Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 604 603 Izanami!

Chapter 604 603. Izanami!

(what happened?)

Not only Yukimura, but also the people who were paying attention were confused.

They had clearly seen the tennis ball that was supposed to bounce off Shirazu's court, but the next moment it turned out to be Shirazu hitting the "Thunder Beast Shot" with his racket.


"I was careless"

Perhaps he was so shocked by that picture that he had some flaws.

Yukimura suppressed the doubts in his heart and said this.


He picked up the ball again and swung it away.


"Here we go again, Thunder Beast hits!"

But just like last time, Bai Jin still chose to use the same move.

"I won't give you a chance this time!"

With such determination, Yukimura concentrated his mind, and then used his mental power to activate the combination of deleting the future + creating the future again.

The roaring thunder beast disappeared instantly and was replaced by a calm incoming ball.

Seizing this opportunity, Yukimura struck out again.

Delete the future and activate it again, the ball has bounced off the ground and is about to leave.


But even though it was supposed to be another scoring scene, Yukimura still heard the deafening roar.


The roaring thunder struck, and he couldn't think about what happened, so he used the delete + future ability.



He hit the ball back again without taking a break, just like history repeating itself.


The thunder beast roared and charged again.

"This is.?"

Qingfeng hesitantly looked at the scene that seemed to be in a deadlock and was stunned.

"Could it be"

Vulcan was also stunned, they were more or less aware of what was happening.

"Trapped in a time loop?"

It's not like they haven't seen this situation before. It was the same when the Byodoin and Polk were on TV.

"'s a little different, right?"

Heizi looked at it for a while, but found the difference slightly.

"Ah, the essence of a time loop is to repeat the previous actions countless times without knowing it, and the brain will refuse to overwrite the memory due to the strength of the opponent, causing the loop."

"But for Yukimura, the current Shirazu will not let him sink to that level."

Midorima's hand holding the lucky object tightened unconsciously, and then he spoke.

"So, Thunder Beast hitting the ball is just incidental."

"The real killer move is hidden here."

Akashi stared at Yukimura, whose expression had obviously changed, and was also observing the problem.




On the field, Yukimura gradually began to feel tired.

(No matter how I delete and create.)

(Everything will return to the starting point!)

(This is exactly what it is.)

Even if he changes his style of play and hitting, the process and results will remain the same.

It will always be in the state of "Shirazu fights the Thunder Beast → Delete + Create + Delete → Shirazu fights the Thunder Beast".

Logically speaking, after deleting the future for the second time, it should be his score.

But for some reason, the ball would return to Shirazu for just a moment, and he would hit the Thunder Beast again.

If he hadn't been convinced that he could change the way he fought back, he might have suspected that he had the ability of "Flower in the Mirror, Moon in Water".

"So what exactly is going on?"

Kikumaru scratched his head, not quite understanding what was going on.

If Yukimura hadn't responded in a different way every time, he would have suspected that the tape was playing that way over and over again.

"infinite loop"

But after hearing Fuji's muttering, everyone looked over.

"Although I don't know how Shirazu Tomosei did it, I vaguely feel that he used Yukimura's Delete Future and Create Future to achieve this Combo (combination)."

"Infinite loop?"

As Fuji continued to talk, Inui Sadaharu seemed to have heard some interesting words, and then he became interested.

"Yes, it looks like Yukimura was using Delete + Create Future to attack, but Shirazu used some method to counter his ability, creating an infinite loop."

Tezuka also opened his mouth to analyze at the right time.

"Wouldn't it mean that there would never be a winner?"

Hearing this, Kawamura Takashi was stunned. According to Tezuka and Fuji, wouldn't this be endless?

"No, that's all it seems."

"But in fact, this endless cycle has already caused fatigue to Seiichi Yukimura."

"Compared to Jisung Bai Jin, he will undoubtedly bear more questions and pressure."

"It just depends on when he can't hold on anymore and the cycle will fail."

Inui Sadaharu shook his head, observed the sweat beads on Yukimura's forehead, and then said.

"Are you saying that once Yukimura can't hold on anymore, the cycle will break down on itself?"

"It's almost like that. The prerequisite for an infinite loop is that he can persist."

Hearing this, Kikumaru also turned to the field and watched carefully.



(As soon as I undelete or create either, the loop breaks out.)

Panting, Yukimura also realized how difficult it was at this time. The infinite process was simply "torture".

The "future type" moves he uses clearly consume mental energy, and they are not unlimited in use.

I am so specialized in this field that his mental strength is far beyond that of his peers. In comparison, he is only slightly inferior to Akaashi.

But even so, it can't withstand the torture of "infinite loop".

If you use it 100 times in a game, there will be no problem, but if you use it 100 times in a confrontation, something will happen.

"I thought you would definitely keep going."

Seeing Yukimura cancel the single use, Shirazu suddenly smiled and said.

"Being consumed without limit, even I can't bear it."

"Until I see through your moves, I can't waste any extra energy here."

Shaking his head, Yukimura looked at Shirazu and expressed his thoughts.


"Then I hope you can break through."

"Although I think it's impossible for you to be stubborn now."

Waiting for Yukimura's serve, Shiratsu spoke bluntly.


Frowning, Yukimura didn't quite understand where his confidence came from, but since his opponent was him, there would be some reason for it.

(Is there a mechanism that I don’t know about?)

With this question in mind, Yukimura stood on the baseline and prepared to serve.

"Did you notice it?"

(But it’s useless.)

(As long as you use deletion + creation for a day, you will never be able to break away from His bondage.)

The ball has been knocked over, and Shirazu hits the Thunder Beast Strike again.



Seeing Yukimura using "Delete Future and Create Future" again, Shirazu didn't care at all.




No matter what, Yukimura who maintains this combination will only be held back by the "infinite loop" until he is defeated.

This is.


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