Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 572 571AI Mode (4K)

Chapter 572 571.AI Mode (4K)


The powerful wind blade struck, but it was difficult for Inui Sadaharu to find a way to deal with it.

This move was not unfamiliar to him, it was the evolved form of the Rasengan that Shirazu Jisei once displayed.

The moment the player goes to catch the ball, his arm will be hit by a "needle" and he will lose control.

Either find a way to dispel the effect of the wind blade, or isolate it with the brilliance of a seamless garment.

For Inui Sadaharu, who still plays data tennis, he does not have that kind of extraordinary power.

Therefore, for this ball, he could only give in to Fuji and let him counterattack.


Standing in the midfield, Fuji was naturally very aware of the current situation. He raised one hand and then seemed to be guiding something.


Kuroko noticed that the flow of air was changing, and it began to wrap around Fuji's racket as if it was being attracted.

The air pressure visible to the naked eye was condensing, eventually turning into a white whirlwind.



"Fight back!"


Faced with such a situation, Fuji swung away and hit the ball back in the fierce collision between the two, but his racket was also bounced away at the same time.

"Okay! That guy jumped so high, and his powerful ability to stay in the air has become a weakness. He has no choice for the time being."

(No, you should be wary now)

The words of the spectators did not make Inui Sadaharu relax, but he turned his attention to Kuroko who had already run to his position.

The opponent's twisting of the waist to drive the strength of the arm made Sadaharu Inui start to calculate.

(The attack angle that Kuroko Tetsuya can choose is about 120°. Considering my position, he will definitely be more inclined to Fuji who currently does not have a racket.)

(The probability of getting through is 93%!)

Making a judgment at that moment, Inui Sadaharu had already taken that step in advance.


At this moment, Kuroko hit the ball, leaped across the field at extremely fast speed, and bounced off the outside of Fuji's feet.


Inui Sadaharu had been waiting for a long time and fought back.

"Has it been counted?"

Kise landed on one knee, then stood up again, using the speed he imitated to catch the ball that had just passed the net, and then hit a sharp electric shot.


"I won't let you succeed!"

Before he could act, Fuji had already run behind to pick up the racket and activate the "Light Wind".

Catching the trajectory of the ball, he jumped up, stretched his arms across the air, and hit a spinning ball that circled the net.

"Snake ball?"


"That's the White Dragon!"

Not being fooled by the spin, Kuroko ran over and hit the opposite corner the moment the ball flew into the boundary.

"The probability of the opposite corner is 100%!"

Inui Sadaharu was already waiting in the corner. He aimed at the current positions of the two people and calculated the possibility of scoring.

(No matter how you calculate it, it will be difficult to break through Kise Ryota's defense.)

At this moment, he hesitated. The other party's overly versatile performance made it impossible for him to make a move.

Because no matter what, Kise will definitely be able to catch the ball he hits.

For Kise in this state, there was nothing he couldn't fight back.

(If you want to get points, you still have to rely on Fuji.)

Realizing this, Inui Sadaharu knew that it was only possible to let Fuji attack. It would be difficult for him to break through Kise.


He could only barely hit the ball high into the sky, trying to buy Fuji time to get up.

"Is it another lob?"

"Then let's make it a fun one this time."

Jumping up suddenly, Kise didn't worry about the follow-up. He would definitely score this time.

Strong wind pressure began to sweep around, and this familiar scene made the audience who had just sat down feel excited.

"This was before."

The twisted clouds began to spread, once again forming a huge surrounding net over the arena.

"Hoo ho ho!!!"

The wind was howling, making it difficult to see and stand.


Kaibin looked at Kise leaping up and reacted immediately. He grabbed the guardrail with one hand to prevent himself from being moved.

As a user, he had felt the power before, but it was only when he was watching that he realized how powerful it was.

He who is in the third grade of junior high school

It is really powerful that makes people yearn for it.

"Hurricane Smash!!"

The whirlpool of wind struck from high altitude, enveloping it with an irresistible momentum.


“Too late”

Although Fuji had already stood up and chased after him, the situation was not enough for him to be overly prepared to perform a complete counterattack.


But what was unexpected was that Fuji's body suddenly accelerated the moment the ball was about to hit the ground.


Looking at this scene, Kise was slightly surprised.

(Did you take advantage of the wind I blew up?)

(What an incredible guy.)

Seeing how Fuji did it, Kise admired his reaction.

Part of the wind pressure caused by the hurricane smash was pulled by Fuji Shusuke on the soles of his feet, and then the opponent took advantage of this to create a "jet acceleration" effect.

"As expected of a player who can control the wind."

Akashi commented as he watched Fuji resolve a possible crisis again.

"But whether it can be stopped or not is another matter."

Bai Jin had long been accustomed to the unfaithful nature of this group of people, and then he spoke.

The double perfect imitation performed by Kise was more than just a simple restoration.

The combination can even surpass the original version.

"It's the Linwei Cage Net!"

He barely caught up and then used his own special skills, but even so Fuji could still feel the tremendous pressure.


(Oops, racket strings)

An unpleasant sound rang in his ears, and he opened his eyes and looked at the net cord that was torn under the impact of the ball.

The originally sound shooting net was now twisted into a tangled mess and eventually fell apart.


The ball passed through the hollow racket surface heavily, hit the ground directly, and was engraved in it.


This intense exchange ended with Fuji's racket being damaged.


"Just a little bit!"

Horio looked at this scene unwillingly and then made a sound.

Even as a member of the "lay", he could see that the previous shot was a problem of the racket not being able to withstand it.

Otherwise, there might actually be a chance to fight back.

"Both sides are so awesome."

“What a wonderful fight!!”

"come on! Come on!!"

Noisy sounds continued to ring around, and people even applauded.

It was obviously just a shot, but they could feel the thrill of it.

Anyone who made a mistake during this period might have already decided the winner.

But each other's will to not give up is moving.

"I thought you could really fight back."

"However, it seems that I am luckier."

After falling down and standing up, Kise looked at Fuji and said.

"It's a bit of a pity."

Looking at his empty face, Fuji responded with a sigh.

If he had known earlier, he should have concentrated the wind pressure caused by the hurricane to protect the racket.

I was too anxious to deal with it, so I still made a wrong step.


Inui Sadaharu watched this scene silently, the hand holding the racket trembling slightly.

If he could help better, Fuji wouldn't have to deal with it so hard.

Unfortunately, facing Kise, no matter how he calculated, it was of no avail.

For a player who is changeable and has a huge upper and lower limit of strength, the data in Inui Sadaharu's hands are of no use at all.

Although Heizi on the other side can be somewhat vigilant, it is not easy to restrain him.

"Agan, maybe you should adapt as soon as possible."

Fuji's words sounded nearby, seeming to remind him.

"I know."

"But even so, I can't guarantee victory."

"That doesn't hold up very long after all."

Inui Sadaharu was very confused. According to the original plan, it would be best for them to control the score at 4:4.

But now when you are one game behind and intercepted, you will look very passive.

Revealing your trump card too early can easily change the situation once your opponent finds a way to crack it.

What's more, the opponent is not that easy to deal with.

In the original plan, Inui Sadaharu thought that he would not be able to meet Kise, a versatile monster.

But who would have thought that he would be taken advantage of again.

The combination of Kuroko and Kise was quite dangerous in his opinion.

Because this means that Kuroko, as the core, will definitely have whatever type of "light" he wants.

For him as a "shadow", it is undoubtedly a huge home field advantage.

"However, it seems that there is not enough spare time left for us."

Walking back to the baseline to prepare to serve again, Inui Sadaharu could only adopt the attitude of "do your best and obey fate".


Feeling the subtle atmosphere between Fuji and Ini Sadaharu, Kise felt as if the other party was going to use something.

"Then let's get started."

The ball has been thrown up, and Inui Sadaharu's reflective lenses blocked his eyes.

"Waterfall serve again?"

"Kise is the one catching the ball this time, so there will definitely be no problem."

That swing was so familiar that Vulcan even wanted to open the champagne at halftime.




(The ball accelerated midway?)

Realizing the change, Kise immediately took action. He ran towards the midfield to be ready.

(If you accelerate first, then you will turn next.)

Considering the opponent's serve, Kise stared closely.


But what surprised Kise was that the ball, which had already hit the ground at an extremely fast speed, became even faster the moment it bounced back up.


Although he could react, it really shocked Kise. He immediately chased after him and barely hit the ball back.

(It turns out to be “re-acceleration” after “acceleration”!)

This time it is a secondary acceleration without "steering".

If Kise didn't have the speed of Aomine, he might have lost points with this goal.

Fuji watched the ball fly past him with no intention of catching it.

Inui Sadaharu in the back was already in place and then raised his racket to hit the ball.

(Heizi, be careful.)

In the synchronic state, the two people's thoughts were easily connected, and Kise's reminder was also sent.

Heizi nodded and knew that the current situation was a bit strange, and then waited for the ball to land.



The ball had already turned the moment it bounced, and Heizi immediately took a half-step, intending to swing.

But at this moment the ball changed again and he failed to catch it.



"real or fake.?"

Kagami was surprised when Kuroko didn't catch the ball.

“Can you not only serve but also return the ball?”

"You should have thought of it before there were two accelerations."

"If you can accelerate twice, you can naturally turn twice."

"Isn't that the same as Sanada's Black Dragon Slash?"

"Can that gloomy man with glasses be able to do this?"

While Akaashi was explaining, Aomine's calculating words were also conveyed.

"No, it just looks like it."

"It's actually a pre-arrangement."

Midorima interjected at this time. He looked at Inui Sadaharu's appearance and said.

"It gave the ball a unique spin the first time, and then it gave it deeper spin by rubbing the ground the moment it bounced."

"Really speaking, as long as you see through the secrets, defense is not impossible. Compared with Black Dragon Slash, it is much easier to deal with."

For players who have played against Inui Sadaharu several times, Midorima knows very well what this guy is capable of.

If he could really display his abilities like Black Dragon Slash, it would definitely be more than this level of performance.

"If that's the case, why didn't he fight like this before?"

It’s really puzzling that he obviously has such a unique skill, but he didn’t use it before.

"Maybe he can't use it under normal conditions."

"Just like the secondary acceleration force given to the ball before, the secondary steering of the ball is not that simple to achieve."

Noticing the current abnormality of Gan Sadaharu, everyone also turned their attention.

His eyes were staring straight ahead through the glasses, and his emotionless face was so stiff and indifferent at the moment.

"Agan in this state has no other ideas except making the most of his abilities and calculations."

"He has entered"

"Automatic mode."

"Just like an AI computer."

Kikumaru looked at this scene and felt very familiar.

As classmates who grew up together, they also have different paths.

But only Inui Sadaharu took the physical route of "mechanical ascension".

That's the act of "escrow".

It seems that he has learned from Tezuka Tenyi's actions and selfless realm, and then developed his own model based on it.

AI mode!

How can an offense have a higher probability of scoring?

How can you increase your defense rate?

In this state, Inui Sadaharu will put aside unnecessary emotions and only act with the goal of winning.

He can also display abilities that are difficult for him to achieve for the time being.

Secondary acceleration and secondary steering are achieved based on this state.

"It was also thanks to the fact that he collected a lot of information about the Selfless Realm and the reference of the opponent Zuka Tianyi's field that he was able to succeed."

"It can be considered a new step as a data flow player."

Kawamura Takashi looked at the unknown Inui Sadaharu and was happy with his performance.

"After all, he is also a member of Qingxue."

“It’s impossible to follow us all the way and do nothing.”

Tezuka crossed his arms and watched this scene calmly.

They, a group of third-grade students of the same age, had made an agreement when they were in the first year of junior high school.

We must go to the end together, no one can be left behind

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