Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 593 592 Singles No. 2! Akashi and Sanada! (4K)

Chapter 593 592. Singles No. 2! Akashi and Sanada! (4K)

"Let's apply some ice first."

It's not just as simple as the skin being broken on the hands, even the elbows are slightly bruised.

"I just thought you were fine, but I didn't expect it to be so serious."

Looking at Murasakihara, whose wrists were even a little red, Kise couldn't help but said dumbly.

"Who told you to be so difficult with him that you didn't give up even in the end?"

"I can only keep playing like that."

"It's not easy to be counterattacked by Green Boy's hand."

Sitting on the chair, receiving temporary treatment, Murasakihara responded softly.

He was telling the truth, Niou resisted even until the last ball.

The phantom possession was not released until the end of the game.

This was something that was hard to imagine in the past. If it hadn't been for the internal injury caused by the ball midway through, I'm afraid it would be hard to say whether the outcome of this game would have been.

"Yeah, he works harder than we thought."

"I almost got it."

Speaking of this, it is full of thrills. No one thought that Nioh could exert such strength.

"To put it bluntly, Kise is the one who surrendered to the enemy."

"Hey, hey, can you blame me?"

"If it weren't for Kise-kun, Niou-kun might not be that strong."

"Huh? Even Xiao Heizi said that."

The communication between everyone was still so joyful, and the referee was not in a hurry to announce the start of the next game.

The battle between Murasakibara and Nioh had just left the court in an "unnatural state". They needed a certain amount of time to tidy it up and make it as usable as possible.

Fortunately, the construction team has been prepared in advance, so we don't have to worry about it taking too long.

During this process, it was a moment for the two teams to breathe, and it was also a time for the audience to reflect on the exchange.

"Tachikai will lose first."

"As expected, the second game will be Sanada vs. Shirazu, right?"

"It's hard to imagine Sanada winning."

Kikumaru held the back of his head with his hands and looked at the "7-5" displayed on the scoreboard and said slowly.

"No one knows what will happen until the last moment of the game."

Tezuka was sitting in the middle. He glanced at Nioh lying on his back on the stretcher below, but he didn't say much.


"Before the No. 3 singles match started, no one thought it would be so intense, right?"

Fuji looked at the field with a happy smile, and his tone was quite expectant.

"The first time Nioh Masaharu of Tatekai University fought against Teikou was carried away on a stretcher."

"The last time in three years of junior high school was when I was carried away on a stretcher after the game against Diguang."

"Well, we collected really strange data."

Inui Sadaharu recorded a lot of words in the notebook that he had already spread out, and then told an "interesting" fact.

"I don't think that was his intention."

"No player wants to be carried away after the game, right?"

As a member who had been injured, Kawamura Takashi knew very well how much impact it would have, and he couldn't help but feel ashamed when he heard what Inui Sadaharu said.

"I can only say that both sides gave us a very exciting game."

"Being worthy of the status and strength of both parties"

Dashi clapped his hands, agreeing with his peers in junior high school.

From the strongest Bai Jin, down to Mute and others, everyone is working hard to become stronger.

In the past three years, they have also changed a lot, which was unimaginable before.

Oishi never thought that he and Kikumaru would become so strong.

Although the doubles agreement to be number one in the country did not come true, there is no problem in being ranked second.

After all, Teikou's only full-time doubles player is Kuroko, and everyone else in doubles is just scratching the surface, so they can't be said to be special doubles players.

"Echizen, you haven't said a word since just now."

"Is it uncomfortable?"

Horio did not dare to respond to the words of his seniors, but suddenly found that a certain peer who would normally speak arrogantly was silent and felt strange.

"No, I'm just too lazy to talk."

Speaking in a cold tone, Ryoma opened the drink in his hand and drank it.

"Hey, this kid Echizen is obviously unhappy because he didn't stand on the stage of the finals."

Taocheng sat behind him and immediately exposed his thoughts.

"Senior Momojo, can you please stop talking nonsense?"

Looking back, Ryoma said with disgust, that's what he thought, but could he not point it out?

Although his future self has never fought, he still wants to fight.

It's a pity that even if you have enough power to rival your predecessors, you still don't have that chance.

"Who will be the next No. 2 singles player?"

"It should be the vice-captains of both sides."

"That looks very bad for the Lihai Conference."

The exchange that sounded in his ears again reminded Ryoma of the scene in his memory.

If I remember correctly, the follow-up matches were Shirazu-senpai versus Sanada-senpai, and Akashi-senpai versus Yukimura-senpai.

But for some reason, he always had a very subtle feeling in his heart, as if something beyond his imagination would appear.

"Invite the No. 2 singles player from both sides to compete!"

After waiting for about ten minutes, the venue was barely restored.


"Fill the land, put the net, and then hand it over to the projection."

Atobe snapped his fingers, glanced at the almost completely restored stadium, and explained.

The reason why the final stage is arranged in this environment is because of the use of the most advanced technology.

In addition to the land and the net, just the iconic lines can be solved using projection technology.

This directly saves the time of redrawing.

Otherwise, with the destructive power of the players, it would be too impactful to redo that thing.

"This is.?"


"How could it be these two people?"

Many people were confused when they saw the avatar displayed on the big screen.

"Sanada-kun, this seems to be the first time we have played against each other in a competition."

Akashi stood in front of the net and shook hands with Sanada in a very friendly manner, and then said.


Nodding, it was indeed Sanada's first time against Akashi. After all, it was difficult for him to find a position to face him in the past.

"Then I wish us a wonderful confrontation."

"I will break you!"

Not to be outdone, Sanada decided who would start the game first.

(Sanada, it is indeed troublesome for you to face Akaashi)

(It might even bring Tatekai closer to the abyss of defeat.)

(However, this may be the only opportunity in three years, and I don’t want to let it go.)

Even as a "god" praised by everyone, he still has selfish desires, Yukimura thought as he looked at Sanada and couldn't help but apologize.

This time he was disqualified as a minister because he broke the agreement with everyone to go further.

But from a personal perspective, it is very reasonable.

Because he can truly fight against opponents that neither Akashi nor Tezuka could defeat.

Of course, if he chooses to fight Akashi, he may win, but even so, it still has no significance to the overall situation.

If you lose two singles matches in a row, the possibility of reversing the remaining doubles matches is zero.

From the beginning, against God's Light, there is no winning ending unless there are three consecutive wins in singles.

Plus changes to the competition format.

So Yukimura changed his mind about fighting Akashi.

In this case, why not fight that person?

"Eh? Little Akashi's momentum has not changed at all. Isn't the other little Akashi planning to come out?"

Kise looked at Akashi, who still had a peaceful atmosphere, and couldn't help but feel strange.

"Maybe he has his own ideas."

With such questions, everyone is thinking so.


The ball was hit out by Akashi first, bounced off the net and hit the ground. Sanada was already in position, and then he raised his racket high to chop the blow.




"It moves like thunder when it comes up?!"

That overly exaggerated action suddenly made everyone feel Sanada's attitude.

"Is he a little too nervous?"

Bai Jin looked at this scene and couldn't help but said in surprise.

"Ah? Senior, why do you say that?"

Hinata behind him was stunned when he heard this, and didn't understand why he said this about the deputy minister of Rikkai University.

"Although it seems that moving like thunder is a sign of seriousness."

"But it won't be like this on the first goal."

"No matter what, you should take it slow. It can only be said that when facing Akashi, he doesn't seem as calm as usual."

Considering a certain situation, Bai Jin did not hide it, but explained it.

"Yes, although his body has adapted to the tempering of thunder's backlash, it will still be affected."

"If you work hard like this in the front, problems will easily occur later."

Although everyone's body has been exercised to be very strong, this does not mean that it is worthless.

Just because the damage to the body has become smaller does not mean that it is gone.


Even Yukimura, who was sitting on the sidelines, felt something was wrong with Sanada's atmosphere.

Although the fighting style is equally fierce, there seems to be an inexplicable "impatience" mixed in with it.

For Sanada, this should be the last thing that should happen.

He had been training his body and mind so that he would not make such a mistake.

"Moves like thunder!!"



Compared to the frantic Sanada, Akashi seemed so calm.

Even if he lost two points, he still maintained his peaceful attitude.

It seems that he doesn't care about the current situation at all.

(Yeah, yeah, yeah, you didn't show up, but you have already affected him.)

Complaining about something, Oya Akashi knew the reason for Sanada's riot.

(You are me, and there is no difference in that.)

(name of a person, shadow of a tree)

(Akashi Seijuro is the symbol of "power".)

Ura Akashi did not pay attention to Omo Akashi's complaints, but responded with an extremely proud tone.

Although he didn't take the initiative to interfere, his unintentional momentum was already affecting his opponent.

This has nothing to do with whether Omo Akashi is present or he is present.

It is purely the influence brought by the name "Akaashi Seijuro".

(Forget it, let me play for a while first)

Sighing, Omo Akashi felt a little helpless. He obviously didn't want to play at such a fast pace in the beginning.

But I didn't expect that Sanada would be "fixed" and excited all of a sudden, so there was nothing I could do.


"Moving like thunder again!"

Facing Akashi's serve, Sanada hit another brilliant shot.


But the fierce thunder did not score again at this moment, but was intercepted by Akashi with his racket.


"Did that Akashi actually realize it?"

It's been a long time since I saw Omo Akashi take action, and everyone only remembers his pendulum.

After all, most people are still more familiar with this person since Riakishi awakened.

"Black aura."

"It's Black Dragon Slash!"

But faced with the seamless weakening, Sanada used his own move to emerge into the world.

The dark ball shadow kept turning in the air with an unpredictable trajectory.



"Four turns.!"

"It's obvious that I haven't used Yami yet. But is it already that strong?"

Showing extraordinary strength, everyone was surprised by Sanada's performance.

"As soon as I came up, I suppressed the other minister."

"You're so powerful, Vice Minister Sanada!"

Kirihara watched this scene excitedly, and suddenly felt hopeful.

Such a wonderful start was not expected at all.

If the other party hadn't been the famous legendary minister, Kirihara would have even wanted to shake champagne at the beginning.

"really weird."

Yanagi Renji was aware of the doubts and was not happy about Sanada's lead.

(Although it was Sanada who gained the upper hand with his thunderous momentum, it was too drastic.)

He stared at Sanada and could only see his "crazy" state.

Like a fighter who is forced into a desperate situation and fights with his last breath.

Theoretically, this should not

After all, the game has just begun, how can Sanada face a desperate situation?

How could he be so shocked just because of the slightest disturbance?

"Could it be related to Atobe's previous reminder?"

Yukimura crossed his arms and sat on the coach's chair to calmly think about the problem.

(If you are dueling with Akashi, you have to be careful not to be "scared" by him.)

Recalling Atobe's words, Yukimura moved his eyes away from Sanada and towards Akashi.


Omote Akaashi was only covered in cyan light and was still confronting Sanada.

(What's there)

(That is.?)

Even though it was very faint, Yukimura still saw the "black line" hidden under the cyan light, just like the darkness hidden under the light, full of ominousness.

Even though it was only a little bit, just looking at it made me feel uncomfortable.

I have never seen Akashi with such methods before, Yukimura frowned and observed.


"This round is won by Tatekai Ohsanada!"



Even though his serve was broken first, Akashi still maintained his calm expression.

It was already expected that the perfect match would not be able to block Sanada very well.

After all, Sanada's fourth-turn Black Dragon Slash is no longer something that ordinary Perfect Perfection can stop.

(Do you want to use it? If you don’t use pendulum or doubles to use your current strength, it will be difficult to use it.)


Riakishi's persuasive words sounded, and he was still concerned about this scene.

(Forget it, even if he uses the pendulum, he will only use "darkness" excessively in this "panic" state.)

(I finally made it to the national competition, and I still want to enjoy it for a while.)

(Just use that one)

Considering the unstable state of his opponent, Omo Akashi, who understood the inside story, shook his head and did not agree.

Instead, he planned to use another method to win the next round.


I worked all night on duty last night and didn't get home until ten in the morning, so I had to sleep at night again.

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