Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 747 744 Singles No. 2! Tokugawa VS Medanore!

Chapter 747 744. Singles No. 2! Tokugawa VS Medanore!


"It's your turn next"

Panting, Midorima looked at Shirazu, Omotakiji, and Utoakiji who were the only ones left in front and said.

In order to deal with Murasakihara and others, he spent a more troublesome process than imagined.

Perhaps they realized that Midorima had reached his peak moment, except for Kise, Aomine, and Kagami who had left first, the remaining few people had the patience to fight him.

So much so that it was delayed for a while and a lot of energy was consumed for no reason.

The three people left now are the three strongest among them.


But what surprised Midorima was that Shirazu and Akashi just looked at each other, and then did not speak, but smiled with unknown meaning.


In the field of vision, Shirazu just picked up the ball and hit it with a swing. The cyan ball of light roared towards him, but when Midorima tried to catch the ball, an accident happened.


The sound of space shattering came out.

He was dragged back to reality.


The ball was returned normally, and instead there was a scene of Romeo running and catching the ball in a panic.

"The game is over! This set is won by the Neon representative team!"



The third set ended with Neon's singles victory announced.


Frowning, Midorima recalled the disintegrated space and knew what was causing the problem.

Shiratsu's ball destroyed the "materialized" space, and he had no time to catch the ball.

(Kise, Kagami, Aomine.)

(I’ll settle the score with you later.)

Wiping the beads of sweat that fell from his cheeks, Midorima thought about the performance of the three people in the first place and was very dissatisfied.

Compared to Murasakibara and the others' subsequent resistance, these three guys simply "hit the ball and ran", not giving Midorima any extra chance to enjoy it.

How could he be satisfied if he didn't have a clear outcome with those guys?

But really speaking, in a head-to-head confrontation with Kise, Kagami, and Aomine, he might not be as safe as he is now.

Those three are truly strong singles players.

But it's not like he can be defeated with one ball.

"It's a total failure."

"I lost my temper after losing."

"You are truly monsters."

Standing in front of the net, Romeo couldn't describe how he felt throughout the game.

The illusion that materialized helped him win a big victory, but in the blink of an eye, he lost his temper in the second and third sets.

The space was even regarded as Midorima's training ground, and he couldn't cancel it even if he wanted to.

Totally used


Turning his head and snorting coldly, Midorima didn't bother to comment. Romeo may be very strong among junior high school students, but he will definitely not be his opponent.

Apart from the exceptional move of materialization, Midorima would suppress him in any other aspect.

"If you can use futurization, you will still be able to fight."

"If you can't do this, go back and practice more."

With those cold words behind him, Midorima turned around and left the court.

"Have you really been seen through?"

With a wry smile, Romeo sighed, helplessly.

It is true that he has benefited his teammates through materialization, but as a user himself, Romeo cannot learn to "futurize".

Just like a doctor cannot heal himself.

"It can only be said that I'm still not strong enough."

When he met Midorima, he really couldn't confront him head-on.

Compared with the high spirits when he first appeared, feeling lost and regretful may be his end.


"Now Spain comes to the final crunch."

“The Neons took the lead with a 2-1 record.”

"As long as we win one more victory, we will advance to the semi-finals!"

With the host making a loud noise, the atmosphere in the venue was also extremely enthusiastic.

"This might be your last chance this year."


Mifune looked at Tokugawa standing in front of him, and then reminded him in a deep voice.


He lowered his head slightly, and Tokugawa knew exactly what that meant.

He once promised all high school students and Hyokui's juniors to become "the best high school students in neon."

"Although it is not the stage for the finals, now is also the best time!"

"I will tell them with actions that I will definitely do it."

Stepping onto the court with a racket in hand, Tokugawa only had the belief in victory.

"That's right, just maintain that kind of fighting spirit."

"As the leader, Medanore will definitely be better than the previous players."

"Prove it to those idiots in front of the whole world."

"You will be the number one high school student in neon"


"It's not over yet."

"Why do you look so sad?"

Medanore took the racket, took off his jacket, and then looked at the demoralized teammates around him and said.


Roman opened his mouth, but did not tell what happened next, because everyone present knew that the biggest card in their hand had been played.

Even if Medanore wins the singles, given the cautious attitude of the Neon team, the No. 1 singles player may still be an extremely strong player, and their hope of winning the final game is slim.

Therefore, Medanore's game is "meaningless" at all.

Spain has stopped in the quarterfinals.

"Our time may be over, but theirs is not yet."

"Don't look like that."

"Fight until the last moment. This will not let down Seda and their efforts."

Walking towards the venue, Medanore's figure looked so great.




"The game is over! This set is won by the German team."



"Oh oh oh!!"

The dazzling record of 3-0 on the scoreboard indicates the German team's three consecutive victories.

In the battle against Switzerland, they achieved an undisputed victory.

"Can't you reach it?"

With his head raised and beads of sweat streaming down his face, Amadeus had a complicated expression.

Playing No. 3 alone, even if he comes on the court, it will be difficult to turn the tide.

The German team had anticipated their end, so they specially arranged for "QP" to snipe him here.

As a result, two big defeats completely crushed the Swiss team's final struggle.

He didn't expect that he wouldn't even have a chance to contact Polk at this moment.


Standing on the sidelines, Polk urged the players, and then led all members of the German team to quickly exit the field.

"The match between Neon and Spain is not over yet, the No. 2 singles is about to begin."

"It is necessary to observe."

"Did Spain win another game?"

After learning that the match between Neon and Spain was still going on, they couldn't wait to rush over there.

After all, the next semi-finals will most likely be Germany versus Neon.

Therefore, any bit of information will be very important.

Switzerland, the previously defeated powerhouse, is simply not worthy of any attention.

Neon is their most troublesome enemy in Germany!

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