Net King’s Beginning With Breathing Method

Chapter 129 Phoenix Nirvana (Addition for Hanazawa)

Before the net.

"Please advise!"

Reaching out his hand, there was no expression on Byodoin's face, as if it was the first time I saw Duke.

Duke's eyes condensed slightly. He noticed that Byodoin's hands were bandaged a few times, it didn't look like it was covering the weight, so there was only one possibility...

"Please...please advise!"

Duke also stretched out his big palm, urn sounded in return.

But in terms of momentum, he inexplicably lost by the Byodoin Temple.

"Brother, come on!"

"And the big brother from my mother's hometown, too!"

Very close to the French team's auditorium, a little girl with brilliant blonde hair and a delicate face put her hands to her mouth, showing a trumpet shape, and shouting loudly.

The little girl is Chloe who was rescued by Byodoin Temple before, and the cute sister who told her brother that she would take back the victory magic.

Duke turned his head and smiled at his sister Doingly. There was no trace of Haki on his chubby face, who was destroying the king. Byodoin cast a glance at it, and then turned his head silently.

"Positive or negative?"


With the start of side guessing, the atmosphere on both sides became tense again.


The racket landed with the letters facing down!

The momentum on Duke's body was instantly mentioned, and he walked to the service line of his backcourt with a solid step.

"Go on, Duke, let people see the power of the French King of Destruction!"

Camus sat calmly on the chair, but the light in his eyes didn't stop. Duke's Ultimate power, even if he encountered it, it would be even more difficult.

Slap... slap... slap...

The tennis ball was hit hard on the ground under Duke's pressure.


Without any bells and whistles, he just threw the tennis ball that bounced the last time.

Then, his whole muscles twisted, the shirt on his body was swollen by him, an astonishing momentum rose from him, and at the same time, his right hand thunderously swung down against the tennis ball.


A huge explosion reverberated in the arena, and Duke knew the powerful serve from just hearing the sound, which instantly aroused the enthusiasm of everyone on the court.

The tennis ball whizzed through the air, carrying a terrifying mental pressure.

"What a terrible serve, what a powerful force!"

Ban Li was also a little trembling with excitement. This was the first time he had seen such a powerful shot outside of Oni Jujiro.

"This is the world level!"

Jackie Yu's eyes widened and his eyes were extremely serious. This is the first time he has experienced a world-class powerhouse so close.

Even if he was just off the court, he could feel the terrifying mental pressure. Duke's simple serve was like destroying everything, very horrible. It is hard to imagine how amazing the pressure faced by Byodoin Temple at this time is.

The explosive blow made Byodoin's face solemn, but his eyes didn't mean to give in at all.

Step on!

Facing the air wave, the golden hair wafted slightly, and Byodoin came precisely to the landing point of the ball.

"Very terrifying power, but..."

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the racket in his hand ran into the tennis ball that had just been bounced without hesitation.

"I've seen this kind of shots a long time ago!"

With a soft roar from the bottom of my heart, Byodoin just one-handedly blocked the tennis ball in the net.

call out!

A fast golden light instantly pierced the boundary of Duke's bottom corner.

"Byodoin Phoenix scored 15-0."Duke looked at the white marks not far from his feet in surprise, and muttered, "How is it possible!"

Not only did Byodoin hit back 90% of his powerful serve with one hand, but the speed and accuracy of the return hit did not slow down.

"Huh...very good!"

Looking at the tall and straight figure of Haki who was on the opposite side, Duke was completely relieved, the look in his eyes was extremely serious.


The terrifying air wave rolled on the court again.




The high-intensity bottom corner pulls continuously, and every blow is a subtle combination of strength and skill.

Duke seems to be a strength player, but his other dimensions also have no weaknesses.

Speed, skill, stamina, and spirit are all outstanding among peers.

"Foreign elite education cannot be ignored!"

Seeing that Duke is not at all a difference from Byodo-in Temple on the basis of the foundation, the shirt can not help but think that there will be a genius who will return from abroad in the future.

Tokugawa Kazuya!

He is also a representative of the five-dimensional equilibrium school, and he is undoubtedly a genius cultivated abroad through more scientific and advanced training methods.

The reason why Mifune Rindo gave great power to Kurobe and Saito is because Neon also needs this kind of scientific training method now.

Although his wild training can more stimulate the potential of each talented person, the process of transforming into strength is also inseparable from scientific methods.

Thinking time.

The two on the field played against each other for dozens of rounds, and the score has been bitten to death.

With a flash in his eyes, Byodoin took the lead.

"Scattered, American pirates!"

Seizing an opportunity for Duke to smash the ball in the midfield, Byodoin quickly bullied himself and approached the net.

The wrist was shaking rapidly, and after the tennis ball bounced, he was pumped in the air with high pressure.


A white light exploded quickly in Duke's midfield, and instantly turned into ten light yellow lights and shadows, flying in all directions.

"Byodoin, he has evolved again!"

Oni Jujiro, who held his arms around his chest, trembled a little, and all his eyes were on Byodoin's body.

Since Byodoin returned from the back mountain, the two have fought again. He lost for the first time and also lost the No.1 badge in his hand.

Although he feels that he has made progress on that road now, he is still not sure about the Byodoin Temple.

"What a brilliant technique!"

Camus's eyes were burning, even with his eyesight, it was a bit difficult to break Byodoin's moves at once.


Bang bang!

It was the first time that Duke saw such a peculiar move, and by Byodoin took the opportunity to score a crucial point.

"Game, Neon Byodoin Phoenix, 1-0."

The next situation was very good. Byodo-in Temple, which took the lead, didn't keep any hands. World-class moves were frequently used. American pirates, Indian snake charmers, Russian dolls...









All the spectators who watched a wonderful offensive move were hooked.

In the expeditions over the past few months, Byodoin has continuously absorbed the essence of various countries and regions, and has evolved all the tricks that were originally at the national level to the world level.

This perseverance and talent is the real reason why Byodoin Phoenix can continue to dominate each period.

Shang Shan Yu looked at Byodoin Phoenix with some envy on his face, and the practice of constantly gathering and consolidating the foundation like Byodoin was exactly the way he was walking.

At the same time, he secretly decided in his heart that one day he will continue to evolve his ghost-killing skills to reach a level above the world.


After a five-minute break, the second set of the game began again.

Duke patted the tennis ball lightly, thinking of Camus's suggestion in his mind.

He doesn't need to deliberately crack the Byodo-In Temple's moves, he just needs to continue to use his strength to destroy everything about his opponent. This is his style as Destroyer Wang Yuan.

Father, like son.

After being broken by Camus, he will no longer fall into the rhythm of Byodoin in this game.


With a roar, the strength of the tennis hit was raised by him again. His muscles soared, and even the clothes on his body showed a cracking sound.

"This is a burst of clothes!"

A hint of surprise appeared on Mifune's original plain face, and the big French man on the opposite side was about to enter the final stage of a power player.

Invincible power, under the violent momentum, can tear the clothes of the upper body in one fell swoop, which is regarded as a symbol of a power player. Being able to reach the stage of bursting clothes also represents the limit of entering the world-class power.

"Boy, don't be careless!"

Mifune took a sharp sip of wine, a trace of worry appeared on his face.

There is a huge gap between whether the power players can burst their clothes. Byodoin’s rapid increase in the first set was because he didn’t want to fight a tug-of-war with a powerful opponent.


On the field.

Duke's serve came towards Byodoin with even more shocking pressure.

Looking across the compressed air waves of the tennis ball, Byodoin's eyes narrowed: "This ball is more powerful than before."

Don't dare to neglect in the slightest, even if the Master has the sweet spot technique, he needs to be cautious in handling such shots.


A trembling wave of air came from the racket at the foot, and the tennis ball was exuding heavy waves in the center of the racket.

"This ball..."

Byodoin found that he was still underestimated, and he was indeed the King of Destruction. Even the black battle axe couldn't match this power.


Such thoughts floated in his heart, and the racket in Byodoin's hand glowed with a golden light, and with a roar, he hit Duke's serve again.

"Haha, great!"

With a loud laugh, Duke stomped forward with one foot, then slightly lifted up, holding the racket in both hands against the leaping tennis ball.

"The Duke hits a home run!"

A black and red aura emerged from Duke, and the clothes behind him were torn apart directly after this low growl.


The terrifying black and red aura envelops the galloping tennis ball with a heart-shattering destructive power.

"This is……"

The heart-pounding breath came from the tennis ball, and the vertical smash with one foot was too fast.


Byodoin reluctantly blocked the racket in his hand, and then a huge force came from his wrist, directly pushing him back.


In a moment, the racket in his hand was overturned to the ground, and at the same time, Byodoin's body was overturned and hit the ground hard.

The power of the tennis was undiminished, and a huge muffled noise was slammed on the wall behind, all the spectators above were shocked, and then there was even more enthusiastic cheers.They should be the king of destruction in France!


Byodoin, who was just about to get up, suddenly felt some tearing pain in his back, and the wound that had been stopped not long ago opened again.

Picking up the racket and lightly touching the dust on his face, Byodoin also ignored the blood that began to ooze from his back, and the horror in his eyes became more vigorous.






It seemed that he had found his own rhythm. Duke became more and more fierce in the battle. His Duke home run almost became an incomprehensible existence. From time to time, he could hear the huge roar of Byodoin court outside the court.

"Three ships chief coach, do you need to deal with it urgently?"

Seeing that the back of Byodoin Temple seemed to have oozing blood, Kurobe was anxious and panicked in his heart. The situation is not so good now.

"Do not worry!"

Stopping Kurobe's movements, looking at Byodoin, who was sitting alone on the sidelines, panting, Mifune entered the path with admiration in his eyes.

"Now that your aura has accumulated to the limit, let them see you, the soaring phoenix!"

He took a sip of wine into his mouth happily, and only Mifune, who had personally trained Byodoin, knew what to pay attention to.

"What a big ambition, but I like it!"


Two minutes later, the game started again.

Cheers from the sidelines continued, and Duke's popularity in France can be seen in Madara.

Byodoin looked embarrassed, but apart from the wound on his back, he felt very good in other aspects.

"How can I, a person who crawled out of hell, go back again, so..."

"Destroy me!"

An astonishing brilliance emanated from his hands, and a shocking mental will was poured into the tennis ball by him.



The terrifying golden light rushed towards Duke Watanabe with a terrifying aura.

"Duke, run away! This is..."

An exclamation came from outside the field, and Camus stood up in a panic. This was the first time that such an expression appeared on his face.

This is a light shot into another dimension!

There was no fear in Duke's eyes, how could he escape this last desperate blow by Byodoin.

"Duke... a home run!"

Under the pressure of light hitting and destruction, Duke raised his neck and screamed.

An astonishing aura came from him, and most of his upper body's clothes were torn in an instant, revealing the ultimate muscles.

The thick thighs under his feet stepped forward, and the racket in his hand stained with the terrifying black air flow directly hit the Byodoin light hit•Destroy.


A huge smoke rose, all the spectators outside the venue only heard a loud noise, but their sight was shrouded by the smoke and dust on the venue.


For a moment, a huge uproar resounded throughout the audience.

After the smoke dissipated, their king of destruction, Duke Watanabe, was already half kneeling on the ground, and the racket in his hand was broken into two pieces. The tennis ball and the top half of the racket were behind him, and a plume of scorched black smoke wafted from the ball. .


The referee swallowed his saliva and announced that although the ball was exaggerated just now, he was not too surprised by his years of professionalism.

And the other side.

Looking at the silent venue, at this moment, Byodoin's face showed a very wanton and carefree expression.

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