Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 595 594 The power of

Chapter 595 594. The power of "fear"!


"what is that?"

Not quite understanding what Atobe said, the team members next to him asked curiously.


"Literally, it means to be fearful or awe-inspiring."

Snapping his fingers, Atobe continued to explain.

"But does Sanada also feel this way?"

It is really hard to imagine that Sanada, who is strict with himself, would have the idea of ​​​​"fear" of his enemies.

"As I said before, the activation condition for Kyoka Suigetsu is the name "Akaashi Seijuro"."

"Similarly, the triggering condition of "fear" is also brought by the name."

"Just facing him, or even hearing his name, is already in an induced state."

Crossing his arms and crossing his legs, Atobe was clearly aware of Akashi's changes.

"The legendary minister of Akashi Seijuro Teikou."

"Having the eye to dominate others and the strongest strength, even as a player, he is at a super level."

"As long as you watch his game, you can realize how powerful he is, and then you will subconsciously be wary of him."

"But just like that, it will start to sink."

"As long as his power leaves an impression in your heart, fear will arise."

"And after "Fear" is activated, you can no longer see or feel him."

"Unlike Kuroko Tetsuya's line of sight induction and consciousness induction, Akashi's is purely..."

"A higher-dimensional suppression of players."

After some narration, everyone also understood how tricky this ability is.

Just by name or meeting, you can create mental "fear" in your opponent, intensifying your emotions and causing them to waver.

Later, Akashi will disappear from his perception due to his inner "fear".

Once an opponent like that is unable to capture its movements, "panic" will ensue.

"But doesn't Sanada have "darkness"?"

"Wouldn't it be good if we just use this to seal "fear"?"

"But he still looks like he's having a hard time."

Yue Ren put his hands on the chair in the front row, looking at Sanada who was struggling, not knowing that this would happen.


"The premise is that he can catch Akashi."


"Do you think "fear" is just a cover-up?"

"That is the true sense of disappearing from the other world and existing in a higher dimension."

"To put it bluntly, you and he are not in the same dimension, so you can't see or feel him."

"Not to mention sealing it with "darkness", even if I am attacked, my all-seeing ice eyes will not be able to see him."



After Ura Akashi came on the scene, the scene became even more oppressive. Even if he used "Dark", Sanada still couldn't avoid losing points.

(You can't block your opponent secretly.)

(I see, you can even disappear from this dimension so that your opponent cannot catch you.)

(No wonder Atobe reminded me like that.)

Yukimura observed the situation on the court and realized why Atobe talked to him like that before the game.

Because this move of Riakaashi is simply a "future type" move used to kill him.

Once "fear" is triggered, even Yukimura becomes powerless.

Change the future, delete the future, create the future.

The premise of all this is that there must be an "opponent".

And once Rakashi disappears from the dimension and Yukimura is unable to see and feel, all of this will become empty talk.

The biggest use of his future-type moves is to transform beneficial situations for himself.

But once the opponent is not "controlled" and escapes from the future, the effect will be greatly reduced.



When the ball hit the opposite corner with a sharp swing and scored, Riaki was so calm.

In fact, the "fear" move is not an active skill, but a passive skill.

The power born with "Akaashi Seijuro" as the fulcrum

Although Uto Akashi developed "fear", Omo Akashi also used "fear" to create "Fear in the Mirror".

It can only be said that both parties got what they wanted from this move.

Killing two birds with one stone refers to this situation.

Although Akashi Omo cannot fully use "Fear", Akashi cannot be infected with the power of "King Hua Shui Yue" either, making them distinct.


"Teiko Akashi wins this round!"



After winning the game again, Akashi didn't even use any more moves when looking at Sanada gasping for breath.

Facing Sanada who has strengthened himself, he can score as long as he goes head-on with him.

Because the only thing Sanada can know is where the ball is, and he has no idea what his opponent is doing.

"But it doesn't matter if you can't see your opponent, as long as you know the ball."

"Say something stupid. If your opponent doesn't exist, it means you don't know all the opponent's actions."

"The running posture, the speed of the swing, the contact point when hitting the ball, and the position of the player are all important references for judging the opponent's counterattack."

"Just now, Sanada can't tell whether Akaashi is hitting a short ball or a flat smash."

"This sense of unknown, which means you don't know anything, is a player's biggest enemy."

Regarding Kirihara's words, Yanagi Renji later explained to him.

"Ah! Isn't that the end?"

Kirihara grabbed his hair in distress, and became anxious.

"No. The deputy minister still has light!"

"If darkness doesn't work, then just use light to fight back."

"Then you can score points!"

His eyes lit up, Kirihara then thought of something important, and said happily.

"I hope so."

After Liu Rener heard this, he couldn't say anything more, but kept silent.

The failure of "Darkness" to work is something that many people did not expect.

The ability to amplify oneself and seal the opponent's moves is undoubtedly a huge help.

But once he fails to do so, he will fall into passivity in an instant.



Riaki held the racket and the ball in his other hand. He looked ahead at Sanada who was adjusting his breathing and knew what the opponent was thinking.

In fact, in the game just now, Sanada had already made a move to beat "Light".

But Akashi would not give him that chance. Every time he hit the ball, he would deliberately choose a particularly tricky place, making it impossible for Sanada to hit it smoothly.

Just like Akutsu's Mu Muji and Kuzuryu Flash (Light Strike), Sanada's "Light" is also an exceptional offensive skill.

The chance of being blocked from the front is pitiful.

Unless there is an alternate-dimensional incarnation like Midorima's "Third Hand".

Otherwise it's usually not that easy to fight back.

"call out!"

Throwing the ball up, Akashi was about to hit it.

"One should not look at the flowing water, but look at the still water. Only stopping can stop the others."

Looking at the ball flying up out of thin air, Sanada muttered something in a low voice.

Knowing that he was in a very passive state, he tried to break free.

As a kendo practitioner himself, he naturally has corresponding opinions.

When "darkness" fails to work and light is difficult to produce, the only thing Sanada can try is to find a way to return to the original.

Otherwise he would have absolutely no chance.

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