Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 599 598 Wu Yue vs Changing the Future!

Chapter 599 598. Wuyue vs. Changing the Future!

"Atobe, now as the four major ministers, you are the only one who has not fought against him."

Himuro turned his head and glanced at Atobe, who was sitting next to him as if nothing had happened, and asked with a faint smile on his face.

"Hey, hey, that guy from Himuro really dares to say that."

Yue Ren looked at Himuro in surprise, not really understanding why he was so blunt at this time.

From Yue Ren's point of view, this is no different from ridicule.

After all, Akaashi, Tezuka, and Yukimura all have records of fighting against Shirazu, but you are the only one who doesn't. Isn't it obvious that you are one step behind?


"There's nothing to be anxious about. Sooner or later, you'll have that opportunity."

Crossing his legs, Atobe seemed not to care at all, his tone full of indifference.

The indifferent look on his face actually made other people look at him in shock, wondering why he was so calm.

"You know? For us now, it is only a matter of time before we face him."

"But whoever can defeat him depends on his own ability."

Wrapping their fingers, Atobe didn't hide anything, but expressed each other's thoughts.

Bai Jin is indeed very strong, but this is not the reason for them to turn a blind eye.

The four major ministers present, including Akutsu, Sanada, Fuji and others who followed, were all staring.

If given the chance, they would still choose to challenge the so-called "strongest".

The strength of the opponent is not a reason to be afraid of retreating. If they really give up because the opponent is too strong, then it is not them.

It is precisely because of Bai Jin's strength that they can better see their own prospects.

You can become stronger instead of staying at this moment

Because that guy has already passed here, they are just a group of chasers.

The only difference is that on the way, they will compete with each other first.

And once there is a chance to come into contact with Bai Jin, he will definitely choose to fight.

That rare opportunity doesn't come around every time.

This is also the reason why Yukimura is willing to fight Tatekai Dai's fate this time.

For him, after three years of junior high school, this may be his last chance in the competition. If he doesn't fight head-on, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

(I can actually tremble?)

(I shouldn’t say excited.)

Before serving, you can clearly feel the trembling in your body, but it is not fear, but eagerness from the heart.

Underneath that calm demeanor, hidden is the desire to reach the top.

"This is really exciting."

Waiting for Yukimura's serve, Shiratsu felt the same way.

For him, nothing was a happier sight than fighting these guys.

As a member of this world, he followed the rules of the world and became stronger. He originally thought that the result of being able to fight against a thousand people would be "alone and seeking defeat", but in fact it has not reached that level.

Because there is always a group of peers behind him who take the trouble to become stronger.

To be honest, if the fourth seamless power is excluded, he may not be able to completely suppress this group of ministers who have grown incredibly.

The Three Fantasy Gods are indeed very strong, but they are not incomprehensible to players of a certain level.

After all, who doesn’t have an extraordinary level of power now?


The crackling sound of hitting the ball was already ringing in his ears. Bai Jin judged the nature of the ball at a glance and made his choice.

A divine blow that concentrates the whole body.

"Kaiou Fist!"

The crimson aura enveloped his body, and the excessive increase allowed him to easily hit the ball back.


"Being able to fight back this blow with such a straight face"

Although it was because of the blessing, it also showed that all the blows he had gathered together were so fragile at this moment.

The racket touched the return ball, feeling the pure power on it, and Yukimura barely managed to hit it back.

Although the effectiveness of God's Strike is not comparable to the increase of Kaio Fist, it is enough as a temporary improvement.

As long as the gap between each other's foundation is not too large, there is still room for maneuver.

"But how long can it last?"

Aiming at the bottom line, Bai Jin spoke and struck a standard blow at the same time.

The blue electric light has already emerged, and the moves that have been familiar for a long time now form an extremely fast speed that is difficult to capture in this state.




But what people didn't expect was that Chidori, who finally hit the ground, returned to Shirazu's field the next moment and was ejected in another way.

"Just be on guard before you strike back."

Seeing such a fragmented scene happen, everyone realized what kind of ability Yukimura had used.

"Did you use Change the Future at the beginning?"

"This also proves that the opponent is a master of that level."

"I didn't even react to the ball just now."

The sound of discussion continued from the audience, and many people were horrified by the first scene.

"What a convenient ability."

Not caring about the lost point, Shirazu looked at Yukimura and spoke bluntly.

The original world line has been changed and turned into another ending that is beneficial to oneself.

To be honest, this ability can be said to be very strong in the Net King's world view.

You must know that unless you have the means of restraint or the strength to crush it in all aspects, it will be difficult to deal with it.

If Yukimura like this were in the main drama, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he is the strongest one-on-one among junior high school students.

It's a pity that in this place, most people are thinking of ways to become stronger, and thus have a certain degree of resistance.

Whether it’s Akutsu who relies on moves and strength or Akashi and Atobe who have similar abilities

Each one keeps refreshing the upper limit.

“To deal with changing the future, the most unpretentious situation is nothing more than hard power crushing.”

Looking at Yukimura who was about to serve the second ball, Shirazu also came up with a new idea.

That is.


Seeing the scene where the momentum was gradually declining, Yukimura, who had just finished serving, instinctively felt that something was wrong.

(I can’t feel anything anymore.)

(this sense of urgency)

Seeing the ball bouncing on the ground, Yukimura tried to activate the power to change the future.

But in the end.



Before he could overreact, the ball had already been hit back.

"Changing the future doesn't work."


Qianshi looked at this scene in surprise, while Akutsu next to him frowned and became very unhappy.

"Isn't that the same move you used to defeat Akutsu?"

"It seems to be called"

"No Moon?"

Haizaki stared at Shirazu, who was in the field with an explosive momentum but was now calming down, and then spoke.


"As long as there is no future where we can win, there is no need to worry about changing the future."

Akashi watched the changes in the field silently and made a comment.

"However, the fight was so fierce when we first came up."

"It's really a bit surprising."

God's Strike, Kaio Fist, Change the Future, Moonless.

It's really just one move after another, highlighting a high position to suppress.

"So, how long can Yukimura hold on?"

"Before the moon expires"

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