Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 577 576 Tianyi Domain Instant Style! (4K)

Chapter 577 576. Heavenly Clothes Domain · Instant Style! (4K)

"Tezuka, are you okay?"

Oishi looked at Tezuka who was resting on the sidelines and asked.

He was still a little worried because he was so close to the spirit ball just now.

"It's okay, Dashi."

"Having seamless strength, you are not so easily injured."

In response, Tezuka then closed his eyes and concentrated.

During the maintenance at the venue, he and Shirazu had some rest time.

It can only be said that special rules can only be displayed during special periods.

It can only be said that the destruction of the stadium has been taken into consideration from the beginning of this year.

Therefore, corresponding systems have been introduced to deal with it. Otherwise, it would be too procrastinating to bother the event organizers to negotiate when the situation actually arises.

From the previous few ball exchanges, Shiratsu and Tezuka had almost destroyed the stadium.

That’s why the game was temporarily suspended.

It also gave each other time to rest.

"Xiao Baijin, this has just started."

"I'm afraid it will take a lot of time to finish this game."

Kise looked at Shirazu sitting on the chair and spoke.

"There's nothing we can do about it."

"Who says the golf course is so untouched?"

With his hands spread out, Bai Jin didn't care about this kind of thing at all.

If you fight slowly, just slow down, this is the destined result anyway.

Who told them that they are now gradually becoming stronger to the point of being difficult to fathom, and their destructive power will definitely increase.

With powerful moves, the court will inevitably be destroyed, the only difference is sooner or later.

"However, this is a very beneficial thing for Tezuka-kun."

"This way he can have enough time to cope and think."

Momoi actually felt that it would be better for Shirazu to restrain himself, otherwise once the court is destroyed, the game will be suspended, which will only leave enough free time for the opponent.

No matter how you look at it, Tezuka is too friendly.

"But you just don't care."

Momoi puffed out her mouth, already anticipating rejection, and then spoke again.

"Hey, of course."

"I will only fight with him seriously. It's not suitable for him to show off."

If he stopped just because he was worried that the stadium would be damaged, then Tezuka probably wouldn't agree either, let alone Shirazu.

They are not the kind of players who would wrong themselves.

"Oh, are you ready?"

Vulcan glanced at the newly laid and repaired net and said unexpectedly.

I saw that the court in the venue had been slightly repaired, and it seemed that it could still be used normally.

It's closer to a wasteland than before.

"Isn't this just like when we usually practice football in the mountains?"

"It's not flat at all."

Qingfeng opened his eyes and looked at the still somewhat uneven ground and muttered.

"No matter what, it won't be repaired in a short time."

"And it will be destroyed."

"It certainly won't be restored first."

Midorima looked at Shirazu and Tezuka who walked to the field again and explained.

"Repair it once you hit it. No matter how much material you use, it's not enough to waste."

"It's better to just repair part of it temporarily and then do a major repair when it's over."

Many people understand this simple truth.

Moreover, with the level of competition between Shiraizu and Tezuka and the number of spectators, it is impossible to directly change the stadium.

Even though they have extra courts, they don't have that luxury of a venue for the Final Four.

It's impossible to let all these spectators go to the open-air stadium to watch it, right? I can't even stand there.

"But Tezuka hasn't used the Heavenly Clothes Domain yet."

A topic that Murasakihara suddenly mentioned also diverted their attention.

Tianyi field

That is Tezuka's strongest method

They haven't seen Tezuka take action this year, so they don't know what his true strength is.

But judging from the performance just now, the perfect state alone is much stronger than before.

"Xiao Bai is the same."

"He still has too many cards that he hasn't played yet."

"Huh? Are you going to change your attack method?"

Looking at Tezuka who was preparing to serve, Shiratsu was also making predictions.

His previous set of moves also took a lot of time for Tezuka to get used to.

But there happens to be some rest time to prepare for it.

It's hard to say how long Tezuka can be kept at a standstill. Now that the opponent suddenly changes his tactics, it must be to delay the battle.


Tezuka hit the serve, and this time Shirazu didn't use any special moves, but just counterattacked with the blessing of Kaioken.



With a tacit understanding, Tezuka didn't play light shots or anything like that, but instead changed his style of play.

"Has a pure "confrontation" competition begun?"

Fuji murmured in a low voice after witnessing a fierce battle in that almost deserted place.

Due to the previous damage by Bai Jin, even if the current venue is repaired, there are still uneven and uneven soil. The ball will bounce irregularly when it lands in these places, which is also a very careful test for both players.


But compared to Shiratsu's easy counterattack, Tezuka was in much more trouble.

Because he was facing Shirazu in his Kaioken state, even with the perfect blessing, Tezuka was struggling to fight harder than usual.


"It's actually possible to easily use the uneven ground to create a secondary spin."

"Boss Tezuka also used the convex land to accelerate the ball's ejection and change its angle."


"These two people really have no flaws at all."

I don’t know how long I watched it, but the violent confrontation before disappeared and was replaced by a calm confrontation.

But even so, the onlookers could feel each other's advanced level.

If it were them, they might be unable to withstand the pull of two or three balls.

"that is"

"Type Zero."

Even if he doesn't strike a signature pose, the sliced ​​ball produced by rubbing the racket surface is still hidden from the eyes of those who care about it.

"Zero Swing Ball?"


The shining golden light is no stranger to people, but this time it has added spices.

"Zero light ball?"

Bai Jin looked at the changing ball and suddenly became interested. He wanted to see what would happen.

He swung the racket and hit it, but before he could exert too much force, the ball on the racket surface had already started to move abnormally.

"Hoo ho."

It looked like it was a slice, but the strange destructive power violently impacted the racket.

(Using the sweet spot method, the power of the light ball is used to deepen the rotation of the Zero, which increases the destructive power and also has the interference of the Rasengan.)

With a vague feeling, Bai Jin then hit a lob without hesitation.


At this moment, the racket fell out of hand for a moment, but was immediately caught back by Bai Jin.

This is the only way to deal with the situation just now, otherwise the racket will definitely be blown away.

The Zero Light Shot is different from others in that its return position changes depending on where it touches.

Therefore, it is difficult to crack this move if you want to play in the sweet spot.

Even if you use explosive flow, you have to focus on the center position that gradually changes after touching it, otherwise you will not succeed.

Not to mention the power of light hitting has been greatly increased.

"I actually called him back!"

"Obviously this was the first time I saw Tezuka's stunt, but he still blocked it!"

Seeing Shirazu subtly cracking the incoming ball, both Oishi and Kikumaru became worried.

“The key point was grasped at the moment of contact.”

Fuji is the one who knows this familiar feeling best. He was once forced into a desperate situation by Bai Jin.

The tricks you are good at will be cracked quickly, leaving no room for reflection.


Jumping into the air, Tezuka hit a smash without hesitation.

Not even for a moment did he mourn and show that his new move was counterattacked.

Cyan smash light shot.


The wind pressure roared, driving the tennis ball towards the ground.

(Are you specifically planning to block avatar-type counterattacks?)

Looking at this alone, Shiratsu will indeed have a lot of usable moves compressed.

It can only be said that Tezuka has developed a good special attack against the "incarnation of another dimension".


“Eventually there will be places where there is nothing you can do.”

Putting the racket on his waist, lowering his body, Shirazu took a stance to draw his sword.

Waiting for the ball to drop flat, he took a step and then swung.


Sky Soaring Dragon Flash!


"Teiko Shirazu wins this round!"



Even the referee was stunned for nearly five or six seconds before reacting and announcing the score.

"what is that?"

"I couldn't see the ball at all."

In the stands, Elmer was dumbfounded. At that moment, he stopped talking about the ball and didn't even react at all.

"It's really amazing."

"How fast is that?"

"You can't see the swing, and you can't see the ball."

"The voice also seems to be broken."

Jonard is really going to be autistic. As a data stream player, what he fears most is this kind of intelligence that exceeds cognition.

It felt like my brain was going to explode, it was simply unbearable.

"Is this the junior high school student with the strongest neon lights?"

Berti murmured in a low voice, recalling the name the other party bore.

The holder of the new seamlessness, the ruler of multiple incarnations.

The junior high school student with the strongest neon, the creator of ever-changing and never-ending moves.

No matter which title is listed alone, it is enough to make people tremble.

The fact that this group of people gathered in one person is enough to prove how amazing his strength is.

There is no doubt that in Berti's eyes, Shirazu's strength is enough to match the level of a high school student leader, and even better with the help of powerful moves.

He now understood why Polk and Q.P's expressions became stiff when they mentioned this person.

Because it's really outrageous.

"I'm afraid this is not their limit."

Before anyone else could say anything, Noah's words almost disconnected them.


This time even Prons was a little unsteady.

Even if you fight to this extent, it’s still not all-out effort?

"How can it be?"

Henry tried to refute Noah, but he didn't care about the etiquette and attitude between each other.

"Yeah, if this can show a stronger confrontation"

"It's too scary."

Jonnar shook his head in horror, not daring to think too much.

Only Berti frowned and seriously considered this possibility.

(It would be too transcendental if true.)


"Look, Tezuka has used it!"

"Heavenly Clothes Domain!"

It was like a slap in the face. As soon as Shirazu served in the second game, Tezuka had already taken out his money.


After scoring a point cleanly, Tezuka was surrounded by astonishing glory.

"The concentration is a bit high."

The strong aura can be described as a powerful spiritual pressure that can make people feel suffocated.

Even in the Kaioken state, Shiratsu could clearly appreciate Tezuka's power.

(Physical fitness is not only enhanced)

(Even the realm is at a higher level.)

The counterattack score just now proves the remarkable change.





Seeing the flash of cyan light hitting the ball after seizing the opportunity, Bai Jin's expression was a little subtle.


"here we go again"

On the next ball, Shiratsu encountered something very strange. He was about to hit it with Tianxiang Dragon Flash, but Tezuka hit a beautiful curve ball to avoid the best hitting point.

And when he retracted his stance and fired the Underworld Zangetsusha, Tezuka used the Supreme Realm in advance as if he had been prepared for it.

The powerful repulsive force instantly flew all the underworld paths away.

(Not only did all my attacks and defenses anticipate, but the effectiveness of the supreme realm became stronger.)

(Whenever I want to use the skills of my incarnation from another dimension to defend, the attack of cyan light hitting the ball will come)

This familiar rhythm of play convinced Bai Jin of one thing.


"Aigaku Tezuka wins this round!"



The Tianyi Domain has become more effective, and all actions of the opponent are also included in its own reaction.

If the Tianyi field in the past was more like stopping by static, then the current Tianyi field is turning from passive to active.

It will actively allow Tezuka to change into a favorable offensive method.

The opponent's actions and reactions are within the expected range, and he can use this in an instant to make a restrained play.

"This is the realm of Tianyi"

"Instant style!"

Tezuka's words happened to sound, and Bai Jin became serious.

"A rapidly changing style of play?"

"That's awesome."

Noticing Tezuka taking that step again, Shirazu praised him.

Sure enough, he was right. The No. 1 junior high school student who was mentioned many times in the main drama will definitely not disappoint.

(In a sense, he seems to have been pushed too hard by me.)

Thinking of Tezuka's current strength and realm, Bai Jin also realized how strong Tezuka was now.

A cyan light ball that can defeat the incarnation of another dimension

The supreme realm of offense and defense

A stronger Tianyi field.

Just like his own label

Meticulous, flawless tennis.

To describe it in the words of a poker player, Tezuka is about to become "fully resistant to monsters."

"Then let me be more serious."

After thinking about it carefully, Bai Jin became a little excited.

"Hey, this is pretty good."

"It seems that today's trip will not be in vain."

In the stands, Nanjiro rubbed his chin with his hand, feeling very happy.

(Tianyi Domain·Snap Style allows you to force him to show more strength)

To deal with Tezuka in this state, what is needed is crushing strength, not other moves.

It can be said that bells and whistles will not work for Tezuka now because he has the means and foundation to deal with any situation.

"But just relying on the instant style, you still can't defeat him."

"Using these three techniques is your true peak."

"Come on, Tezuka."


I made up a chapter from yesterday.

I was too busy at night, so I could only make up for it slowly in the early morning. By the way, I also wrote the ones during the day, because as soon as I looked at the time, I knew I would sleep until the afternoon.

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