Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 584 583 Single, Single, Double! Changed competition format!

Chapter 584 583. Odd, odd, even! Changed competition format!

"Why is the game postponed for one day? The stadium needs temporary rectification. It doesn't sound very reliable."

"Sa, who knows, both Akashi and Yukimura were called over by the organizer early in the morning and said they were discussing something."

"Is this the so-called behind-the-scenes deal between big shots?"

"Come on, there aren't many people who can compare to Akashi in terms of neon light background."

Kise and Shirazu were standing in the bathroom, brushing their teeth leisurely and communicating at the same time.

They thought that today's finals would be held as scheduled, but the tournament organizers postponed it for one day on the grounds that "the venue needs renovations."

People who don't understand may be fooled into thinking it's true, but people who understand know that this is actually a cover.

No matter how much they rectify the stadium, won't it be destroyed by them?

Unless you get a bunch of alloy steel and other materials.

However, if you really want to build a stadium like that, I'm afraid it will be a bit extravagant.

As for whether they can improve in one day, Shirazu and the others do not doubt the abilities of workers in this world.

To exaggerate, maybe after one day, you might see a "fortress" the next day.

"You always feel like there's something hidden, right?"

Kise held a handful of cold water on his face with both hands, and then said refreshingly.

"Who knows, it's impossible to terminate the final anyway."

Spitting out a mouthful of water, Bai Jin put away his toiletries and drank it.

"No matter what, it won't come to that level, right?"

The sudden sound made the two of them turn their attention.

I didn't know when Heizi had appeared in the middle of the two of them, washing his face.

"Good morning, little Heizi."

"Good morning, Kise-kun, Shirazu-kun."


They were used to this situation, so neither of them made a fuss.

"However, if there is no game today, I always feel a little uncomfortable."

"I'm obviously very energetic."

"Look at Murasakibara-chan, she looks very unhappy so early in the morning."

"Isn't that of course? That idiot has been very excited recently. After all, Akashi has promised him that he will play first in the finals."

While chatting, Aomine and Midorima walked in from the door.

"Huh? Where's the little Vulcan?"

"He? He's still sleeping there, like a pig."

"Maybe it's because we played too late yesterday. After all, the postponement notice was sent out in advance, which made it impossible for Mr. Vulcan, who was overly energetic, to sleep peacefully."

"Are you kids? You can have pillow fights until midnight?"

"Those who didn't know better thought someone came in and blew up the dormitory."

"You were obviously the one who started the fight, right? Although Vulcan was tortured more miserably."

The group of people were washing and chatting, and finally they became noisy when someone came and roared.

"You guys!!! Don't go too far!"

"Want to take a walk early in the morning? It's not like you."

Standing next to a park, looking at Niou who was thinking seriously about something, Yagyu walked over and said.


"No, just immersed in memories."

"To be honest, it's a bit of a headache."

Still wearing that incomprehensible smile, Nioh said easily.

"Video memories? That was really stiff."

After seeing through Niou's thoughts, Yagyu exposed it.

"I really can't hide it from you."

"Although we haven't played doubles together for a long time, you can still understand what I'm thinking."

"It would be a waste to let you stay in doubles, right? There are so many excellent reference materials. As long as you can keep up with them, you will be the best ace."

Wearing casual clothes, Yagyu looked at the slightly troubled Niou and responded.


"This is really flattering to me."

"A half-baked job is always incomplete."

With a helpless smile, Niou then leaned against the big tree, his tone a little sad.

"as long as you are happy."

Faced with this situation, Yagyu said this while pushing up his glasses.

If you really believe Niou's words, you will be the unlucky one.

"Pfft, don't be like this, just trust me once."

"I reject"



"Yo ho!! It's more enjoyable this way, ahead of the curve."

As someone who wants to witness the finals, if there is no competition today, I can only find "excitement" outside.

Kintaro naturally caught up with Ryoma and proposed a morning training contest.

"Hey, you did it on purpose, right?"

Seeing Kintaro's mispronounced name, Ryoma really didn't know whether to call him sinister or naive.

He obviously calls himself by the right name sometimes, but he just likes to mess around in front of me.

"It is indeed here."

As the two were fighting, Kaibin walked in from outside carrying a golf bag and wearing short-sleeved shorts.

"Hey, Ryoma, since you're tired of fighting him, why not give it to me."

With an expression of unknown meaning, Kaibin suddenly spoke.


Ryoma was a little puzzled by Kaibin's words.

In his impression, Kaibin was not the type to make sudden demands.


But after thinking about it, he really didn't want to exercise too much early in the morning, so he didn't care.

"Eh? It's not bad if it's you."

Kintaro stopped hitting the ball and looked at Kaibin. He didn't dislike it, but he was positive.

"I hope you won't regret it."

Picking up the racket and walking in, Kaibin said something pointedly to Ryoma.


Tilting his head, not quite understanding what Kaibin said, Ryoma just thought he was competing as before.

"I'm really sorry for calling you here so early in the morning, but after discussion,"

"That's how it is. What do you two think?"

Sitting in a very luxurious box, Akashi and Yukimura sat side by side, and in front of them was the talker who was the organizer of the national competition.

"Of course, this is asking for your opinions. It's okay if you don't agree."

"At that time, we can still play according to the old competition system tomorrow."

With some expectation, he looked at the two people in front of him and continued.

"It is indeed a bold idea."

"This shouldn't be something your tournament team has considered alone, right?"

Akashi and Yukimura naturally understood how rare the other's opinions were, so they were surprised.

"Actually, that's true, but it's not bad for both of you, right?"

"This may be the only time in history."

The other party's words were also full of sincerity, without any pretense.

"Sounds good. We at Lihai University have no reason to refuse."

"On the contrary, their Emperor Guang will suffer a loss, right?"

Nodding, Yukimura did not reject the other party's proposal.

“Not bad either”

"We have to fight anyway, and this method is more suitable for Teiko and Rikkai to decide the outcome head-on."

Akashi thought for a while and agreed to this method. For them, it was indeed a very favorite method of confrontation.

"Then it has been decided that this temporary situation will be announced today."

"It's up to you to set up the formation."

"According to what that person said, three games are enough for you to determine the result."

He clapped his hands and completed this negotiation, and the speaker seemed very happy.

"So, Yukimura, do you have anything to say?"

Standing up and looking at the acquaintance next to him, Akashi asked him.

"Yes, originally I had the intention of dealing with you, but now I have changed a little bit."

Hearing this, Yukimura laughed. In his opinion, there was no more suitable competition format than the one before him.

The method proposed by the competition party is

The original "odd, odd, odd, even, odd" format has been changed into an "odd, odd, odd, even, odd" format.

That is to say, three singles games are directly connected, and the doubles are placed last.

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