Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 571 570 The most suitable

Chapter 571 570. The most suitable "light"!


"Here it comes! It's the waterfall serve!"

Inui Sadaharu once again hit his famous serve, but Kise and Kuroko did not underestimate him.

Although Inui Sadaharu often does not appear as a "background board", his strength as a third-year student is still worthy of recognition.

The reason why I once met Teikou and lost miserably was because I was too immature and was targeted by Momoi's formation.

When facing other schools, Inui Sadaharu has always been in a situation where he wins more than he loses.

Just like Oishi and Kikumaru, except for Teiko's doubles team, they rarely lost in junior high school.

(Is it changing direction or accelerating?)

Kuroko thought in silence as he knew the nature of Inui Sadaharu's serve very well.

He opened his eyes and carefully observed the ball bouncing off the ground. The detonated water splashed around, looking so gorgeous.


(It’s acceleration!)

The sudden acceleration force made Heizi realize this, and he shot away with his back.


But a shocking scene happened. Just before his racket surface was about to touch the tennis ball, the ball turned and rushed to the other side.


"Change of direction after acceleration?"

Kise and Kuroko were both surprised when they saw that change.

You must know that in the past, Inui Sadaharu could only choose between "acceleration" and "steering".

Now you can actually "accelerate" and then "turn"?

"Agan hasn't done anything in the past two years."

Fuji looked at Gan Sadaharu with relief, his tone was very trusting.

In the first six rounds played before, apart from gathering intelligence, Fuji and Kise were playing solo.

Inui Sadaharu, like Kuroko, did not take action.

But now, being one game behind, Inui Sadaharu judged that he could no longer lose points, so he took action.



The second serve came again, and the splashing water spread around.

(As long as you know it will accelerate first and then change direction, then.)

As soon as the ball hit the ground, Kise, who was responsible for catching the ball this time, had already made a judgment.

But before he could make any new preparations, the ball took an unexpected turn the moment it jumped.




The moment he was about to swing the racket, he saw to the naked eye that the tennis ball changed direction the moment it bounced, then accelerated and slipped out of the court.

"Turn and accelerate."

"Can I adjust it freely?"

Unexpectedly, Kise could freely arrange the order of "acceleration" and "turning", but he looked at Inui Sadaharu in a new light.

He thought it was like last time, first "accelerating" and then "turning".

Unexpectedly, this time it was replaced by "turning" first and then "accelerating".

The too-fast change caused Kise, who was not fully prepared, to lose the point.

Otherwise, if he imitated Qingfeng just now, he would be able to get it back.

"Little Heizi, you must catch the next ball."

"Kise-kun, please don't force yourself on others."


As soon as he said hello to Kuroko, he received the response of "I can't do it", which made Kise speechless.

"I'm just a shadow."

"It's not as powerful as you."

He said those two sentences with a very sincere expression, which silenced Kise.

He wanted to refute loudly, but after thinking about it, he felt that what Heizi said seemed to be correct.

Although Heizi's physical fitness is already pretty good now, the gap between him and these guys is still very obvious.

That is to say, the brilliance of doubles obscures his shortcomings, so that it makes people think that Kuroko is actually strong enough alone.

This is the misunderstanding caused by a long-term impression.

(Yes, Xiao Heizi’s strength lies in his cooperation with his teammates.)

(If he encounters troublesome moves and overly strong players, it will be difficult for him to deal with them under normal circumstances.)

After reacting, Kise also realized that he had taken it for granted before.

Excluding magical synchronization, super volume, and connection, Kuroko's individual strength is not as strong as Kise and others.

"Sorry, just pretend I didn't say it."

After realizing that this round might be lost, Kise didn't mind but apologized.


Kuroko looked at Kise, his mature appearance was no longer as childish as it was two years ago.

(You are so weak.)

(Yay! Won!)

I vaguely remember the first time I came into contact with Kise. At that time, he was still a newcomer who didn't even have a standard grip on the racket.

But even so, Heizi at that time couldn't beat him.

(Light is always around.)

(Anyone can become light.)

Heizi was very satisfied with the three years of campus life in junior high school, and he was also longing for it.

What makes him most gratified is that he has gained a group of important companions.

"Come on! Kise-kun."

Seeing that Ini Sadaharu was about to serve again, Kuroko suddenly spoke.



Hearing this, he was startled and turned to look at Kuroko. Kise, who maintained his double perfect imitation, immediately responded with a smile.

At this moment, Aomine's speed and Vulcan's power will be revealed.

A white glow connected him to Kuroko.

"It's time to use it."


Huge pressure suddenly hit, and Fuji and Gan Sadaharu's expressions became solemn.

"The same tune as the original?"

"As expected of him."

Looking at this picture, Shirazu suddenly realized that the "light" that might be the most suitable for Kuroko was Kise.

Because having Kise at this time is equivalent to having all the "light".

Coupled with the synchronization of the original version, it will exert unimaginable combat effectiveness.



(Did you finally take action?)

(No matter what, you must try your best to win this round.)

Sensing the oncoming crisis, Inui Sadaharu once again hit his waterfall serve.

(How will he fight back?)

Fuji opened his eyes slightly and looked ahead, thinking to himself.

If it was Kuroko, who had not shown his talent before, Fuji wouldn't be too worried.

But at this moment, the opponent who has been sacrificed together with the tune is definitely not a child's play.

He also knew very well that this round was crucial and might affect the direction of the game.

So this ball.

We must fight!

"He moved!"

In everyone's eyes, the moment the ball hit the ground and bounced, Heizi was already running ahead of time.

The ball that suddenly changed direction and accelerated was leaving the field at an alarming speed.

But in the end, Heizi intercepted him at a critical step.


"Call back!!"

(No matter what, this point must be scored.)

Fuji looked at the flying ball and his eyes became sharp.

Facing the incoming ball, he started to slide and rub the ball with his racket, and then turned over and hit a lob at the same time.

"A high-intensity, traceless spinning lob."

"Starfire Guards?!!"

Seeing that the opponent was so determined to score, Kise naturally wouldn't be polite to him.

The fire god's movements increased, and he jumped up violently, as if his body was flying in the air.

"Did he jump too high?!"

"But it's useless, I don't even know where the ball is!"

The pure white sky reflects the stars all over the sky, which makes people dizzy and cannot see the ball at all.

A powerful spinning lob hidden among the stars.

If you use a smash, you will definitely hit the net forcibly because the return spin is not enough.

"Wait. That's?!"

In the eyes of everyone, Kise, who had almost demonstrated superhuman jumping power, radiated a green light and then fought back.


A harsh cutting sound sounded, and a tennis ball wrapped in a huge four-cornered wind blade descended from high altitude.

"Rasen Shuriken!!"

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