Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 563 562 Ryoma’s abnormality!

Chapter 563 562. Ryoma’s abnormality!


This power dragon horse is no stranger.

After all, the other self in the future often uses it.

Although it is difficult to deal with the world's top powerhouses, it is indeed a rare power.

At the same time, there is also a very inappropriate saying, that is, people who have perfect understanding can barely touch the threshold of world class.

Of course, that was the saying of the day.

After all, most of the current players in the world have their own "unique skills."


"This round is won by Diguang Kaibin!"



After Kaibin's perfect performance, he finally suppressed Ryoma and almost won the serve.

"A little bit weird."

"Huh? What's wrong? Akashi."

Although it was short-lived, Akaashi still had an unusual hairstyle, and his reaction also attracted the attention of his teammates.

"Echizen Ryoma."

"It doesn't seem to be affected by the seamlessness at all."

Bai Jin also noticed the suspicion, and then started to explain.

"Speaking of it, it seems that his movements are not slow at all."

The Vulcans were stunned when they reacted. They only paid attention to Kaibin's seamless use and scored, but almost ignored the opponent's state.

"It is not possible to determine his condition at the moment, and we will have to observe him for a period of time."

After finishing speaking, everyone's eyes began to turn to Ryoma.



Hitting the ball back again, Kaibin easily won a point and gradually established his advantage.

"What about this time?"

"It's Nine-Headed Dragon Flash!"

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!!"

The second time after Ryoma served the ball, Kaibin just hit back when he received a counterattack from Kuzuryuu.

But this time, he didn't miss any of them and hit them all back.


"It's amazing. Is this the power of being seamless?"

"Not only can I hit the ball with light, I can even hit back easily with Kuzuryuu Flash."

Looking at Kaibin's stable posture, many people were surprised.

"Although the light of reserve can widen the gap between the two parties."

"But the situation doesn't seem to be as good as imagined."

Noah looked at the situation on the field and noticed something was wrong.

"Huh? Isn't that the one who is leading?"

Elmer looked at Noah, not quite understanding why he said this.

"It looks like that, but the boy wearing the hat has no abnormal body movements at all."

"On the contrary, he seems to be enjoying the current game."

Plance still has some discernment, and he can tell Ryoma's situation at a glance.

"The light of reserve can weaken the opponent's ability and increase one's own realm power."

"But it was clear that Ryoma Echizen was not affected."

"This doesn't make sense."

Looking at Elmer who was still confused, Berti finally explained to him.

"Speaking of which, that guy's speed and strength don't seem to have diminished at all."

After hearing this, Elmer reacted and discovered this when he looked towards the field.

This is also a question of many people. They all noticed Ryoma's performance, so they didn't understand it.

"Tezuka, is it possible?"

Fuji thought of a possibility, but he didn't dare to draw a conclusion.

Because if it were true, it would be a bit scary.

"Excluding other impossible and unknown factors, that may be the final result."

Tezuka knew what he wanted to say, and he could only wait and see for the time being.

The two of them thought of "Akaashi" at the same time.

After all, Akaashi is the only one who has been able to withstand the weakening in his normal state.

But Akashi is a special case.


"This round is won by Diguang Kaibin!"



He was defeated again, but Ryoma was still not in a hurry.

(Well, as expected, the improvement of oneself by being flawless cannot be compared with repeated training and brilliance of talent.)

He is testing Tianyi's improvement to Kaibin step by step, while at the same time looking at himself on an equal footing.

(According to this situation, even if I use a perfect match and combine it with the power of another dimension, it will be at least two levels stronger.)

(In that case, at least I can deal with many seniors.)

Many people's faces flashed through his mind one by one. If it were in the past, Longma would definitely be very "squeaky".

But as he chases the two strongest, this is not enough.

Tu Yi's temporary thoughts will only make him lose embarrassingly in the end.

(To deal with that senior, the current situation cannot be satisfied.)

(You need to break through the limits and find something stronger.)

It is very clear how huge the gap is with that person, so the current Ryoma will not easily activate the seamlessness.

This is just like playing a game, seamlessness is a talent that is bound and cannot be removed.

Although the lowest level is SSR, if you really have to choose, Ryoma would rather have a stronger "UR" that is seamless.

Just like Tezuka's "Tianyi Domain" can also be counted as this level.

Therefore, you need to choose carefully and not be quick.


(His movements are still the same as before.)

(No matter how I attack, he can keep up.)

As his opponent, Kaibin was naturally aware of Ryoma's situation. While he was puzzled, he could only keep testing.




But no matter how he scores, Ryoma doesn't care at all. Instead, he tries his best to catch the ball every time until he can't catch it anymore.

But facing the Kaibin, which uses the car perfectly, Ryoma, who only opens the double doors, is undoubtedly unstoppable.




The racket was knocked away. Ryoma felt the force for a moment, then turned around to pick up the fallen racket and wiped the dust.


"This round is won by Diguang Kaibin!"



The score began to grow, which seemed to indicate that Kaibin was getting closer to victory.

But many people are uneasy about this lead.

"Akaashi Echizen Ryoma is indeed just like you."

After watching another confrontation, Bai Jin was convinced of something incredible, and then said to Akashi.

"Ah, I don't know how he did it though."

"But it seems he's awakened."

Nodding, Akashi saw through it, and his eyes became serious.


"what are you guys saying?"

Kise didn't quite understand what riddle these two people were playing here.

"Echizen Ryoma should have a similar different-dimensional incarnation like me."

But after hearing what Akashi said, a group of people were stunned.

An alternate-dimensional incarnation similar to Akashi?

Doesn't that mean.

"He also has another alternate dimension like you?"

It was nothing more than Kise's surprise. This kind of thing was really unbelievable.

You must know what Akashi encountered before he awakened. That is definitely not a path that ordinary people can repeat.

It can be said that it is difficult to have another player like Akashi in the world.

But now, a new member of the National First Class suddenly appears, and the impact of this news is much greater.

"How is it possible? Is that little guy capable of this?"

Murasakibara's lazy eyes suddenly became focused, and he looked at Ryoma who was about to serve and wondered.

"If it is true, you will know after reading it."

"He lost three games and was not in a hurry at all."

"As Akashi-kun said, that calm attitude may come from that power."

Kuroko was thinking and waiting for the next game to start.

It was at this time that they felt a familiar atmosphere in the venue.

Their eyes shifted to Ryoma, and everyone felt the amazing momentum from him.

"coming soon!"

"Another dimension!"

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