Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 576 575 Shock! A fierce battle at the level of a general!

Chapter 576 575. Shock! A fierce battle at the level of a general!

New tiger momentum.

This is the combined stunt of Tsubasa Ohsora and Kojiro Hinata in Shogun. It has a stronger impact on its original power and performance.

"Not good."

The performance of even lifting up the ground is enough to express the exaggerated destructive power.

“The net is torn apart!!”

Just the performance of crossing the net made people tremble. It was difficult for them to believe that Tezuka could catch the ball safely.

"He doesn't plan to avoid it?"

Elmer suddenly stood up from his seat and said in disbelief when he saw Tezuka trying to catch the ball.

"How could it be possible next...!"

Henry also had a stiff expression and said tremblingly with cold sweat.

Even Berti and Noah next to them watched this scene intently. That kind of powerful hitting was already at the level of another dimension.

It's not something that can be easily resisted.


Dashi, who was watching the battle, even shouted nervously.



Haizaki on the other side curled his lips and commented in a deep voice.

This ball was almost destroying the stadium before it was implemented. If Tezuka had not caught it, he could already imagine the consequences.

That's definitely no worse than when Akutsu took over Wuyue.

The thought of that scene of blood splattering is really chilling.


Calmly observing the beasts and birds attacking from ahead, Tezuka did not panic or evade, but relaxed his mind.

(If you can’t see it with the naked eye, just use your instinct to catch it.)

(The sublimated moves are not irreversible.)

That he can do it is not nonsense, but the confidence brought by his own skills and strength.


The racket was swung out, and the brilliance of Tianyi condensed on the string to prevent it from being easily penetrated.


There was an explosion sound, and in the astonished eyes of everyone, the tigers and birds screamed, and the cyan ball of light leaped out, carrying a powerful impact forward.


"At that juncture, you actually hit a cyan light shot specifically aimed at the incarnation of another dimension?"

Aomine looked at this scene in surprise, and felt incredible at Tezuka's way of fighting back.

"Is that considered an incarnation of another dimension?"

The fact that the tigers and birds can be beaten back so easily proves that the characteristics of the cyan light hitting the ball are effective.

"No, it should be said that it is precisely because Baijin-kun is too strong that his moves have changed from ordinary world-level to the level of the incarnation of another dimension, making it possible to defeat him."

"What's even more unfortunate is that Tezuka-kun happens to have some restraint."

"He saw through this very calmly, so he chose to fight head-on."

Kuroko admired Tezuka who always maintained a normal mentality. When a normal player faced such a blow, his first reaction would probably not be to fight back, but to avoid it.

It is no exaggeration to say that if he had failed to catch the ball just now, he might have been hospitalized.

In such a crisis situation, he can still deal with it calmly, analyze and understand its essence, and then use his own skills to fight back.

This carefulness and boldness are simply extraordinary bravery.

"Well done!"

Tezuka's performance indeed exceeded Shirazu's expectations. It was really unexpected that the new Tiger Power Double Strike was knocked back.

Although it was due to his own excessive strength that he had enhanced his world-class skills to the level of an incarnation from another dimension, such a scene was truly astonishing.

Not caring about the tattered and collapsed net in front of him, Bai Jin watched the flying cyan light hit the ball and then made a new move.

"I won't let you have any room to hit the cyan light ball this time."

With a wave towards the front, Bai Jin spoke confidently.

"Spirit Pill!"

The ball shone with white-blue light, then turned into a huge sphere and bombarded back.

"so big!"

"Hey, hey, hey, the stadium has been crushed."

"This doesn't look like it did before!"

It was another act of bulldozing that could be described as plowing, and the entire stadium was turned into a wasteland.

The spectators felt their hearts beating a few times more than usual.


The sphere covered in aura completely blocked Tezuka's perception of it.




The tall wall was blasted with a horrifying hole, which was frightening.

Fortunately, the wall was relatively high and the audience was seated further back, otherwise they would not have been unharmed.

But even so, a group of people felt a surge in adrenaline.

"What a joke."

"Why is every goal so scary?"

Elmer broke into a cold sweat when he saw it, and couldn't even understand the current situation in front of him.

Are these two people really junior high school students?

In his mind, this was basically a professional-level confrontation.

A wide variety of world-class skills are displayed casually.

Any ball mixed in there can make him fumble for a long time without being able to crack it.

But the two people in front of them were able to attack each other without changing their expressions.

It’s hard to imagine that the opponent is a player of the same age as yourself

"The gap is so big."

Clenching his hands, Henry couldn't express the complicated emotions in his heart.

As a Swiss genius, he was always called a "noble son" by the outside world, which had always made him proud, but now he felt that it was more like a kind of irony.

Even if he is a genius at this level, what do these people in front of him mean?

"Don't think so much"

Berti glanced at Elmer and Henry, whose mentality had changed, and knew that these two people were probably shocked.

"How do you win this?"

Jonnar's pupils were shaking and he couldn't calm down at all.

According to his judgment, this was simply beyond the level of a junior high school student.

Maybe he has reached the level of a high school leader. Or even a very strong one.

Your leading junior high school student is so awesome, how can other countries do this?

"Now, we have to seriously consider it."

Compared to the "collapse" of others, Noah found that Prance was the calmest one.

Although he was a little dull, he was not anxious at all.

"I didn't expect there to be so many awesome guys."

"It seems that I still took it a little too easy."

To this point, Plance just responded like this.

He really didn't expect that Neon would encounter such a "ridiculous" match next time.

Extra-dimensional moves are everywhere like locusts.

There are even many people who have incarnations.

(Neon is a hidden enemy, and it is really difficult to observe their full combat power.)

Not to mention the high school students of Byodoin's class, the overall strength of junior high school students alone is enough to put other countries to shame.

Berti frowned as he thought about the information he had received, and finally came to the conclusion that

In this special world championship, their king, Germany, does not have any advantage in terms of junior high school students.

Because they simply don’t have any junior high school students who can fight like that.

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