Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 570 569 Dangerous combination!

Chapter 570 569. Dangerous combination!



"The dragon and the phoenix return to the nest!!"


"This round is won by Seigaku Fuji!"



The gorgeous figures of Dragon and Phoenix appeared in the field, winning new points for Fuji.

"As expected of Fuji! At that moment, he actually used the dragon and the phoenix to return the nest."

"The opponent has no time at all."

Kikumaru looked at the tying score and shouted excitedly.

"Now it's evenly divided again. It's a really anxious situation."

Dashi frowned and watched the competition on the field but was not overly happy.

From the beginning, Kise used his seriousness as an excuse, and the two started to attack each other with familiar moves.

But no matter what, the scores cannot be easily opened.

(As expected of Fuji Shusuke.)

(Even if I know I can imitate others to deal with it, I will still find the moment when I can't fight back to score.)

It had been a long time since he had fought Fuji, and Kise could still feel his blood boiling this time.

This kind of pleasure of fighting against masters of the same level is simply incredible.

"Oh, we can't let the rhythm of the game fall into your hands."

Fuji still maintained his usual smile, but did not dare to relax at all.

Kise is most famous for his ease of imitation. He can imitate the strong men in the country.

Therefore, Fuji will never give him a chance to control the game.

(Yes, imitation is a very comprehensive thing, but it can also be limited as long as you seize the opportunity to attack fiercely.)

Inui Sadaharu watched silently from behind, collecting information while also being vigilant.

"you're right."

“But now it’s time to make the competition even more intense.”

Kise stood on the baseline holding the ball, then glanced at the positions of Fuji and Inui Sadaharu and said happily.

White breath and lightning have wrapped around the body.

"A perfect imitation of a double!"

That was already the level of full strength, and now Fuji could only deal with it cautiously.


A stream of colored light emitted from the center of the ball, and then disappeared.

"That's from Tokugawa-senpai last year."

"Fantasy serve?"

Inui Sadaharu was shocked when he saw the disappearing ball and the rainbow light remaining in the sky.



Fuji opened his eyes, looked at the ball that had landed and rolled, and fell into silence.

He just tried to catch it with his mind's eye, but still failed.

"The second ball is coming."

Without much time to reflect, Kise had already assumed the second pose.

(The rainbow light will make the ball disappear. You can use the sound to judge it, but the enhanced version of the phantom serve has multiple sounds, and it is impossible to identify the position by listening to the sound.)

(Fu Er’s thinking just now seems to have failed.)

(in the end.)





Almost all of the points were served, and Kise looked so relaxed.

"That's it. I asked you why you can't even see through it."

"Is it the aura of Hyokui Tatsuya Himuro that blocks it?"

"Indeed, it is not difficult if these two types of moves are mixed together."

Just when Kise was about to serve the last ball, Fuji slowly spoke.

"Hey, people will always make progress."

"There is no rule that imitation cannot surpass the original."

"Tokugawa-senpai's colorful serve and Himuro's breath blocking."

"This combination is much easier to use than imagined."

Even though Fuji had seen through it, Kise didn't care at all.

Knowing is one thing, being able to fight back is another.


After hitting the last shot, Kise found a strange wind pressure surrounding Fuji.


When he blinked, he saw that Fuji was swinging his racket towards an unknown area.


The powerful swing swept through with wind pressure.


As if it had hit something, the ball hidden in the rainbow light was knocked back.

"Wind Barrier?"

He harnessed the wind to expand his attack range, and Kise was impressed by his skill.

(Essentially, it uses the principle of rapid swing to drive the flow of air.)

(But not only did he do it, he also brought up wind pressure to expand his swing area, as if he was controlling a huge hand of wind)

(It can be done to that extent.)

In an instant, he understood the opponent's method, and Kise couldn't help but admire this person's amazing fighting style.

If you can't find where the ball is, just find an area and hit it.

As long as my "racquet" is big enough, there is no ball I can't hit.

"However, the accuracy is still a little bit off."


"Out of bounds!!"

"Teimitsu Kise and Kuroko win this round!"



Heizi silently looked at the trace that was just a hair away from touching the line and was unmoved. It was because he saw that the ball would go out of bounds that he did not make up for it.

"On the edge of the wind?"

"A bit of bad luck."

He also knew that the area where he swung the racket just now was not enough, so he just scratched the edge, Fuji said regretfully.

"It really shocked me."

"You can do that kind of thing just with your swing."

"It's really like Superman."

Kise stared at Fuji, recalling the previous action and spoke.

"Haha, it shouldn't be too difficult for you."

Not feeling carried away by what Kise said, Fuji just responded with a smile.

"Well, of course."

"Maybe I can do better than you."

Kise's expression was full of confidence as he spoke words that sounded like narcissism.

No one could ignore that grandiose declaration.

As a copycat type of tennis player, everyone knows what he is capable of.

(A round behind?)

(Although this is expected, maintaining this gap can also be dangerous.)

Inui Sadaharu stood on the baseline preparing to serve, but he was thinking in his heart.

This gap was expected from the beginning.

What troubles Inui Sadaharu is that Kuroko hasn't used too much force so far.

Fuji couldn't deal with Kise wholeheartedly. After all, once Kuroko activated his consciousness induction, it would be troublesome.

As a result, both of them were unable to act rashly.

(Is this also one of their purposes?)

Realizing this, Gan Sadaharu felt that he was really in big trouble.

Kuroko just standing on the court, even if he didn't take any action, was enough for Fuji and Inui Sadaharu to pay attention to him.

(No, the ultimate goal is the same for everyone.)

Paying attention to each other's thoughts, Gan Sadaharu knew that his serve this time was crucial.

Once the score reaches the "killing line", the other side will definitely show its fangs in an instant.

But unlike him and Fuji, Kise and Kuroko are more advantageous.

Because as long as Kise goes all out, it will involve most of his and Fuji's energy.

If you mess up your position, you will be defeated quickly.

“What a dangerous combination”

Throwing the ball up, Inui Sadaharu hit his serve while muttering.

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