Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 600 A blow from 599!

Chapter 600 599. A striking blow!

no moon

It is also a move that raises all one's own concentration to four dimensions, but unlike the single raise of God's Strike, Wuyue raises the whole body to the same degree.

Therefore, it was an overly straightforward strengthening method. What this caused was that Shirazu, who was already too strong, suddenly made an explosive leap, causing Yukimura's changes to become ineffective in the future.

Because no matter how he tried to change, the end result would be to lose points.




The racket was knocked away, but Yukimura felt a more violent force than before.

(The only way is to delay.)

(The longer the game, the more beneficial it is to you.)

Having learned about this move, Yukimura also thought about the possibility of dealing with it.

The simplest thing is to directly release the restrictions. He directly uses a set of future-type combos to accelerate the situation to the final battle.

But the problem is here, he is not confident that he can withstand it for that long.

After all, this is just the beginning, and we haven’t finished a round yet.

If the winner cannot be determined in a short period of time, it will become a big problem later.

It doesn't mean that future-type moves are without any burden.

(Avoid its sharp edges?)

Considering the problem of battery life, perhaps the only thing he can do now is to avoid Bai Jin who is using Muzuki at this time, leaving the winner behind.

(But how long can his condition last?)

That's what he thought, but Yukimura couldn't confirm how long Shirazu's Nutsuki would last.

It's okay for one or two rounds, but once it exceeds four rounds, it will undoubtedly be a big loss for Yukimura.



At a critical moment, Yukimura can only make a quick decision.

"It seems like he is trying to delay every game."

Akashi noticed Yukimura's approach and then spoke.

"After all, facing Xiaobaijin at this time, a head-on confrontation is obviously irrational."

Staring at this scene, Kise also understood the opponent's behavior. After all, it was not a good choice to go head-on when the opponent was gaining momentum.

Unless you are confident of overpowering the opponent, it is best to wait for the opponent's momentum to pass.

Accumulate strength and wait for an opportunity to counterattack.


Watching the process of being changed, Bai Jin naturally noticed Yukimura's intentions.

"Even if you know that the result cannot be changed, should you choose to repeat the longer process?"

"It's a good idea, but it's also not an easy thing."

Yukimura cannot change the result of losing points, but he can choose a longer process.

It is also quite what people often call a "delay strategy."


The ball hit the ground hard, which also indicated a score.

"Teiko Shirazu wins this round!"




In the court, facing Shirazu's serve, Yukimura still used his ability to change the future.

Even if you can't change the result of failure, you can never let the other party win easily.

"Huh? The ultimate annihilation of the five senses?"

After realizing his own abnormality, Shirazu also understood that Yukimura had used the moves he was good at to change the future.







The score difference is still widening, but it is obvious that Yukimura's situation after "struggle" can be seen.

Because under the constant interference of the Ultimate Five Senses, Shiratsu's scoring efficiency has obviously slowed down a lot. Yukimura has hit back several shots.

(It is a very wise judgment.)

(Moonless is indeed something that cannot be maintained for a long time)

Unlike Kia Kutsu, who insisted on bumping his head, Yukimura would naturally think more deeply.

As the other party thought, although Wu Yue had greatly improved himself, he also had a time limit.

In the end, you still have to hit the "charged blow", and your status will drop greatly afterwards.

This is the biggest flaw

It was also based on this that Yukimura chose to delay.

The possibility of reversal is entrusted to the future, not the present.

But necessary obstacles are necessary. Otherwise, if Bai Jin can score easily by swinging the racket, there won't be much consumption and resistance at all.


"Teiko Shirazu wins this round!"



The point difference between the two games would be a considerable advantage in a normal game, but for high-level players, it is irrelevant as long as it is not the last goal that determines the outcome of the game.

Although there are situations in the drama where too much handicap leads to overturning, these are basically rare cases.


The ball was hit, and Shirazu hit it hard with a blow that made a tiger roar.



In the moonless state, even the new tiger will have greater power.



"Aren't you going to take action yet?"

The second goal was won again, but even so, Yukimura did not act abnormally. Shiratsu admired his calmness and composure.

There is no wavering or doubt, only persistence and trust in one's own choices.

Hitting a sharp blow, the ball drew a beautiful arc in the air at an extremely fast speed and then fell.


Yukimura ran to the landing spot, hit the ball back with all his strength, and then kept an eye on Shirazu's movements.

(here we go again)

The ultimate destruction of the five senses began to interfere again, and it was very difficult for players to lose their five senses.

But relatively speaking, that is just a stopgap measure.


The dark space was like glass, shattered by one's own mental power, replaced by the five senses that were taken back.



Another hit back to score, and the game was about to be won again.

"Isn't it over yet?"

Yanagi Renji watched this scene from the sidelines and couldn't help but worry about Yukimura.

They are obviously trying to delay time like this, but if they don't cause too many obstacles, they will be in more danger.

"Don't worry."

"Yukimura has a solution."

Compared with other people's worries, Nioh and Sanada have to believe in most.


Just after Yukimura served the next time, Shirazu clearly felt the changes in his surroundings.

(Not just changing the future.)

(I see.)

After he hit the ball back, Yukimura hit it back easily.

In this process, just for a moment, the ball fell to the ground and bounced as if it had accelerated.


"Has it started yet?"

Realizing that Yukimura had begun to take the initiative, everyone else was paying close attention.

The attack just now was undoubtedly a one-stop service of changing the future + deleting the future + creating the future.

Otherwise, Yukimura wouldn't be able to easily counter Shirazu's hit at this time.

"Then as you wish, let's end the maintenance of this power first."

The ball was hit again, but Bai Jin did not fight back as easily as last time. Instead, he opened his mouth to speak and at the same time, his whole body exuded an astonishing black air pressure.


Realizing what he would face, Yukimura's expression became serious.

"No Moon!"

The jet-black slash struck out, and the excessive power plowed a ravine in the face, and even the net was cut in half.

"Teiko Shirazu wins this round!"



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