grasped the fixed weaknesses before Shiraishi used Fantasy Killer."

"Shiraishi noticed it quickly, so he kept changing his forehand and backhand to hit the ball."

"But even so, it cannot stop the fact that the racket is being defeated step by step."

Tezuka was also talking at this time, and they could see clearly how Atobe did it.

This kind of thing is a bit hard to believe, but it is true.

"He has already started planning."

"The protracted war is only on the surface, and there is also a hidden agenda in the mainland."

"Atobe is not a king who just sits there and waits for death."

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized, and at the same time they were surprised and admired Atobe's idea.

While you're playing a protracted game, I'll also focus on the weak points of your racket.

In this situation, ordinary people may not be able to find such a way to break the situation, right?

"Shiraishi is also very strong. He immediately noticed the situation and tried to fight back."

"It's a pity that it seems that we are unable to do so."

That's not some nonsense, it's the current situation.

Atobe, this is purely a conspiracy. If I hit the ball, you have to pick it up, right?

Whether you hit it directly or wait for it to bounce off the ground, you will definitely catch it. Even if the area you catch is different each time, it will still have a slight impact.

dripping water wears stone

What's more, this is tennis.

"Then why can't Shiraishi do the same thing in reverse?"

After Kikumaru came to his senses, he was a little confused.

Now that you know your opponent is staring at the racket and attacking, why don't you just use it yourself?

Even if he doesn't have Atobe's vision and experience, as long as he keeps hitting powerful power balls, it should be effective.

"It's not that simple."

"If a racket can be broken by hitting it without thinking, then wouldn't the power player be the best in the world?"

Fuji looked at Kikumaru lovingly, and then explained to him.

"That's right."

Thinking of this, Kikumaru realized that the question just now was a bit stupid.

"This is also something Atobe can do himself."

"Whether it's through his understanding of the racket or his early observation with his eyes, he always has the best possible preparation."

"So, you may not think that Atobe is so high-profile and gorgeous on the surface, but he is actually very cautious and shrewd."

Being pointed out by Akashi in this way makes people feel like they have discovered a new world.


"How long can you hold on?"

After hitting the ball back with one shot, Atobe looked at Shiraishi with an expression of looking forward to a good show.

Whether it is a protracted war or a targeted attack, he adopts a two-pronged approach.

"Ah, this is a bit surprising."

Osamu Watanabe raised the brim of his hat and felt troubled by the current situation.

I thought that Atobe wouldn't be able to use any of his moves. As long as Shiraishi fought "bayonet" with him, there was always a chance of winning.

But I never expected that this guy Atobe didn't care about martial ethics at all, and he even hid his tricks when fighting "bayonet".


When Shiraishi hit the ball back again, he could faintly hear the sound of cracks on the racket frame.


It's a bit late tonight, try your best to catch up

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