Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 578 577 attack style! Stay in style! Instant!

Chapter 578 577. Strike! Stay in style! Instant!



The escalating confrontation was already dizzying. Just the back-and-forth of offense and defense had already reached another level.

That is not a situation that can be easily intervened, but an area that is unimaginable.

(Sure enough, he is already subject to the ever-changing style of play.)

(I will respond to my actions in advance.)

(Does the Heavenly Clothes Realm·Shunshi Style also contain the power of brilliance?)

It's not like there's no way around it, but I'm surprised by Tezuka's current behavior.

The illusory blue giant is already standing on the horizon, but it still does not make excessive mistakes.

Just because the manipulator himself stopped his dangerous behavior.


With the powerful strength added to his body, the power of his hitting shot instantly increased.



He just watched calmly as Tezuka chipped the ball to reduce his remaining power and guide the counterattack.

(Although it is true that the opponent's play style can be changed according to the opponent's actions, and it can make very restrained counterattacks and attacks, but it is still meaningless if the gap is too large.)

The "Snap Style" developed by Tezuka is very powerful.

It is enough to cause headaches to opponents against players of the same level or slightly stronger.

But it doesn't look good enough here at Shirazu.

Because he always has moves or playing styles that Tezuka finds difficult to deal with.


Obviously the ball has not penetrated the racket, but the wall behind it has been shaken out of cracks, which looks particularly scary.

(Too much power)

(Even if you try your best to guide the spread, you still have such power)

I have used both hands to steady the racket, but it is still difficult to parry the blessed ball.

"Shunshi" has tried its best to respond to this ball as best as possible, but the result still seems not as good as imagined.


The racket surface was penetrated, and the ball hit the back hard, directly opening up a huge rock pan in the already cracked wall.


Like a dying struggle, he still couldn't complete the counterattack.

"The feeling of power brought by that blue giant is simply unmatched."

Kawamura Takashi looked up at the giant who only showed half of his body on the horizon and then spoke.

As a power player, he was very touched by the shot Shirazu just hit.

"Judging from Tezuka's response, he did his best."

"But it had no effect at all."

Inui Sadaharu carefully recalled the scene just now, and then explained.

“Isn’t that what a power ball is?”

"As long as you are strong enough, your opponent will definitely score if they can't follow up."

Fuji has also fought against many powerful players, but no player has ever been more threatening than today's Shirazu Tomosei.

It is no exaggeration to say that the blessing brought by the Titan Soldier can instantly transform him into the strongest power player in the country.

"If you want to break the game, you can only use the effectiveness of the cyan light ball to defeat the other-dimensional incarnation."

"But isn't that blue giant on the horizon? How to fight?"

"It was precisely because it was impossible that Tezuka's Shunshiki did not make this choice."

Everyone was talking and felt troubled by Tezuka's current predicament.





Just swinging the racket with all your strength will become extremely terrifying under its blessing.

Tezuka was unable to catch several balls in a row, but it was because he was too strong, and the "Shunshiki" even prevented him from continuing to catch the ball.

It was judged that it would cause damage to the arm, so the "self-mutilation" behavior was terminated.


"Teiko Shirazu wins this round!"



This game was won easily, turning the fierce confrontation that the audience thought was a bubble.

"Xiao Baijin, you are really not entertaining anymore."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

As soon as he sat down on the coach's chair to rest, Bai Jin heard the words behind him.

After Kise spoke, Midorima mocked him with an idiotic expression.

"The bricks fly with great force."

"I just wanted to try to see if he could block it."

"Judging from the results, I thought too much."

The reason why he took out the Titan Soldier was to see if Tezuka had the possibility to fight back.

But in fact, it can only barely block, not fight back.

(What can't be done just can't be done)

(Unless the limit is exceeded.)

If he can't even do that "freedom", it proves that Tezuka has indeed reached his current limit.

Unless there is a new method, there is almost no possibility for him to fight back head-on.

A blow mixed with divine power will only shatter even the highest realm.

(Is it beyond your capabilities?)

Compared to Shirazu who was relaxed, Tezuka was quietly meditating.

(I see, Tianyi Domain·Snap Style)

(It can indeed make you a lot stronger and even more flexible in the game.)

(But, Tezuka, once the opponent exceeds the range you can handle, it is useless to improvise.)

Nanjiro's words echoed in his ears, and the scene during the training was vivid in his mind.

Facing the coach, Tezuka also fell into such a situation.

No matter what, the final feedback message from the body is "can't do it."

(So, don’t be so rigid.)

(Find ways to make changes.)

(The reason why the instant style cannot cope with this situation is that your own level cannot keep up with your opponent. The large gap makes its effect infinitely smaller.)

Holding the racket tightly, Tezuka looked towards the court.


Ryoma put his hands in his pockets and looked at Tezuka's back, but he remembered that all-powerful scene.

Tianyi Domain·Three Styles!

That was a new realm developed by Tezuka.

They are the "instant style" to cope with the ever-changing situation, the "defensive style" to have no flaws, and the "attack style" to seize the opportunity.

Each style corresponds to its own fighting style, among which the "strike style" is the strongest.

Even in Ryoma's view, there are three different levels of Minister Tezuka.

But Tezuka, who has only mastered the "Shun Shiki" in the whole country, is still very difficult to match that person.

Because the pioneering spirit of adapting to circumstances will become powerless in the face of the absolute gap in strength.

(The time to really learn how to defend and attack is during the World Series)

(Only with all three forms, Minister Tezuka can fight him now.)

Thinking this in his heart, Ryoma knew that even if history has been changed, there are still facts that cannot be changed.

At this time, Minister Tezuka's best opponent is still Akashi, not the overly powerful Tomosei Shiratsu.

It's like skipping the final BOSS in a game, running to fight the hidden BOSS without all the magic equipment.

The end will most likely be miserable.

"Uncle, you have been watching very carefully since just now."

Nanako turned her head and glanced at Nanjiro with a serious expression and said in surprise.

"Huh? How is that possible? It's just a child playing around."

"I just took a look."

Upon hearing this, he immediately denied this, and Nanjiro looked like "I don't care".

But what I was thinking about was the scene where I warned Tezuka before.

Although he does not work in Qingxue on the surface, these little guys still respect him.

Sometimes many important things will come up and cause "irritation".

This time, Nanjiro did not deny the choice Seigaku made against Teikou and Tezuka.

(The reason why I agree with you to confront him is because I want to see if you can make changes.)

Having already received the "Future Memory" from Ryoma, Nanjiro wanted to see if the so-called "Tianyi Domain·Three Styles" had the possibility of appearing in advance.

"If it really comes out"

"That boy Ryoma will be shocked."

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