Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 597 596 The end of the road!

Chapter 597 596. The end of the road!

(Dingjing Zhishui.)

Sanada just waited silently for the ball to move, nothing else.

The panic caused by "fear" has dissipated, and the agitated heart has returned to calm.

Even though he still couldn't see or feel Akaashi in front of him, Sanada strengthened his belief.

That is.

Never give up easily no matter what.

Even if you can't see your opponent, even if your opponent is really stronger than you

But that wasn't a reason for him to sit still and wait for death.

(to become stronger)

(Lead Tatekai to the top!)

The agreement with Yukimura was still vivid in his mind, and his stern eyes were filled with perseverance.


The ball rushed over quickly, leaving only a yellow trail in the air.


After hitting the ground hard and bouncing, Sanada hit the ball back with his backhand, and then waited for the subsequent counterattack.

Although he couldn't sense Akashi's location, the ball would never disappear.

Since you can't notice every move of the player, you should focus 100% on the ball and defend without missing any changes.


(Spin ball on the right.)

After observing the ball's condition, Sanada took a step and ran to the right, and then hit a beautiful volley.

The pure black trajectory floats in the air, and then turns.

"Black Dragon Slash!"

"But is it useful to use it when you can't see your opponent?"

Sanada's hitting also made many people watching the game worry, wondering how he was going to score.

“How to attack when faced with an invisible opponent?”

"It's such a familiar scene."

"Senior, your special skill is here."

Maori sat in his seat, watched the situation on the field, and then asked Tanejima next to him.

"Hey, compared to them, I look too ordinary."

"No matter what I do, I still have traces to follow, but that person really disappeared."

Shaking his head, Taneshima knew that Maori was talking about his move that "can't be without".

But as a user, Taneshima himself knows how big the "fear" gap is between him and Akashi.

Not to mention being "fearful" with Akashi, it was just a comparison with Kuroko's gaze.

Compared with these junior high school students, he can only be regarded as a "magic", while others are all "immortal magic".

"So, senior, how do you generally win in this situation?"

"You really gave me a difficult problem."

Smiling helplessly, Taneshima was speechless at Mori's curious question.

Although he can also play "disappearance", it is not this level of "high-dimensional suppression".

"In this case, there is no special way to solve it. What else can we do besides taking it slowly and steadily?"




The audience, who thought they would be able to tell the winner quickly, suddenly found that this battle was extremely long.

Sanada, who had been in an abnormal mood before, was now as steady as a rock, hitting the balls hit by Akashi one by one.

"It's really amazing. I got out of it all at once."

"what is that?"

Kise looked at Sanada who had obviously changed and couldn't help but sigh.

"Ming Jing Shi Shui."

"It should be a state of mind move to clear one's own abnormal state."

"Akaashi's "fear" has not been eliminated, but he has unilaterally dispelled the impact on himself."

Shirazu stared at Sanada's movements and tried to interpret his behavior.

"That is indeed a move that is very suitable for a swordsman."

"It's like Fuji Shusuke's mind."

Even though they didn't score for a long time, everyone didn't worry, but watched with relish.

After all, holding oneself firmly does not mean that one can score. With Akashi leading by such a large margin, unless Sanada has any special skills that are enough to make a comeback, there is absolutely no chance of a comeback.

In fact, Sanada is indeed in a state of difficulty scoring.

(No chance at all)

No matter how defensively you counterattack, the ball will definitely be knocked back.

Akashi's position could not be captured, which had a great impact on Sanada's counterattack.

(If "light" can be produced.)

That might be the only opportunity for him to score, but in front of Riakishi, who has the Eye of the Emperor, it is difficult to have such an opportunity.

(It’s so strict that I won’t give him any chance.)

Omo Akashi paid attention to every move outside and also commented on Uto Akashi's behavior.

(Of course I can’t give it, otherwise if the light shines, I may not be able to block it.)

It's not humility or hypocrisy, but recognition of one's own shortcomings and the strength of the opponent.

The light and clouds are as unobstructed as the void.

That is a very powerful stunt. Although Ura Akashi is very arrogant, he is not so arrogant that he is arrogant.

After all, he has experienced a lot of slaps in the face.

It's not like Akutsu, Sanada, Fuji, Shiraishi and others have never given them surprises.


Before they could continue the exchange, Ura Akashi seemed to feel something, and his expression changed slightly.

This time the ball hit back was slightly deflected

No, maybe I was attracted

"That is."

Everyone was shocked when they saw the trajectory that shifted from the outside to the inside.

"Tezuka territory?!!!"

"The light and clouds are as unobstructed as the void!!!"



Under everyone's astonished gaze, the ball finally reached Sanada's best counterattack point, and then he hit a fierce volley.

The completely unstoppable stunt galloped across the field, and then the ball hit the ground heavily, forming a bottomless hole.

"This is really true."

"I was forced to the point where I had no choice."

Fuji looked at Sanada who had even been forced out of the "Tezuka Domain", opened his eyes and murmured.

Tezuka's domain gives the ball spin, causing the opponent to fight back and then pull it into his range.

Although they are not so unfamiliar to people like them who are used to it, and they can play it after a little getting used to it, but they generally won't use it.

Because unlike Tezuka, they have their own playing habits. Unless someone like Sanada is forced to have no other choice, they will not consider it.

"It can only be used once as a means of surprise attack."

"It won't work on Akashi next time."

Tezuka watched this scene from the side, knowing very well how short the effect of the field was.

Especially for Akashi, a player who has played against him many times, being able to use it as a surprise attack once is the limit.

"He did it on purpose"


"Just to let himself take a breath, that long confrontation always strained his mind."

"A slightly shorter transition is needed to account for the confrontation later on."

"Ming Jing Shisui only helped him stabilize himself, but could not affect Akashi."

Atobe looked at Sanada's choice and approved of his spiritual reaction. In that kind of environment, he could only find a way to score a point to calm himself down.

So he specifically thought of using Tezuka Domain to make a surprise attack.

Judging from the results, Riakishi did not expect this, allowing him to seize the opportunity to hit "light" and score.


Akashi stared at Sanada, seemingly thinking about something, and finally prepared to serve the second ball.

But the next moment he exuded amazing strength, and the pressure doubled instantly.

(come yet?)

Although he expected that his opponent would not give him another chance, Sanada still tried to fight for that glimmer of hope.

But now we have to face Akashi who uses the power of the Overlord, it must be "Death to Death"


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