Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 568 567 sequelae!

Chapter 568 567.Sequelae!



"That kid is slipping again."

"Are shoes so durable?"

"This isn't an ice rink!"

During the last ball confrontation, people who were still watching once again saw Ryoma's feet sliding against the ground and complained about this.

(swinging the ball)

While Kaibin was waiting, he was also observing the movements on Ryoma's arm.

Regardless of whether you are playing the signature A, B, C, or D swing balls, there will be corresponding points.

As long as you capture this key element, you can predict and respond in advance.

In the current state, Kaibin has the confidence to catch Ryoma's counterattack.

"Jump up!"

"Swipe the ball!"

(The left hand is parallel to the shoulder. Is this?!)

I thought it was just any kind of familiar whipping ball, but I didn't expect that I had never seen it at all.

“Not even close”

As if he had read through Kaibin's thoughts, Ryoma immediately spoke sarcastically.



Then he swung his left hand and hit the shot.

The ball drew a golden trajectory in the air like a shooting star.

"Tsk, no matter what it is, just fight back!"

For the time being, he couldn't care about what type of swing the ball was hitting, but Kempin still planned to hit back before the ball fell.


"it's here!"

But what exceeded his expectation was that when he ran to the landing point and swung the racket in advance, the ball suddenly changed and plummeted sharply.

Then it bounced up slightly at an oblique angle after touching the ground.


Kaibin reacted immediately and tried to save the ball. He turned his back and planned to hit the bouncing ball back with his backhand.

But what I didn't expect was that the ball that originally bounced at an angle fell straight down for the second time and finally hit the ground heavily.


Looking at the changing ball path, Kaibin was stunned.

"Swish the ball N!"

Landing gently on the ground, Ryoma held the racket, stared at Kaibin's stunned expression, and then spoke.

"It's actually N?"

He didn't expect it to be this new type of whipping ball, so Kaibin lost the last point.

In a state where both parties are in the future, each other is too mysterious

It is unknown what skills and moves the opponent has.

Therefore, Kaibin can only analyze Ryoma's offense and defense step by step, but cannot avoid the initial kill.

Even if he is the same, compared to Ryoma, it is undoubtedly difficult for him to put too much pressure on him.

"This set is won by Aogakus Echizen!"



The referee's voice sounded appropriately, announcing the end of the game.

"Oh oh oh!!"


"Are the two of them really freshmen from the first grade of the country?"

Boiling shouts continued to come from the audience seats, and only then did the spectators who came back to their senses noticed the end of the game.

Although the scene between Kaibin and Ryoma feels a bit strange, it is undoubtedly very exciting.

At least show them the super high level of the first grade.

"Ah, they are so despicable!"

"I want to go up and play with them too!"

Kintaro stood on the chair angrily, looking at the exciting confrontation below and said angrily.

"That kind of fighting style that suddenly becomes weaker and stronger is so interesting!"

Even though he didn't know what happened to the two people in the scene, Kintaro's wild intuition still told him that it must be a very interesting scene.

"Xiao Jin, even if you can get in, you won't be fighting Qing Xue or Di Guang."

"If you really want to fight, you may have to wait until next year."

Shiraishi looked helplessly at Kintaro who was making a fuss, and said in a doting tone.

"Next year will be too long!"

"It's decided. After this competition is over, I will find a chance to compete with Echizen and the others."

It’s hard to wait for next year, Kintaro said eagerly.

"You win again this time."

"Echizen Ryoma, you are such a powerful guy."

In the venue, Kaibin and Ryoma held hands, and both parties returned to their original faces at the same time.

"Huh, okay."

Lowering the brim of his hat, Ryoma was not proud of this.

In fact, the growth rate of different dimensions alone is just a bit stronger than Kaibin, and it is far from being able to compete with his predecessors.

With the effect of adjusting age, it can only close the gap in physical fitness and playing style.

(If you want to win, you still have to use that guy’s true power.)

Thinking of this, Ryoma also turned his gaze not far away.

After the two talked, they returned to the team.

"It looks like I'm very satisfied with the fight."

Looking at Kebin coming back, Kise shouted to him.

"But I still didn't beat him."

"I'm sorry, minister, deputy minister, seniors."

"I disappoint you."

Said with regret, Kaibin then looked at everyone and said apologetically.

"Hey, it's just a loss, nothing to worry about."

"Just make yourself stronger next time."

"Who in this world has never lost?"

Vulcan put his hand on his head, and his big hand directly supported Kaibin's lowered head.

"Don't feel sorry for anyone, as long as it can be the food for you to become stronger, that's okay."

"We are Emperor Guang, it's just a loss, it won't hurt us."

"Now, right."

Qingfeng's appropriate tone sounded, which also showed their calmness as consecutive champions.

"That's the truth."

"But you still have work to do."

Akashi's soft voice came out, and he didn't blame anything in particular.

After all, judging from Kaibin's performance, it was enough, but Echizen Ryoma was stronger than him.

"Compared to that, you might as well huh?"

Bai Jin was about to say something, but suddenly he caught a glimpse of Kaibin's painful expression.


The pained cry made Vulcan suddenly let go of his hand in fright.

"What's wrong?"



Covering his head with his hands, Kaibin seemed to be experiencing something, and he kept making sounds of grief.

“My head hurts so much!!”

"have what."

No longer able to care about the surrounding situation, Kaibin only felt something pouring into his brain.

(Hey, I've wanted to repay Kise-senpai for a long time.)

(Ryoma, you came back too late!)

(Reinhard-senpai has given up singles to you, so don’t let him down!)

Illusory pictures kept appearing, and he was immediately confused.

"Little one, will your move have any subsequent effects?"

"Huh? How could there be such a thing?"

"He seemed to be in pain."

On the other side, everyone in Qingxue looked at Kaibin's situation and asked about Ryoma.

On the contrary, Ryoma himself was confused and had no idea what was going on at Kaibin.

"Hey, brat."

"The more you use that technique, the easier it is to attract strange effects."

"The memory of the future will follow you to find its original owner."

Nanjiro scratched his head in the stands and said with amusement watching this scene.

He knew this after fighting Ryoma, but Ryoma himself seemed to not know.

Although his alternate dimension is very powerful, the biggest problem is that it may instill "his future memories" into people.

Although it is only once, just once is enough to reverse the huge trajectory of the opponent's life.

Just like Ryoma himself.

Like Nanjiro, he already knows the results of the World Championship that has not yet started.

And what kind of changes Ryoma has made.

The samurai becomes himself.

Abandoning the seamlessness and focusing on different dimensions for the time being

Use this to gain a stronger foundation.

All of these are changes in the past caused by the interference of future dragons and horses.

"Wait until they all have future memories"

"This era will accelerate again."

"If you are careless, you will get into trouble, Ryoma."

PS: It’s a bit late today

The setting of Ryoma's sequelae of another dimension comes from the idea of ​​the future chapter of "Tutor". Even after Tsuna and the others returned to the past from the future, all the people in the past also had memories of experiencing the future.

So in the beginning, Ryoma only experienced it first, and everyone will get the original memory later.

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