Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 574 573 The first encounter with the strongest enemy!

Chapter 574 573. The beginning and the strongest enemy!

"On one side is the minister and on the other side is the deputy minister."

"As expected, Qingxue can only do this."

"They've included Fujitsu's help in the doubles, and then we can only look at the golden combination and Tezuka."

Since Echizen Ryoma occupied a singles position, he certainly won, but Seigaku still didn't dare to gamble on having a chance to play in the No. 1 singles position.

After all, with Diguang's attitude, they will definitely go all out.

In this case, the risk of Fuji playing No. 2 and Tezuka playing No. 1 is too high.

The opponent is not a player that can be easily dealt with, and this is also a choice they made under the trade-off.

"What an interesting picture."

Momoi looked at the two people standing on the field and suddenly felt nostalgic.

"Tezuka and Oshirazu haven't played against each other in the ring for two years, right?"

"It's truly a second battle worthy of the name."

Kise, who had just returned, wiped his sweaty forehead with a towel, and then said.

"Except for the first time playing in the gym, the real competition is still the period of the Kanto Tournament. Such a long time has passed in the blink of an eye."

"Now everyone is at the last moment of junior high school."

"I believe there will be a wonderful game."

When it comes to this, many people are looking forward to it.

"Speaking of which, it's all thanks to him. If it weren't for Shirazu Tomosei, Tezuka might not be able to start so quickly, right?"

Kawamura Takashi recalled his experience in the first grade and couldn't help but sigh.

"Huh? Senior Aaron, why do you say that?"

Kamio didn't quite understand the cause and effect, so he asked strangely.

Ryoma and Yuta on the side knew the situation very well.

One has the corresponding memory, and the other heard it from his elder brother.

"We didn't get a chance to play when we were freshmen."

"That's when I was picking up balls."

"The coach is not yet Nanjiro-senpai. Compared to Teikou, Hyotei, Tatekai Dai, and Yamabuki, our lives are pretty miserable."

Kikumaru also remembered the original scene and couldn't help but explain.

"That is to say, before the metropolitan competition, Shirazu Tomosei brought Kise Ryota to the gym."

"He asked for Tezuka by name."

"Speaking of which, when Tezuka and I first met him, it was incredible."

Kawamura Takashi spoke, and Fuji added appropriately beside him.

There may have been a connection at that time.

(Are you Tezuka Kunimitsu?)

(I am Shirazu Jisei, deputy director of Teiko Middle School.)

(How about it, do you want to have a fight?)

(I reject.)

The scene at that time has always been in my memory. After all, the impression was too profound.

"I heard Senior Qian say this."

"It seems that all the seniors of Minister Tezuka at that time were defeated by him alone."

"Then Minister Tezuka and him ended up in a draw."

Talking about this matter, Momojo heard Ini Sadaharu mention it and recounted the situation at that time.

"But he didn't have to use all his strength at that time."

"It was after that that Minister Yamato at the time reformed the youth academy system against all opinions, so that first-year students also had the opportunity to play in the team competition."

"Since they were all defeated by Shirazu Jisei just by himself, the seniors don't dare to raise any objections."

Fuji also slowly added, his tone full of calmness.

It can be said that Tezuka's initial change was brought about by Shiratsu.

That kicking game completely changed Qing Xue's fate.

Therefore, their feelings towards Bai Jinzhixing are actually quite complicated.

There was a mixture of happiness and gratitude, but also a feeling of being troubled by his strength.

However, to be honest, their favorable impression of him outside the game is very friendly.

(Past without experience)

Ryoma just focused his attention on Tezuka who was about to serve on the court, and had no extra thoughts to worry about anything else.

In future memories, there will be no confrontation like this at all.

It was still the classic Akashi VS Tezuka

And now it’s Shirazu VS Tezuka

It can only be said that the choices he made are indeed affecting the present.


"Just hitting the ball with light?"

The golden light shone, accompanying Tezuka's initial bombardment.

"What an old rival."

Looking at that ball, Bai Jin also felt nostalgic, then he raised his racket high and chopped it.

"Hoo ho ho!!!"

The golden light was shattered, and then the raging tornado roared towards the opposite side.

Explosive flow!

This move was originally developed to deal with light strikes.


A strange sound was made, and everyone saw the tornado being pulled into a ball as if it was being pulled.

"Samurai Domain!"

"And then there's the Zero Swing Ball!"


Having already reached the peak of his "skills" a long time ago, Tezuka is now able to control everything with ease.


Faced with such a goal, Bai Jin just ran to the position in advance, then put on the driving position, and then played that familiar move.

New tiger!

The roaring beast king charged over with a dangerous aura.

The air along the way seemed to be burned, causing distortions visible to the naked eye.

"What a powerful new tiger"

"The space is distorted!"

"That rascal"

Prongs and others in the stands stared straight ahead. The game had just begun, but they felt as if it was at the end of the game.

Even though there was foreshadowing by Kaibin, Fuji and others, this time it was obvious that the level was different.

A bright red light emanated from Tezuka with the pressure of the wind, and the powerful tiger was hindered during the assault.

"Is that Tezuka Phantom?"

"No, it's just the Phantom that can't stop it."

"It corresponds to the warrior realm."

"Phantom Realm!"

Using another upgraded stunt he had developed, Tezuka finally bounced the ball out of bounds.



“The level of confrontation is constantly escalating.”

"Maybe this is the battlefield they belong to."

Looking at this scene, Gan Sadaharu had already vaguely expected it.

Light Blast, Explosive Blast, Samurai Field and Zero Swing Ball, to New Tiger and Phantom Field.

If this set of combos continues, other ordinary players may have to consider whether they can take one of them.

"Hey, did you specially develop Phantom's upper level?"

"You do this even though you already have the Supreme Realm. You are worthy of it."

Seeing the move Tezuka used just now, Bai Jin was a little surprised.

You must know that the supreme realm that you have realized through the warrior realm directly possesses the offensive and defensive capabilities of "gravity" and "repulsion".

Therefore, there is no need to pursue the change of Phantom at the expense of others.

But in fact, any player who understands the difference between "Repulsion" and "Phantom" knows that this is not the same type of move at all.

"Repulsion" is a strong bullet that stands out.

"Phantom" relies on giving rotational force in advance

Both have different effects in the same environment.

It was as powerful as the new tiger Shirazu had just fought. If Tezuka chose the "repulsive force" of the highest realm to deal with it, he would definitely be penetrated.

In turn, using the "Phantom Field" with the "Phantom" in the upper position, you can have the opportunity to pop the ball out of bounds.

"The fighting style is still so rich, and so is the experience against the enemy."

"Persistence in impeccable tennis"

"This is Tezuka."

Inui Sadaharu commented as he looked at Tezuka who got one point first.

"But the opponent is not that easy to deal with."

"Once the Phantom Realm is discovered, it may be difficult to have a second effect."

"After all, he is Tezuka."

"The first and the strongest enemy."

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