Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 748 745 Zooms in at the beginning!

Chapter 748 745. Zoom in at the beginning!

"Hey, this boy Tokugawa actually met Medanore."

In the hospital ward, Byodoin was covered in bandages. He stood up forcefully and leaned against the bedside. Looking at the scene reported on the TV, he felt it was a bit ironic.

"I remember you mentioned that player when you were staying at Explosive Neck Dragon."

"Is he strong?"

The ghost was lying on the bed, looking like a bandaged man. Thinking of Medanore's situation, he asked the Byodoin.

"Well, at least I didn't explicitly take him down."

"In terms of strength alone, he is also a player without any shortcomings."

"not to mention"

After talking about it, Byodo-in seemed to remember something and paused for a while.

"It might not be a good thing for Tokugawa to face him."

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

Hearing this, Gui didn't quite understand why Byodoin said this.

"The more special a person is with power and talent, the easier it is for him to be counterattacked by Medanore."

"Because he has the ability to cause his opponents to self-destruct."




The ball has been hit by Tokugawa, and the serve with dazzling light is not unfamiliar to everyone in the Neon team.


(The ball is hidden in the rainbow light, and even the sound is diffused.)

(Blocking the opponent’s visual observation and auditory capture position)

Medanore looked at the incoming ball and did not move immediately. Instead, he thought about it and saw through Tokugawa's phantom serve.


"But it wasn't a serve that couldn't be returned."

Waiting for Tokugawa to serve for the second time, he followed the flashing point of the rainbow light, put his hand on the handle of the ball behind him, and then while moving his body, he swung the racket into the air.

"Fight back?!!"

"Did you see through Tokugawa-kun's phantom serve with the second ball?"

Ignoring the surprise of his teammates, Tokugawa moved to the midfield and hit the ball towards the opposite corner.


Medanore watched the trajectory of the ball indifferently, then took one step and hit a smooth spinning ball.

Like a crescent moon, the ball formed beautiful scratches in the air.



"At present, we still don't know what will happen?"

Momoi watched the two people's equal performances for a while, but couldn't figure out how the situation would develop.

As a player, Medanore itself has a certain degree of mystery. They rarely observe useful information, so his strength has always been a mystery.

"No matter what happens, we won't lose."

"After all, he is a man who possesses the incarnation of King Asura."

"That is a troublesome existence recognized by both Byodoin and Oni."

But everyone also knows Tokugawa very well, so they are full of confidence in him.

"He has a deep control over it during this period. Using that kind of power, he will definitely be able to easily defeat his opponent."

Even if the opponent is a general-level player, to Tokugawa, he is not a strong opponent worth bragging about.

Because he has great potential and strength as King Asura. When fully unleashed, neither the normal Byodoin nor the Oni can defeat Tokugawa.

“If only it were that easy”

Baijin was not overly optimistic, but murmured in a low voice that could not be heard by others.

As Medanore is a player who has never shown his abilities in the main drama, Shirazu can only speculate on his current power from the information provided by Long Ya.

(Be careful, Tokugawa)

(He is also the holder of dual personalities. Medanore, who is fighting against you now, is more of the Omo Akashi type.)

(Forcing out another Medanore as early as possible to break "his" power is the moment when you have a chance to win. Once it is delayed to the second set, you may not have time to deal with the "riot" that follows.)

Before the game, because he was not sure whether he would face Medanore, the only reminder Shirazu could give was to the singles players in this game.

As for whether Midorima and Tokugawa listened, that is another matter.

In his opinion, the most important thing in the battle with Medanore is a quick victory.

The sooner another Medanore is forced out, the greater the chance of victory. Otherwise, the easier it is to get stuck in the mud and lose.

"He is the guy who can make Echizen Ryuya swallow him and regain his sight."

"Don't be defeated!"




He jumped into the air and hit a powerful smash, and Tokugawa scored another point.

(Speed, strength, skill, mental power)

(Under his overly balanced performance, he has abilities that are difficult to conquer.)

(Without relying on the power of another dimension, it would be difficult to widen the gap in one go.)

Frowning, Tokugawa stood at the baseline and prepared to serve again. Tokugawa also roughly came to a conclusion.

If he didn't rely on any explosive moves or realms, he and Medanore would only be able to determine a winner if they continued to fight like this for a long time.

Although this delaying style of hiding strength is very beneficial in a sense. After all, it can slowly gain points and wait for counterattacks at any time without overly exposing one's own cards and strength.

But that goes against the original intention of Bai Jin’s reminder of “quick victory”.

"Then there's only one answer."

With this in mind, Tokugawa finally made only one choice, he chose to believe.

The phantom behind him is revealed, and the three-headed and six-armed Buddha appears here!


Medanore's eyelids twitched, looking at Tokugawa who suddenly became serious, he was a little confused as to what he wanted to do.

No, everyone has only played two goals, and you are still in the lead. Why do you want to directly use the power of the incarnation of another dimension to grab points?

Isn’t that the strongest trump card in your hand?

Is it okay to take it out at the beginning?

The game hasn't reached the final point yet.

Medanore really didn't understand Tokugawa's intention for a while.

It's not the last critical moment. This performance of using the "ultimate move" right at the beginning is a bit inconsistent with expectations.



It's just that the power and speed of the serve were far greater than before, but Medanore couldn't react to catch it.


The fourth ball was played again, and the tennis ball hit the ground with a comet-like impact, causing a stir.


The racket attempted to intercept was knocked away, and Medanore lost the point again.

"This game was won by the Neon team"



Tokugawa looked so natural as he won the serve cleanly.

"Pre-emptive strike!"

"Just beat him in one go!"

"Good job, Tokugawa!"

Although I don’t know why Tokugawa did this, it didn’t stop his teammates from cheering.

"Really, it will be difficult to deal with this start."

When it was Medanore's turn to serve, he muttered to himself as if communicating with someone.

Medanore did not expect such a high-pressure attack from the beginning.

But the problem is that Tokugawa has played his trump card. If he doesn't go all out, it will be difficult for him to remain safe under that offensive.

Tokugawa's actions were in disguise forcing him to take action.

A white light appeared on his body, Medanore felt a little helpless, but then his expression became serious.

"Then let's experience the power of this god and Buddha first."


ready to off work! Go back and catch up on some sleep!

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