Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 564 563 The

Chapter 564 563. The battlefield of the “past”!

"This is.!"

Feeling the sudden change in the atmosphere, Kaibin's expression became serious.

He could feel the amazing momentum from Ryoma.


As soon as Ryoma held the ball in his hands, he threw it into the air and then struck a blow.

(So ​​fast!)

(It’s not at the same level as before.)

Judging from the extremely fast serve, Kebin immediately chased it, then stretched out his racket to try to hit it back.


The heavy force was transmitted from the ball, and the power was no longer what it used to be.

"But this alone is not enough!"

But for Kaibin, who entered seamlessly, this level is not difficult for him to fight back.


The ball jumped back, and Long Ma also found the landing point, with a little white light flowing on his running figure.


"Fight back again!"

Seeing the two men changing their previous situation, everyone watching was a little surprised.

You know, it was difficult for Ryoma to catch the ball before, but now he can hit it back calmly, which means that his strength has been greatly improved compared to just now.



There was constant chasing back and forth, and the ball kept moving back and forth.

"Currently, it seems that Echizen Ryoma's physical abilities are slightly higher than Kaibin's."

"Although his extra-dimensional incarnation has not yet appeared, it has already begun to work."

Having judged this, Akashi was also observing him.

"The competition now is just basic confrontation. We don't know yet what kind of power his different dimension has."

After thinking for a while, Bai Jin might have a strange guess.

If it is just to simply improve the basics, then it is the most unpretentious one, but I am afraid that it also has special effects.

But looking at Ryoma's current appearance, there is no way he is a normal type.


After a whip shot, Ryoma turned his attention to the other corner.

(It’s so slow that it makes my hands itch.)

It was as if he heard the inner urging, and seemed dissatisfied with his ink-blowing style.

"Don't worry."

"I'm just seeing if I can score with this state."

He whispered his thoughts in response.

(Of course I know what you are thinking, but you will always be bored to test it.)

(If you want to win just by improving your physical ability, you can only wear him down until he is low on physical strength or until he is completely unstoppable.)

(The game can be over in an instant if you use all your strength.)

That voice kept lingering in his mind, but Ryoma didn't feel irritated.

In fact, this is the first time he has used it in an official game, so he wants to have a sense of "ceremony".

But unfortunately, Kaibin would not give him a chance to "show off" and kept pestering him.

The five-dimensional improvement brought by different dimensions cannot completely suppress Kaibin.

At any rate, the other party is also driving flawlessly, and he is not an ordinary person. Even if he will not be weakened, Kaibin will still improve.

Looking at the previous two-door games where he could only lose points, we can tell that the gold content of the realm is quite high.



He didn't know how many balls he had played. Looking at Kaibin who still didn't relax, Ryoma knew that there was no point in spending it like this, so he also changed his mind.

"Then let's get started!"

After he finished speaking, the white figure had gathered behind him.


"Hmph, young man, although you have a good idea, you have ignored the biggest problem caused by your own different dimension."

In the stands, Nanjiro looked at Ryoma using that power and showed an interesting smile.

When Ryoma used it on him before, he was somewhat surprised, but afterwards he realized the weakness of this extra-dimensional effect.

However, rather than saying it is a weakness, it is more that it is unfriendly to Ryoma itself.

Because that would overturn some of the "advantages" he had.

Winning a game may be no problem, but it will also bring huge growth to the opponent.

Even if only once.

He had never told Ryoma about this matter.

And today, the other party will definitely know through this competition.

In addition to watching Tezuka's match, Nanjiro also waited to see Ryoma's jokes and his stiff expression after the match.

"Ryoma, although you may win, your opponent may win more outside the competition."


"Echizen's different dimension is indeed true."

"Same type as Akashi"

Fuji looked at the white shadow that appeared behind Ryoma, and then murmured.

"But one thing is different. It seems that his different dimension can only be used in a dependent way, and cannot be separated from Akashi."

Although the types are similar, the effects will definitely be different.

"Just let's see."

Not only Tezuka and Fuji, but everyone in Teikou's team were paying close attention to him.

And Kaibin was even more vigilant, not daring to relax at all.


As soon as he hit the ball back, Kaibin suddenly realized something was wrong.

The cyan light had dissipated at some point, and even the field of vision he saw seemed to have become much narrower.

"This is.?!"

The moment he came back to his senses, Kaibin realized the shocking change he had encountered.

(The body has become smaller?)

That short-legged, short-handed posture is undoubtedly what he looked like when he was a child.


The sound of the ball rang in his ears. He didn't pay more attention to anything, but tried to find the position of the ball.


But he couldn't see where the ball was at all. When the referee's voice came out, he realized that he had lost a point.

(I can’t see Ryoma’s return ball?)

Within the field of vision, Ryoma seemed to have become smaller, but his body was still wrapped in the white light of another dimension.

"It's natural that you won't be able to see it."

"How can you compare when you were a child with when you were in junior high school?"

"Whether it's physical ability or reaction, of course I have an advantage as I have a different dimension at this moment."

The little dragon horse looked so cute and strange, but the tone of his mouth was never more familiar than before.

"what have you done?"

He turned around and looked around, only to find that this "shrinking" abnormality seemed to only exist between him and Ryoma, and others seemed not to notice it.

"The impact was so great, is it hard to believe?"

There is still an aura of another dimension visible to the naked eye around his body, but it seems a bit foolish to ask this.



The ball came out instantly, but Kempin simply couldn't catch the shot.

"What my alternate-dimensional incarnation possesses is the ultimate power to transcend the past, present, and future."

"Any future type abilities are of no use to me."

"Even for the players I'm playing against, I can freely choose one of the nodes to fight."

"And this moment is the "past" between me and you when we were 7 years old."

Pointing the racket forward, Ryoma also revealed the secret of his different dimension.


If his appearance hadn't really shrunk, Kaibin would never have believed such an outrageous fact.

(No, if it was really 7 years old. Why is this happening?)

The perfect suit cannot be used, even the physical ability has changed back to that period.

"Are you wondering why Seamless Clothes doesn't work?"

"Isn't that natural?"

"How could you be so good at 7 years old?"

As if answering Kaibin's question, Ryoma spoke bluntly.

The last sentence left Kaibin speechless, and it was well-founded.

"But you should have been affected too!"

In response to this, Kaibin reacted and then questioned.

He wouldn't be perfect at 7 years old, but on the other hand, how could Ryoma be in another dimension at 7 years old?

"I was affected, but that doesn't mean it's the same as you."

"The current me, whether it is the past, the future or the present, is all one."

"So even if my body really turns into a 7-year-old, I can still use different dimensions."

"Taking the increase as an example, no matter what, it's still stronger than you who can't use Seamless Clothes, right?"

Being dragged into the timeline of another dimension, Kaibin's heart felt like it was falling into an ice cave.

The mysterious incarnation of another dimension now revealed part of its "fangs".

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