Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 585 584 Kaibin: He must know!

Chapter 585 584. Kaibin: He must know!

"Is this some kind of joke?"

With the return of Yukimura, everyone in Rikkai Daiichi also received relevant news, and their first reaction was disbelief.

Change of competition format.

This means that the situation will be more serious than they imagined.

From the previous "double, double, single, single, single" to the "odd, double, single, double, single" in the national competition, and then to the "single, double, single, double, single" in the finals.

It's obvious that someone is doing this on purpose

"But, in this case, the three of you can go all out."

Liu Renji thought for a while and finally came to a conclusion.

Now that both parties have agreed to such event conditions, it will not take long for this matter to be made public.

If you can't stop it, then you have to adapt.

But in Ryu Renji's view, this may be a position gained by sacrificing the right to play for the four players in the doubles.

Considering the strength of Teikou's overall team, it doesn't seem to be particularly harmful to them, Rikkaida.

Because this means they don't need to stuff Sanada or Nioh into doubles to make up the numbers.

It is extremely easy to fail to perform fully in this way, leading to the phenomenon of being dragged down.

Just put the three strong singles players in a row for the first three games. Whether you win or lose depends on you.

If everything goes well, there will naturally be opportunities for doubles to play.

If they lose three singles games in a row, it won't matter if they don't play doubles.

But there's nothing to worry about. After all, over the years, there really hasn't been a school that could last until Diguang played the fourth game in the finals.

"Now only the minister, deputy minister, and Nioh-senpai are qualified."

Even the simple Kirihara realized that this was an extremely important moment.

"So, have you discussed it with Akashi?"

Liu Renji remembered one thing, and that was the agreement between the ministers.

They all know that due to the overall strength of the strong schools, sometimes they will not blindly form formations. Take the encounter with Di Guang as an example. Horse racing cannot be won, so it would be more advantageous to simply show off their cards and make an appointment.

Just like Atobe and Yukimura in the previous Kanto tournament, and Akutsu who made a speech to appear.

"I did say something, would seem that I am a bit willful."

Talking about this, Yukimura rarely hesitated for a moment.

There might only be one chance, and he really didn't want to let it go.

But if he chooses this way, it might put Li Hai into a more troublesome situation.

As a minister, he still has the responsibility to answer to his members.

"Tell me about it."

"If it's reasonable, we won't object."

Sanada looked at his rare expression from the side, and then said.

"Is such that."

Hearing this, Yukimura nodded without hiding anything.

"With all due respect, you are indeed a bit willful."

"If you avoid one of them, you might have a chance."

After hearing Yukimura's words, Yagyu couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"No, maybe there's no difference."

As Rikkai's great thinker, Yanagi Renji did not deny Yukimura's statement.

"As a person, Akaashi will not change."

"This is not only my own confidence, but also the confidence brought by Diguang as a whole."

"Even if we change, it will be difficult to deal with others."

He slowly explained, while also calculating the possibilities.

The final answer was extremely chilling.

That was Teikou, who was facing the third-year regular selection. In the first three singles duels, even if they, Tachikai Daijin, could win two games, it would be meaningless.

Because the final two doubles matches are destined to be decided.

There is no possibility of winning by avoiding anyone.

"That's why you agreed, right?"

Liu Rener murmured this sentence in a low voice and did not say this to anyone else.

Because he could see that in this unsolvable game, Yukimura's own remaining "selfishness" was also coming to the fore.

Perhaps it was the choice Tezuka made in the last game that triggered the "desire" in his heart.

"It doesn't matter to me. No matter who the opponent is, I will just fight."

In this regard, Sanada can also understand the meaning, so he will only express his attitude.

"Me too"

"Of course I want to win if I can."

Niou leaned against the wall and expressed his thoughts.

"It's possible to have the ugliest record."

"Then fight with all your might."

"Hey, it's the last year of junior high school anyway, so there's nothing to worry about."

The words of several people sounded indirectly, which also raised everyone's morale.

Witnessing this scene, Marui Bunta and others did nothing to stop them.

"Then give it a try. We have never regretted it."

"Please, Minister!"

"Have you heard? The system for the finals will be changed tomorrow."

Kikumaru ran back to the dormitory in a hurry, only to find that a bunch of people were already crowded inside to discuss.

"The first three games open the way."

"This is directly intended to let the two sides decide the winner."

Fuji touched his chin, feeling surprised at the change in the competition, but it couldn't offset his curiosity.

Whether it's Teiko or Tatekai, if they play three consecutive singles games, it will be very exciting.

After all, everyone knows that the top three singles players in Rikkai University are Nioh, Sanada, and Yukimura.

Except for Kuroko, Teikou's peers are all capable of playing the singles position, and each of them is well-known.

This change was obviously prepared to cater to the intensity of the finals.

After all, no matter what, singles are always their biggest concern.

Whenever there is a mismatched teammate in doubles, it is extremely easy to hold back, causing the other person to be very passive.

"Now, tomorrow's game is worth watching."

"Ahem, Akashi and Yukimura, these two guys are really good at playing."

"A big move was made without making any noise."

"It was postponed for one day. It turned out that the organizers were making arrangements."

Atobe was standing by the swimming pool, playing with Hyotei and the others, when he suddenly got the news and spoke.

"In this case, Rikkai has no worries. They will know the result directly by playing the three strongest singles."

Jujueping and others were also nearby, looking forward to tomorrow.

Players from Shitenhoji, Yamabuki, Higa, and others also knew the information just announced by the organizer, and they were all talking.

The only exception was the three newcomers who didn't understand the atmosphere.

"What's that?"

Kintaro sat down on the ground, feeling like his head was going to explode.

"What do you think it will be?"

Kaibin looked at him and asked breathlessly.

"It's weird. There are a lot of things popping up in my head."


Ryoma was sitting nearby watching the battle, but when he heard what Kintaro said, he felt a little subtle.

But he just thought that Kintaro was talking nonsense and didn't pay too much attention.

"Really, this should be enough."

Carrying the racket, Kaibin then turned to look at Ryoma who looked indifferent and whispered.

(Are you still so calm? Does that mean you won’t regret it even if you pass this on?)

(So ​​confident, you guy.)

With such considerations, Kaibin had no intention of asking.

In his opinion, Ryoma had already given something to him, so wouldn't it be the same if he gave it to Kintaro?

Anyway, Ryoma didn't object or speak. Seeing that he was still so calm after giving it, he must be very confident in himself.

Then don't blame him for wanting to do something "disgusting".

ps: Make up for yesterday’s post.

I'm late

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