Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 596 595 Mingjing Zhishui!

Chapter 596 595. Mingjing Zhishui!

Only by breaking the "fear" can we have a chance of survival.


Is "fear" really that easy to crack?

Sanada was not very sure. After all, it was not easy to break the move in the first contact, not to mention that the opponent was Akashi Seijuro.

So instead of breaking the move first, Sanada chose to break "himself".


The ball was hit, and he opened his eyes suddenly and ran towards the landing position, and then swung the racket to hit it.

The ball hit the racket and rotated violently, giving Sanada no chance to use any extra force.

"whispering sound!"

Realizing that the ball would not be able to hit the "light" smoothly, Sanada adjusted the position of his arm and hit the ball with an attitude of "aggression like fire".


(Yes, the use of light requires a certain degree of energy accumulation, even if it is short, but as long as the ball deviates from the hitting point, you will not be able to hit it, otherwise it will just go out of bounds.)

Looking at the ball being hit back, Akashi was not in a hurry, but took one easy step and swung the ball with one hand.


"call out!"

The racket surface was shaking, and the powerful force was surging with the ball, but Akashi still hit it back without changing his expression.

Although Akashi doesn't fully understand Sanada, his playing style and personality are very clear.

Wind, forest and volcanoes, thunder and darkness.

Sanada has undoubtedly promoted this technique, but the moves that are also on the surface are also the easiest to target and study.

For those opponents who have almost become "old friends" with him, they have some idea of ​​how to deal with it.

Especially for a player of Akaashi's level, it is not impossible to counterattack through weak details.


Hearing the sound of the ball scraping the net, the changing trajectory also made Sanada's expression change slightly. He changed his pace and intercepted the ball coming from the opposite direction with his backhand at the same time.


It was difficult to block the ball, but the height of the jump would obviously give the opponent a chance.

"In that case, it will definitely be smashed!"

Faced with such a lob, the first reaction of ordinary people would be to attack with a smash.

And then the opponent will definitely be tired of dealing with it.

"Superficial ploy."

But Akashi ignored this and did not jump to hit the ball. Instead, he waited for the ball to fall slowly.

Do you really think he would ignore Sanada's state and go for a smash just because of this rare opportunity?

If you really do that, that's a self-inflicted flaw.

Although Sanada's posture is wrong now, as long as he uses his thunderous speed, he can't break through with just a smash.

(No smash?)

After selling such a big flaw, but the ball still hadn't been hit back, Sanada knew that Akaashi wasn't fooled.


"It's tennis again!"

When the ball was hit with a volley, it rubbed against the net and slowed down the force, but it also produced a secondary turn and deviation.


As expected, Sanada disappeared in a flash and appeared on the track waving.

"Moves like thunder!!"

There was lightning and thunder, and blue light shuttled through the stadium.


Akashi held the racket backwards and then hit the incoming lightning with the bottom end.

"Fight back!"


The speed was too fast, and Sanada couldn't use lightning to catch up again.

"Is this Akashi Seijuro?"

"Isn't it too strong?"

"As expected of Emperor Guang's minister!"

Cheers continued from the stands, and people had an intuitive impression of the power displayed.

This feeling of oppression can be felt even if you are sitting in the audience.






"Teiko Akashi wins this round!"



The score difference is still widening, and there is no hope of getting closer.





The frequent loss of points also made those who paid attention feel desperate.

"Ah! In this case, there is no chance at all."

"It's going to end!"

Even the usually optimistic Kirihara could sense the suffocation.

"Don't make any noise!"

Niou, who was lying on a stretcher but still chose not to be carried away, looked at him impatiently and scolded him.

"Nioh, are you okay?"

Yagyu looked at him and then asked.

"It's just a temporary internal injury."

"It's a small injury, but I can't die."

"Just take a rest."

Nioh would be very unhappy if he was sent to the hospital again. It was the last competition in three years at Rikkai University, and he didn't want to know the result in the hospital when he woke up.

"It's really a very strong vitality, senior."

Looking at the tough-talking Niou, Ruo Ren was muttering next to him that the state of vomiting blood and injuries all over his body could be classified as "minor injuries", he really admired him.

When ordinary people encounter this kind of situation, they probably have to think about their aftermath.

"You, don't always make rash conclusions."

"Please watch the game clearly before you speak."

"It's really noisy when I'm surprised."

There were no words to be ignored. Nioh rarely tolerated Kirihara's irritation. Instead, he held his head with one hand and educated him.


Being forcibly restrained, Kirihara had no time to react and could only look confused.

"Nioh means to tell you, observe carefully and don't be fooled by the surface."

After sighing, Yanagi Renji looked at Kirihara who was still confused and reminded him.

"Didn't you notice that the interval between each score has become longer since just now?"

Marui smiled and tugged on Kirihara's collar, then pointed to the entrance in the field and spoke.


Hearing this, Kirihara reacted and then looked carefully.



"Although Sanada is still losing points, it is obvious that he has begun to stabilize himself."

"Mistakes have gradually disappeared"

From the initial out-of-bounds or hitting the net to the persistent counterattack now, it is undoubtedly proved that the situation is changing.


"Teiko Akashi wins this round!"



The ball rolled from the racket surface and hit the ground hard. Sanada watched this without wavering.

(The skill play is so good.)

Akashi's basic playing style really made Sanada feel troublesome and gave him no opportunity to take advantage of it.

"The last round?"

Holding the ball, Akashi looked at Sanada and whispered attentively.

The effectiveness of his "fear" has begun to weaken. It does not mean that it is completely ineffective, but Sanada still cannot sense him, but he has cleared his own abnormal state.

This can be seen from the ever-increasing scoring intervals

Sanada is stabilizing himself step by step

“It’s not about breaking the fear, it’s about breaking through one’s own anomalies.”

Akashi also looked at his choice differently.

Being able to grasp the key points and gradually explore and try to counterattack is worthy of his status as Vice Minister Lihai.

"Ming Jing Shi Shui."

Akashi also knows very clearly what kind of state Sanada is in after he has settled down.

Because of this, he knew that the next final game would be the most troublesome.

It is no longer realistic for Sanada in this state to be easily defeated.


"That's why tennis is so interesting."

“You don’t know what will happen until the last minute.”

It was obvious that he would be involved in a longer confrontation, but Riakaashi felt happy instead.

For him, nothing is more boring than a landslide victory.

The opponent's resistance and growth are what he is most happy to see.

"bring it on!"

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