Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 567 566 Super Cyclone Smash and Hurricane Smash!

Chapter 567 566. Super whirlwind smash and hurricane smash!



(This feeling of déjà vu)

Constantly fighting back, Kaibin looked at the grown-up Ryoma in front of him with an inexplicable sense of nostalgia.

It was obviously the first time he fought Ryoma in this posture, but for some reason Kaibin felt extremely familiar.

It was as if they had experienced this kind of confrontation several times.

His body began to move unconsciously, and the result of letting it go was that his playing style changed.



After regaining a point again, the panting state before had disappeared, but now I can feel the sufficient physical strength and solid foundation in my body.

How could he be so strong in the third grade of junior high school?

Compared to him who was in the first grade of the country, he was completely different.

It’s such a desirable image.

In this state, he has the confidence to compete with Kise-senpai.

"Nothing surprising."

"After you grow up, even if you have no memory of the future, your body will consciously show the skills and strength that belonged to that time."

After hearing Ryoma's narration, Kaibin realized why he had "become stronger".

In addition to the soaring physical fitness, there is also the need to gradually show his future playing style through constant confrontation.

muscle memory

It is completely based on this as the fulcrum.

"Storm smash?"

"No different!"

Seeing Kaibin leaping into the air, his rotating body struck a familiar blow, but the power and effect were completely different.

A vortex of wind pressure visible to the naked eye formed behind him.

Even the people sitting in the auditorium felt the force of the wind that was about to blow people away.

"Hurricane Smash!!"


The wind pressure that enveloped the stadium even caused changes in the sky. Looking from a high altitude, you will find that the clouds above the entire stadium are surrounded by clouds, showing an "○" shape.

"What a joke!"

Pronce covered his messed up hair, unable to believe the strength Kaibin showed at this time.

"A smash shot of this caliber."

"How can it be blocked?"

The image of causing natural disasters and changing clouds was deeply engraved in his heart. Even if Plans used another dimension, he would not have the confidence to stop it.


"I'm going to be blown away!!"

Horio struggled to hold on to the guardrail, almost turning into a carp streamer.


The other people watching the game didn't feel very good either.

The huge whirlpool of wind pressure seemed to suck everything into it, even those who were watching the battle were no exception.


"Whether it's the past or the future"

"It's all very troublesome stuff."

Looking at the whirlpool coming from ahead, Ryoma's face that resembled Long Ya showed a calm smile. Then he jumped up and rushed into the center of the whirlpool without fear.

Although Kaibin will gradually adapt to future skills during the game, Ryoma will do the same.

"Super·Tornado Smash!!"

Guiding himself to find the ball in the crazy wind pressure, Ryoma then hit his own smash.


An unimaginable impact occurred, and a violent tornado struck the wind vortex.

"These two guys!"

Qingfeng put one hand in his pocket and put the other hand in front of his forehead. He began to get excited.

Judging from the level of the confrontation, both Ryoma and Kaibin at this moment have the strength to impress them.

The idea of ​​​​fighting against them emerged naturally from the heart.

"It's really strong!"

Just smashing the ball can be of such a level, it is difficult for Vulcan to imagine how powerful they will be when they are fully utilized.

"What a shame these two little guys are."

Kise also blocked the front with his hands, trying not to let himself bear too much wind and become unstable.

"Hmph, a little bit more presentable."

"Lv Zai, can you please stop hiding behind me when you talk so arrogantly? It's very crowded."

Midorima just "pretended" very appropriately, but Murasakibara exposed his situation.

"If they play to the strength of the third country, it will fully prove that they are not weaker than us."

"It has great potential."

Shiratsu looked at the two people who caused the excitement, and felt a little interested as Midorima said.

Although Ryoma of the First Nation also has some strength, Bai Jin still doesn't take him seriously.

But the dragon horse in front of him was much more interesting. Just smashing each other with Kaibin could cause such an impact. One can imagine how powerful it was.

"Ah, Echizen Ryoma."

"I didn't expect to have such strength."

Akashi did not deny that, not to mention that Ryoma has not yet shown the growth of belonging to another dimension.

"Every generation has talents, and each generation is more relaxed than the previous generation."

When it comes to this point, Bai Jin feels it is very subtle. Thinking about how they grew up in the first year of the country?

Except for him, Tezuka, and Akashi, few people can show such exaggerated strength.

But it is a pity that Kaibin and Ryoma were born at a later age, which caused them to start two years later.

But now they have seen competition among people of the same age, and their performance is not inferior to that of their seniors in the third grade of junior high school.


"This round is won by Seigaku Echizen!"



The wind vortex was defeated, and the violent tornado hit Kaibin's field and sent everyone flying out, which also indicated that Ryoma had won this point.


Putting his hands on the ground, Kaibin stood up slowly, ignoring the scratches on his body.

(Keep it in mind a little more.)

After finally having the opportunity to get in touch with his "future" self, he couldn't wait to extend the game time even more.

In this case, the more feelings he can retain for himself.

"Still a long way to go."

The unpleasant words came to mind again, and he turned his attention to the grown-up Ryoma. He still wore a hat, but his handsome appearance was so calm.

"Stop being so arrogant."

"You haven't won yet."

Taking out the ball from his trouser pocket, Kaibin argued unconvinced.


A heavy serve hit, and he felt a familiar rhythm.

The body is recording the feeling of playing at this time step by step and turning it into its own thing.

He had a hunch that after this competition, he would be able to grow further.


"That's it. Just remember that feeling."

"How much you can learn from the cracks in the future depends on you."

After hitting the ball back, Ryoma looked at Kaibin and said it honestly.

"Stop talking! This fight isn't over yet!"

The cyan light still enveloped him, and Kaibin enjoyed the current confrontation.










In constant confrontation, the two also displayed their own unique skills.

"Swing ball B"

"Hit it back, it's a lob!"

"That's...Super Tornado Smash!"

"Kebin plans to use hurricane smash to fight back!!"

"The storm of wind is coming again!"

Exaggerated scenes kept reappearing, and the two of them also ushered in the climax.

As if they resonated, the two shouted in unison.

"I will win this battle!"

"I will win this duel!"

The whirlpool and the tornado collided again, and even the chandeliers in the surrounding venue began to move.

"Do you want to run away first? I feel like it's a bit unsafe here."

"Nonsense, that lamp is going to be blown off. Can you do it if you don't run away?"

"Can being smashed to death be considered an accident?"

"The devil knows"


The comics department actually won.

Obviously, so many people thought that he would be the one to be left behind.

To be honest, it's surprising

The new serve "Absolute Zero World" was hit back by Romeo without any explanation. I really couldn't stand it anymore.

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