Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 746 743 From

Chapter 746 743. From "randomness" to "absoluteness" to "stability"!



There was a neighing sound, the huge holy beast roared, and the ball was wrapped with unparalleled destructive power and attacked Midorima.

(Vulcan, you are also a very distinctive player among us with your reckless energy that never gives up and your explosive playing style that surpasses ordinary people.)

(After evolving into the wild, you have the power to make your opponents irresistible.)

Looking at the ball in front of him with an unchanging expression, Midorima finally raised the racket covered in armed Haki, and then hit it forward.


A powerful impact was sent out, and everyone on the field could feel the strange vibration.



"An empty shock, right? The source is the ball he hit back."

Substantial impact is taking place in the outside world, and it is a destructive force that changes the color of all players.

I saw Midorima clapping his hands with both hands, his veins exposed, and he was using all his strength to resist.

The place where the ball comes into contact with the racket surface emits a shock that shakes the surrounding area.

This is why some people think that an "earthquake" is coming.

"I'm fighting the God of Fire."

"That sense of explosion is definitely there."

"It's amazing, just hitting the ball to that point."

"But, can Green Ball survive?"

Everyone looked at Midorima's sullen face, wanting to know the result.

"No, he will fight back."

"After all, Shintaro has reached the pinnacle now."

But Akashi insisted on the ending, and at the next moment, Midorima's dark racket was shattered, and the fragmented picture was shocking.



But the ball bounced high.

"Chance ball!"

Seeing the ball flip over the net and fall from high altitude, and Midorima didn't have a racket in his hand, anyone would think that this was a unique opportunity.

"Fate is still on my side."

Romeo jumped up and tried to smash the falling ball.

But just as he was about to touch the ball with his racket, Midorima's words rang out.

"You dare to try to disobey me who has the power of destiny?"

The arrogant tone puzzled many people, but before Romeo had time to think about it, he was already smashing the ball with his racket.


It was a goal that was obviously so slow and devoid of any threat, but Romeo's expression changed after it came into contact with it.



Like a bomb being detonated, he simply touched the ball with his racket, causing a terrifying rebound.

A strong rotation suddenly surged out, which was enough stirring force to twist the strings of the ball into a ball.

So that everyone saw a strange sight.

That is, Romeo, who was high in the air, was directly carried by the racket and turned 360° for several times, and then fell to the ground from the high altitude.

When everyone recovered from their shock, they only saw that Romeo's strings had been twisted into a ball to wrap up the ball, and the entire racket surface was empty.

"What a terrible spinning force."

"The strings of the racket were pulled like that."

"How is that done?"

No wonder some people were surprised, but they clearly saw that Midorima just spent a whole racket and the ball barely bounced back. How could that soft ball contain such a powerful spin?

"Isn't that the way to play with an uncontrollable ball?"

In my memory, this is the only way to achieve such an exaggerated scene.

Destructive force, impact force, speed force, rotation force

Those are all play styles with extremely high upper and lower limits that are affected by luck. They are also unique techniques that only Midorima can use.

"But didn't it initially work on Romeo?"

"It seems to be taking effect all the time now. This can't be explained by luck, right?"

Kise was very puzzled as to what was going on. Being able to repeatedly trigger the upper limit of the uncontrollable ball could not be explained by chance.

"Uncontrollable destiny"

"Just like the original uncontrollable ball, Midorima only controlled the power of fate."

"Uh, Bai Zai, what does that mean?"

Murasakihara was stunned when he heard the strange narration.

“To put it simply”

"It's that Midorima can exert the upper limit of the uncontrollable ball at any time, and it is subject to his own choice."

"That's why he said that he has the power of destiny that he cannot control."

Seeing the signs, Shirazu was very interested in Midorima's future progress.

Midorima, who has further controlled his destiny, already possesses the strongest offensive ability.

As long as the ball he hits back, if the opponent has no means to target it, the result will be a loss of points.

"Really? Then wouldn't he be invincible?"

It seemed that Kise had heard such a sentence before when he was in the first country.

For a moment, everyone showed a nostalgic smile.


In the field, the referee had already declared the score, and Romeo had just stood up from the ground.

"How could such a thing happen?"

"He did not complete the futurization, but he achieved the utilization of the future."

It's not just that Romeo would be so surprised, but Midorima's approach is simply too shocking.

A group of people from the Spanish team finally spent a lot of time to understand "futurization" from "reality", and even experienced strong sequelae after using it.

But what's going on in Midorima? It doesn’t matter that you didn’t learn to futureize, but instead you found out the skills of your future self from “embodiment”?

Is this behavior of free prostitution a bit excessive?


The game is still going on, but it may not be very friendly to Romeo.

Because whatever ball Midorima plays next, he cannot hit it hard normally.

Even if you have the method of "infinite stamina", if you can't hit the ball back, it's meaningless.




The racket is either on the way to being blown away, or is spiraling up and down in the air. At worst, the strings are twisted into a ball. The most terrifying thing is the scene of being directly punched through the armor-colored domineering blessing.

Midorima, who controls the destiny, can maximize the maximum limit of the uncontrollable ball at any time.

This is a force that not even Fantasy Killer can resist.


"This set was won by the Neon representative team!"



With the referee's loud declaration, everyone came back to their senses and realized how powerful Midorima was, and many of them fell into silence.

"This is the originator of the fortune game."

"It belongs to Shintaro Midorima."

"Finally evolved?"

It can only be described as incomparable. At least many players have difficulty resisting his invincible offensive ability.

The force is so strong that the opponent cannot take it

So fast that the opponent cannot react

Spin so hard that the opponent can't counteract it

Impact, destructive, and stirring forces are also covered.

In all of this, the word "possible" has been removed, leaving only one outcome.

From the "randomness" of the uncontrollable ball to the "absoluteness" of the third hand, and finally to the "stability" of controlling the uncontrollable destiny.

This is Midorima Shintaro’s unique tennis ball!


Should this describe Midorima's return to nature? It has come full circle, back to the starting point, but overcoming the uncertainty involved.

Although the opponent is not very strong against him, the battle can be considered concluded.

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