Chapter 594 593. "Flowers in the Mirror" and "Fear"!


"Out of bounds!"

"Teiko Akashi wins this round!"



"What's going on? Why did Deputy Minister Sanada suddenly start making frequent mistakes?"

Kirihara looked at the tied score and didn't quite understand what happened.

It was clear that they had a thunderous lead in the previous round, but why did the situation suddenly change in this round?

The main reason is that Sanada made too many mistakes in this round that he shouldn't normally make.


Akaashi's serve was hit back by Sanada again with Black Dragon Slash, but what shocked people was

The ball hit the net directly and failed to pass


"Touch tennis?"


Even Marui Bunta and others were puzzled by Sanada's changes.

Although this is not the first time I have seen such a mistake, it should not happen repeatedly.

"Could it be."

Liu Renji frowned, seemed to have thought of something, opened his eyes and whispered in disbelief.


"It's as fast as a storm!!"




The swift "Wind" was directly hit back by Omotoe Akashi right in front, and the ball hit the ground hard and scored.

On the other hand, Sanada's breath began to become chaotic at some point.

I can't even breathe smoothly anymore


Sitting on the coach's chair, what Yukimura was most worried about happened.

He vaguely guessed Akashi's situation from the last game, but the actual phenomenon was more serious than he imagined.


The essence is that Sanada was shocked by "Akaashi Seijuro" and had an undue "shake", and then the "shake" escalated to "fear".

Whether it was Black Dragon Slash that went out of bounds or hit the net, he himself was affected and "manipulated" by his opponents.



After losing points again, Sanada could only feel a sense of suffocation oppressing his heart.

(I can)

Squeezing the racket tightly, the black aura still enveloped him. Sanada couldn't believe that he could be suppressed.

It doesn't refer to strength or anything, but simply refers to the "prestige" brought by the opponent.

From the beginning, he had unwarranted "anxiety" and a sense of urgency, and then frequently used big moves.

The sense of urgency that compresses the heart cannot be diluted even if we take the lead in the first game.

Then the five senses were confused, making it difficult for Sanada to break free.

"It can be said that his five senses have been dominated by Akashi."

"What is seen with the eyes, heard with the ears, touched with the hands."

"Everything was prepared for him by Akashi."

"This is Akashi's."

"Flowers in the Mirror and Moon in the Water!"

Atobe sat in his seat and watched the scene on the field, and then explained to his teammates.

"Are you saying that this is the reason why Black Dragon Slayer went out of bounds and hit the net?"

"But how is this different from the five senses that Yukimura has mastered?"

"Of course they are different. One is to make the opponent lose their five senses, and the other is to let the opponent's five senses be controlled by themselves."

"Sanada has already been tricked before the game even started."

Listening to his teammates' inquiries, Atobe continued to explain patiently.

"It hasn't started yet?"

They were shocked. Both Tachibana and Himuro felt incredible about this statement.

"Guess what are the conditions for activating Mirror Flowers and Water Moon?"

He didn't explain clearly at the first time, so Atobu asked instead.

"Shaking in your heart?"

Speaking of this, Tachibana thought about Sanada's situation and answered hesitantly.

"Oh, that's just an additional factor in the process of achieving it."

"The real condition is the name as his personal symbol"

"Akaashi Seijuro!"

"That's the trigger."



After reversing the score, Akashi looked at Sanada who was half squatting on the ground, looking so at ease.

"Just by relying on your name, you can bring mental oppression to your opponent and dominate your opponent's five senses."

"Even Sanada couldn't avoid it."

"Has he reached this point?"

Yukimura stared at Sanada, who was already sweating, and squeezed his hands slightly.

(However, there are still prerequisites for activation.)

(The process and time of taking effect.)

Although the activation conditions were clear, Yukimura vaguely felt that it was not that simple.

(He will try to use "darkness" to break the situation next, right?)

During the break during the exchange of venues, Akashi sat calmly on the bench and communicated with his other self.

(So, have you figured it out?)

Uto Akashi's restless attitude also made Omot Akashi laugh.

(No need to ask such useless questions.)

(For me, defeating the powerful enemy in front of me is the most satisfying thing.)

Omo Akashi's look of enjoying the show made Ri Akashi very dissatisfied. He clearly knew what he was thinking, but he insisted on saying it himself.

(Well, then you go and fight.)

He didn't embarrass Sato Akashi, and Oo Akashi let go easily.


It was at this time that everyone in the venue suddenly felt a chilly atmosphere.

Looking at the source, he found that Akashi's gentle expression turned into a stern posture.

For a time, a sense of depression filled everyone's hearts, and the "panic" born in their hearts spread inexplicably.

Emperor Akashi!


"I know that such a gaffe will never happen again."

Facing Yukimura's shouting, Sanada clenched his hands into fists and said solemnly.

Before Yukimura could say anything else, he held the racket and walked back to the court.


Sighing, Yukimura originally wanted to remind him that "Through the Looking Glass" was not that simple, but the other party didn't seem to listen at all now.

At this point, Yukimura only hopes that "darkness" can bring about the possibility of breaking the situation, otherwise it would be too nightmare for Sanada.


(Mental suppression.)


(Just use the power of "darkness" to break free and seal his power.)

Walking back to the court, listening to the constant sound of hitting the ball in his ears, Sanada thought about this and started to use it at the same time.

The dark aura completely enveloped him, making him look like a demon.

The dark sky and the solid terrain are solid!

Strengthen your own moves and foundation, and block the opponent's ability to move.


But just when Sanada thought he could break free, he suddenly discovered something.


"Where are the people?"

He could clearly hear the dull sound of Akashi hitting the ground with his hand ball, but he suddenly realized that he couldn't see Akashi.

(No, I’m pretty sure he’s right in front)

(Akaashi Seijuro is right there.)

(Why can’t I see or feel it?!!)

Even though he used "dark", instead of feeling relieved, Sanada was even more "frightened" in his heart.

"Kyouka Suigetsu is an extended ability obtained from Akaashi."

"And the ability that really shines from the beginning is another Akaashi."

"The king's power called "fear"."


I just woke up now and made up for yesterday’s chapter.

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