Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 579 578 Traitor Dragon?

Chapter 579 578. Traitor dragon?


"Teiko Shirazu wins this round!"



The game started again, but this time the process didn't change much.

Facing Shirazu, who is blessed with the power of the Titan Weapon, it is indeed difficult for Tezuka to crack this pure power shot.

No matter how hard you try, guide.

The remaining strength still prevents him from completely resisting.

"It's not just you who are growing up."

"I'm here too."

Even if there was some blessing in the past, it would never reach this level.

You must know that Tezuka now has the bonus of Tianyi Domain and Instant Style. It can be said that it is rare in the world for him to be unable to catch the ball.

It’s not like Bai Jin has done nothing this year.

In addition to developing new moves, his own foundation is also constantly improving. He does not have the same sense of saturation as Kise and others.


“If there’s no change, that’s the end of it.”

Touching his chin with his hand, Nanjiro came to a conclusion while sitting in the audience.

Using the "brute force" given by the Titan Weapon alone is enough for Shirazu to defeat a master of Tezuka's level.

It can only be said that the gold content of the different-dimensional phantom god is still too strong.

Facing that kind of monster, Tezuka couldn't hit it with cyan light.

Otherwise, if they are broken up, the situation of maintaining the Tianyi Domain and Instant Style will not make the fight so passive and difficult.

(A teenager without limits will become stronger as time goes by.)

(It can even be said that he has no peak period, only a growth period.)

(In the end, he will definitely become stronger than me.)

Recalling the comparison in his memory, Nanjiro also made a judgment.

The Infinite Light brought Bai Jin not only an unlimited improvement in strength, but also broke the "lock" that had always constrained him as a player.

If normal players grow according to the coefficient of "0/100", 0 is the starting point and 100 is the upper limit.

Well, Bai Jin is different. He is growing according to the "0/∞" coefficient.

Yes, this guy has no ceiling.

Because of the convenience brought by the fourth seamlessness, he does not have the shackles of an upper limit at all.

The body has been adapting to that extreme atmosphere through "short-term breakthroughs" all year round, resulting in it becoming an alien.

As long as Bai Jin doesn't stop exercising, his five dimensions will continue to increase.

This is why Nanjiro believes that he will surpass himself sooner or later.

As long as a guy like this doesn't give up tennis and gets stronger endlessly, no one can catch up with him.

The reason why Tezuka had such a difficult time in this match was that Shiratsu's basic five-dimensional skills were too comprehensive and high.

As a result, if the Titan Soldier increases the "power" a little more, it will be almost difficult for him to block it.

(No wonder my stupid son did that.)

After thinking about Future Ryoma's choices, Nanjiro could understand his mentality.

It's impossible not to change.

And it has to be earlier.

Otherwise, once the gap is opened later, it will be almost impossible to make up the gap.

(But, aren’t you making things difficult for your past self?)

(He has to endure a far more difficult environment now than you did at that time.)

(Once you don’t succeed, you’ll just be back to where you started.)

With a rare thought of empathy, Nanjiro felt that this was undoubtedly a heavy burden for Ryoma now.

Once the mentality is not stable at that time, maybe it will go astray.

I usually look fine with him, but I'm afraid something will happen without him.

(Well, it seems that I need to make some preparations for going to the United States in advance.)

Thinking of something troublesome, Nanjiro scratched his hair and thought about it.



"Cyan Light Shot"

"It's useless, he'll be able to fight back in no time."

The tennis ball mixed with cyan light was flying on the court, but Bai Jin caught the gap and hit it back directly.

(Have you not given up yet?)

Seeing Tezuka constantly trying to find opportunities, Shirazu had no intention of relaxing.



The powerful force came from the racket surface, and I tried again and again, but never got good results.


"Teiko Shirazu wins this round!"



"This is completely one-sided."

Prance closed his eyes and didn't know how to describe the throbbing in his heart.


Elmer was sweating and looked at the situation on the field and shouted in a low voice.

From his pupils that kept zooming and shaking, you could tell how much he was stimulated.

In Elmer's opinion, a player as strong as Tezuka could be used as a future player in other countries, but how could he be suppressed so miserably against that guy?

If it weren't for the tragic scene on the court and the scenes of him being shot repeatedly or breaking the net, he would have doubted whether he was acting.

"What's wrong? You look like you suddenly feel relaxed?"

Noah turned his head to look at Henry and spoke to him.

"It's okay, I just don't think there is any need to worry about this kind of thing."

Shaking his head, Henry seemed to have figured something out, and then answered.


Frowning, Berti and Noah seemed to see through his open mind.

"It's not my turn to deal with this kind of guy anyway."

"It should be the coaches and generals from each country who have a headache, right?"

There was quite a show-off attitude, and Henry had seen through it.

Is Shirazu Jisung strong?


It was so strong that Henry thought he couldn't catch up at the moment.

But in the end, it seemed that he couldn't meet a player of this level in the competition.

Although everyone is also a junior high school student, there is no rule in the World Championship that states that junior high school students must beat junior high school students.

In that case, what does he have to worry about?

Just increase your knowledge and make this your goal. There is nothing to be afraid of.

"Superconducting Thunder Cannon!!"



The diffuse smoke and dust were flying everywhere, and Bai Jin had already switched to another phantom god to fight in the venue.

"Plural incarnations of different dimensions, and each one is not weak in strength."


Berti believed that Q·P, who could condense multiple brilliance in the past, was a genius that was rare to see in a hundred years, so a guy like this who could control various powerful incarnations of different dimensions was definitely a rare talent that was rare in a thousand years.



The racket was shot through again, and Tezuka just watched calmly.


Realizing something, he quickly made a choice.

"Superconducting Thunder Cannon!"

Golden thunder and lightning struck, and Tezuka rushed over without any hesitation.

But compared to his previous style of play, he had a new choice this time.


Shiratsu was surprised when he saw Tezuka acting strangely.

Facing this attack, although he still hit back with his bat, he acted too boldly.

"Is he crazy?"

"Use your own body to bear the extra-dimensional power attached to the ball?"

Everyone was stunned and felt crazy about Tezuka's actions.

Instead of letting the racket and arms bear the main body, it is directed to the whole body for distribution.


Bai Jin frowned and looked up at the sky dragon flying in the sky, a little surprised.

Does he think this guy's built-in "traitor dragon" passive has taken effect again?

This critical juncture can actually make Tezuka think of a way to break the situation that suits him best?

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