Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 603 602 Fulcrum!

Chapter 603 602. Fulcrum!



After facing Shiratsu, who had a seamless start, Yukimura was still able to use his combination skills to score consecutive points.

"But it will get harder and harder."

Nioh watched this scene from the sidelines, but he couldn't feel at ease.

As we all know, once Shirazu activates the Perfect Perfection, he will become stronger and stronger as he fights.

The initial start was nothing, but I was afraid that I would be able to create amazing moves due to my excessive technical and mental strength in the middle.

(The serve can also be changed midway.)

(However, you have exposed the flaw in this combination.)

Not in a hurry to serve, Shiratsu looked at Yukimura and then realized its flaws.

In fact, this can be roughly guessed based on the battle with Akutsu. Unfortunately, it is difficult to understand the details without being an actual player.

That is Yukimura's deletion of the future + change of the future, and the scope of its effect is also limited.

He is able to pick out a segment of his opponent's past batting as a basis for creating future fill-ins.

But once the opponent enters a certain state, Yukimura can no longer use the previous "past" to make up for the gap.

That's right

Seamless and Alaya Consciousness

This state-of-the-art technique used to maintain oneself is the "loophole" that Yukimura cannot delete.

This means that when the opponent attacks again, Yukimura is forced to choose a new picture to fill it.

After all, when the opponent uses Seamless Clothes or Alaya Knowledge, Yukimura cannot "delete" this state as well.

It can only be said that everything has flaws all the time, and perfect things do not exist.

"But it's hard enough for ordinary people to deal with."

In the same way, once he encounters players who do not have similar moves, Yukimura will form a combination with no dead ends.

The opponent can only continue to lose points due to its offensive form, and it is powerless no matter how hard it struggles.

"The situation has eased."

Holding the ball in his hands and preparing for the serve, Bai Jin finally regained his fifth dimension.

The reduction brought by Wuyue is very long, but it is precisely because of its own seamlessness that it can perfectly offset this side effect.

So it's not something to worry about.

"Sa, let's start."


After hitting the ball, Bai Jin already had an idea of ​​how to deal with it.

However, it may take some time to arrange this bureau.





"This round is won by Tatekai Daiyukimura!"




"Oh oh oh!!!"

Looking at the even score, Kirihara was extremely excited. It seemed that in his two years of memory, no one had ever been able to face Shirazu-senpai to such a degree.

And their minister has already done it, which is really exciting.

"His swing strength and ball speed have begun to increase significantly."

Although he was happy with Yukimura's performance, Yanagi Renji also noticed the hidden dangers.

"Yes, he is a completely different person than before."

"But even so, Yukimura still managed to suppress it."

"I can only say that he is worthy of being our great god."

Nioh was also very envious of Yukimura's combo skills at this time. Such moves were simply beyond the ability of anyone to master.

A veritable "god".

"Tezuka, what do you think?"

"It's hard to judge."

Upon hearing Fuji's question, Tezuka shook his head and expressed his thoughts.

Yukimura's moves are strong in his opinion, but Shirazu will not remain indifferent.

He believed that neither of them was the type to sit still and wait for death.

"But what I do know is that he's going to break that combination."

But in the end, Fuji still heard his friend's "arbitrary" opinion.


"Atobe, do you have a way to break this combination?"

"Huh? What nonsense are you talking about?"

"It doesn't matter to me at all."

Facing Yue Ren's question, Atobu glanced at him and replied disdainfully.

Others may be afraid of Yukimura's combination, but it is not unsolvable for Atobe.

Delete the future + create the future?

In the blink of an eye, he will give you a one-stop service of "freezing the future + freezing your mind"!

Yukimura's deletions can only target one type in the future. If he eats another type, his combination will be shut down.

It was also a competition of mental moves. Apart from being inferior to Yukimura in terms of strength, Atobe was as targeted as ever.

Although whether it can be defeated in actual combat is another matter.

"That guy Bai Jin is still laughing at this moment."

Kagami looked at Shirazu who was waiting to serve, and felt a headache about his situation.

Although he enjoys the fun of tennis, he absolutely hates this type of confrontation.

"Nonsense, he looks forward to danger more than anyone else."

Qingfeng put one hand in his pocket, but he could understand someone's mood.

Had he been "invincible" for a long time, he would have drifted away long ago.

It is impossible to maintain the mentality of becoming stronger and surpassing the limit without a good mentality.

(Can this continue?)

Looking at Shirazu's slightly smiling expression, Yukimura felt a little unreal for some reason.

"What's the use of thinking about this now?"

Shaking his head, he no longer struggled and threw the ball up.


After striking out, he began to pay attention to its movements.

"That is.?!"

A green beast appeared behind him, with a figure that looked like a tiger and a leopard, and it was impossible to tell what species it was.

But the sense of coercion the other party possesses is genuine.

(The wild extradimensional incarnation!)

(I have never seen it before.)

There is no doubt that it is another new move belonging to the other party.

"Thunder Beast Strikes!!"


Hitting the bouncing tennis ball, cyan lightning wrapped the ball and rushed towards the opposite side.

The creatures from another dimension roared passionately, and the sound alone made people's ears hurt.

Inexplicable panic also began to arise in my heart

“Is it an upgraded version of the new Tiger?!”

"What an amazing power."

Some of them saw at a glance what kind of old trick it was continuing, and even exclaimed.

"But it's no use!"

"It will still be deleted by the minister!"

Although it seems dangerous, Kirihara still believes that his minister can solve it perfectly.

Everyone else watched this scene nervously, not knowing what would happen.

(It also has the effect of intimidating players?)


"It doesn't work for me!"

The panic caused by the Thunder Beast was suppressed by Yukimura for only a moment, and he activated the power to delete the future.

The roaring thunder has dissipated, the powerful hitting has returned to calm, and then Yukimura chose to fight back.



"I fought back easily."

Seeing that Yukimura succeeded, someone suddenly cheered.

The power of creating the future made him "load" the previous scene again, which was the return shot Bai Jin played when he first opened Tianyi.


But just when everyone thought Yukimura could score again, the familiar roar sounded again, shocking everyone.


"Already done"

The ball that was supposed to be deleted and bounced off the court somehow found its way back into Shirazu's swing.

And the latter once again hit the "Thunder Beast Strike"!




The shocking scene prevented Yukimura from reacting immediately, resulting in a loss of points.

There was a roar when he landed, and he slowly came back to his senses.

(What happened just now?)


Tezuka's original battle was unfinished because there were always people saying they wanted to see a move in seconds, so just watch it.

Are you satisfied with the result? Satisfied with a hammer, there is nothing but emptiness and boredom.

I didn’t even give a detailed description of his style.

I can clearly say that Yukimura lost this battle 6-3, and Tezuka should have lost 6-2 instead of 6-1.

Thinking about it, I was angry myself, and I was a little irritable at that time.

In the setting, at the last moment of the Third Kingdom, the four ministers are all capable of defeating the Three Illusion Gods, instead of being suppressed by the Three Illusion Gods.

Now you see that the reason why Yukimura is so strong is because Tezuka’s previous chapters were poorly written. In fact, according to the correct route, Tezuka, who only knows two forms, is slightly weaker than the current Yukimura. .

So I’m considering rewriting the chapter about Tezuka vs. Shiratsu in the semi-finals one day, but I don’t have time to do it now.

It's impossible to fix it. I'll rewrite it later and compare it to see what's interesting between the one-move-second that some people expect and Tezuka's real performance.

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