Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 575 574 New Tiger Power Double Strike!

Chapter 575 574. New Tiger Power Double Strike!


On his second serve, Tezuka chose to hit an arcing spin ball.

The ball hit the ground hard and then bounced up.

"Are you planning to use the Phantom or the Supreme Realm as a backup again?"

Seeing this serve with obvious purpose, Bai Jin spoke softly.

Once he hits the ball back in a normal way, Tezuka will inevitably usher in a counterattack.

The Phantom Realm and the Supreme Realm are the two most critical counterattack points.

If repulsion is not possible, Tezuka uses the effect of the phantom based on the spin attached to the ball.

On the contrary, if Bai Jin is wary of Phantom, he will consider using repulsion.

With a two-pronged approach, he always has an opportunity that he can fight for.

(It might be very nerve-wracking to deal with others.)

This style of play has to be said to be very powerful, because facing this situation, it means that the opponent must have the ability to break through the Phantom and the Supreme Realm at the same time.

This is no simple matter.

Whether it's the spin on the ball or the repulsion that Tezuka is always prepared for, it's a headache.

"But, in that case, Xiaobaijin will definitely have a solution."

Seeing the bouncing ball, Kise spoke confidently.

"He's not a guy who would be stopped to this extent."

Aomine nodded and agreed with Kise's statement.

Others were watching Bai Jin, who had already swung the racket, to see what he was going to do.


When the racket surface came into contact with the ball, Shiratsu immediately hit the ball back.

The purple energy wrapped around the tennis ball and rushed towards the opposite side, mixed with the effect of destroying everything and running rampant.

"That's the move."

"Then there's no way to use the Phantom and the Supreme Realm to deal with it."

"It will be destroyed!"


Witnessing this scene, compared to the frightened people in the spectator center, Tezuka started the perfect match without hesitation.



On that basis, we even used sweet spot play to deal with it.


But even so, he was having a hard time dealing with it.

The destructive energy was overflowing everywhere. Even if he used the brilliance of Tianyi to offset it, it still contained violent effects.



The racket was knocked away and could not be completely blocked.


"How could this happen? Minister Tezuka."

Seeing that the ball was not intercepted, Horio and others were immediately surprised.

You must know that Tezuka has always been the strong player in the team in their impression, so they have never seen the scene of his racket being knocked away.

"The power is indeed even more amazing."

"Tezuka failed to grasp the area of ​​the counterattack."

“The sweet spot approach failed.”

Looking at this scene, Fuji felt regretful.

Even if he used Tianyi to resist the impact of that energy, he still couldn't withstand its unstable power.

It's not that easy to completely use the sweet spot technique to fight back easily.

Especially when this so-called "destruction" is so wild.

If Tezuka hadn't used Tianyi, the racket would have been exploded.



But in the eyes of everyone, Tezuka did not care about the previous defeat, but hit the third ball without changing his expression.


"Let's use this after a long time."

The cyan light had enveloped the whole place, and Bai Jin had already realized Tezuka's profound attainments.

Under normal circumstances he could not avoid being affected by it.

Thinking of a certain move that he hadn't used for a long time, Shirazu decided to give Tezuka more strength.

Scarlet flames burst out from the body, and the surging energy dispersed the cyan radiance.

"Kaiou Fist!"

The surge in physical ability made Shiratsu's swings impossible to catch.


Without being polite at all, Shirazu did even more damage in that state.

The purple energy ball once again wrapped the tennis ball and rushed towards Tezuka's court.

But this time, Tezuka was still carefully capturing the sweet spot.

He knew that the power of Bai Jin's moves in his current state was extraordinary.

If you insist on fighting back, you will only be wasting your efforts.

The best way is to find the sweet spot to hit, so that you can not only fight back, but also save energy.

But he couldn't find it accurately in the last ball. It was too difficult to get through this time with stronger damage.




The racket was pierced, and Tezuka frowned and looked at the marks on it.

(There are still deviations.)

Failure to find the correct position means that the heat is insufficient.

But for Tezuka, this was not something difficult to accept.

Although I didn’t succeed this time, I’ll just find it right next time.

"I guess twice at most."

Looking at Tezuka who had changed his racket and was about to serve, Shirazu predicted the outcome of the battle.

The maximum damage he can do in this state is two more hits, and Tezuka will almost be able to adapt to counterattacks.

Although he also wanted to conquer the world with one move, it was obvious that his opponent was not a general.

With Tezuka's understanding, he can quickly find the sweet spot of destruction to fight back.

(Well, it doesn’t have any impact on me though.)

The ball had already been served by Tezuka, but Shiratsu still chose to play "destruction".

He had long ago not cared about whether he would be defeated.

Anyway, this is not the only thing I am holding in my hand.

If it really doesn't work anymore, just change it.

If it hadn't been for the fact that this was the simplest and crudest move that could break both the Phantom and the Supreme Realm, Bai Jin might not have used it so quickly.


"Fight back!!"

"Although the angle is a little off, it's still within bounds!"

Faster than expected, Tezuka suddenly grasped the trick and shot the golden ball of light.

Bai Jin raised his hand horizontally, and then slashed towards the golden light.

"Underworld's waning moon breaks!"

The dark crescent moon spread forward along with the split ball, and the golden light was swallowed up by the underworld, leaving only the remains of the ball floating in the air.

"Hoo ho ho!!!"

But faced with such a situation, Tezuka was not anxious. The tornado rising from the ground pressed and pulled the surrounding underworld.

"Want to use gravity to pull it over?"

"Then I'm afraid you won't be able to do it if you don't put in more effort."

The underworld is not an ordinary thing, it is an existence equivalent to a different space.

Just a little bit of suction isn't enough to pull it through.


But what is shocking is that as Tezuka shouted, the intensity of gravity suddenly increased a lot, truly pulling the originally "swaying" underworld.


As it came together, he struck back.

"As expected of you."

"It seems like I don't practice less."

This time it was Bai Jin's turn to face those chopped tennis balls, but the too complicated route couldn't stop his movements at all.

"Then I'll show you something good."



The red tiger and the blue eagle appeared behind it, exuding powerful pressure.

"Try this, it's very powerful."

"New Tiger Power Double Strike!"

The tiger and the eagle roared together, impacting with unrivaled momentum.

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