Net King’s Beginning With Breathing Method

Chapter 130 Parting and Meeting Again

"Referee, pause for five minutes!"

With a hint of anxiety in Camus's voice, he hurriedly said to the referee sitting on the high platform from the sidelines.

Looking at Duke's situation now, whether he can continue the game or not.

Seeing that the game was suspended, Camus waved his hand slightly, and there were two picks on the court next to him, helping Duke, who was still trembling, to the sidelines.

"Duke, are you okay, where you are now..."

With a hand on Duke's shoulder, Camus's face was full of worries. Players who have seen power in different dimensions can easily be destroyed by this level of power to destroy their confidence in playing tennis.

"I didn't expect the Neon team to hide so deeply! Byodoin Phoenix, really amazing!"

Rarely, Camus had a trace of sorrow in his eyes, and his gaze fell on the Byodoin Temple who was resting in a chair.

The opposing light shot that contained a destructive atmosphere directly raised the light shot that was originally played only by sweet spot technology to a level.

"I'm fine, I can keep fighting."

With his head down, Duke replied in a dull voice. His face was flushed now, and he wanted to rely on the fast flow of blood to suppress his uncontrolled body.

In fact, the muscles of Duke's hands were still trembling constantly, resisting the "destruction" of Byodo-In Temple, making his body like this unable to relax for a while, but his tone was still so persistent.


The hand originally pressed on Duke's shoulder slipped away quietly, and Camus had understood the determination contained in Duke's words.

An inexplicable look flashed in his eyes, and Camus had already known the cruelty of the World Championships since his middle school, especially for countries like them who wanted to challenge the position of the king.

Five minutes passed in a flash, and the game was back on track again.

"I didn't expect you to stick to it!"

There was a splendor in Byodoin's eyes, and it was surprising that Duke was able to stick to it now.

Duke's right wrist was already visibly red and swollen, and his strong arm also had blue veins floating, which looked a bit hideous.

This state showed that he was about to reach his limit, but his strong mental will allowed him to return to the field again.

"Because I am the'destruction king' of France."

Duke's face twitched slightly, suppressing the soreness from deep in his muscles, and said in a very calm tone.

At the same time, his expression when looking at Byodoin Phoenix was also a bit complicated. After the opponent's destruction, the bandaged hands also began to soak in a dark red.

"This is a worthy opponent!"

Both of them have a little more respect for each other in their hearts. The World Championship is very cruel, but it is only in this place that they can meet such a good opponent.

"In order to show respect for you, keep going!"

With a trace of solemnity in his eyes, the golden brilliance once again appeared in the hands of Byodoin Temple.

"Hit the ball again!?"

Duke clasped his hands firmly and held the racket tightly. The horror of the last ball is still vivid.


A ball of golden light was thrown upwards by Byodoin, and the light golden hair under his headband was floating, showing Kamui.

Immediately afterwards, a strong arm rolled up the racket and waved it down.


The crisp hit sound reverberated, and the tennis ball flew over again with the momentum of the thunder.

Duke's face turned pale, but he did not choose to back up. His arms in both hands swelled sharply, and a trace of black and red air flowed onto the racket.

"Duke... a home run!"

It was another vertical volley smash with every effort.

Chi Chi...

The tennis ball wrapped in golden light didn't swallow everything this time, but gradually disappeared by Duke's black and red aura.

"I'll take it, Byodoin Phoenix!"

With a loud shout, the yellowish tennis ball that had been spinning on Duke's racket was slammed back by him.

However, the next moment...

"Indian snake charmer!"

I don’t know when, Byodoin’s voice has sounded in front of the net.

The wagging arm was very confusing and attracted Duke, who was overjoyed just now.


A white light swept across Duke's backhand boundary at high speed, exploding several ball shadows on the ground.


As far as skills are concerned, he is best at Byodo-in Temple.

With a chuckle at the corners of his mouth, Byodoin's brain is very sober.

"The ordinary light shot just now was just bait!"


"As expected to be the main general, even I was deceived. It's really good acting."

Irie Kanata smiled and looked at the Byodoin Temple on the court, and he admired the opponent's performance just now.

"The chance of the French saboteur is not great."

The tops watched intently at the final confrontation between the two who tended to ease. Strength, skill and wisdom are the norm on the court.

On the scene, Byodoin Phoenix has discovered a loophole in Duke's best tricks.

Every time his counterattack is either a backhand corner smash or a short shot at the backhand boundary. Even if Duke's speed is not slow, he can no longer effectively use the "home run" series of power moves.

Physical fitness, tactics, eyesight, and willpower are indispensable in the world arena.

Jackie Yu just feels his heart is surging. Now he really has a long way to go. If he is replaced by him on the court, he is probably defeated by Duke's power, and it is impossible to counterattack effectively like Byodoin.

the other side.

The expression on Camus's face was completely gloomy. If there is no surprise this time, their French team lost, and their third-ranked team in the world will appear second in the group.

If in the next round they draw a big 4 from other groups, then their French team will be in danger, especially the king's German team. This is a team that makes all countries feel desperate at this stage.

"This account, I will ask for it back next time."

Camus murmured softly, leaning on the chair and closing his eyes lightly. He had already begun to simulate and plan in his mind the possible scenarios of 16 to 8.

Neon’s changes can’t be concealed. After this game, it is estimated that the European tennis world’s attitude towards the Neon team will change slightly.



The simplest cut is a backhand cut, and the tennis ball flies out of Duke's boundary line precisely.

"Game, Neon Byodoin Phoenix, 6-4."

"At the end of this round, the Neon team 3-2 France team, the Neon team won!"

As soon as the referee made the announcement, the players of the neon U17 outside the court gave a strong hug. Kurobe, the always stern coach, was quietly wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, and Mifune's cloudy eyes became clear.

The result of this is that all of them have trained for so long and come to fight together. From now on, their Neon is the third Asian team to successfully break into the top 16 of the world.

Previously, there were only China and India, which is why their neon has been called the tennis desert.

Duke panted and squatted at the boundary line. If Byodoin’s ball was the past, he would be able to save it with a short shot with his skills, but...

Seeing his trembling hands, it was a miracle that he could still hold the racket at the end of the game.

"The name of the King of Destruction is good!"

With a hand stretched out from above, Duke raised his eyes and saw that Byodoin's handsome pale face appeared in front of him.


Convinced by the loss, Duke grabbed the hand passed by Byodoin and stood up. The other party was in a much worse state than him at first.

"Your body..."

Seeing a large piece of red bandage on Byodoin's arm, and a trace of blood on the shoulder behind him, Duke felt a little frightened.

"My Byodo-in Temple will not fall so easily!"

As if he knew what Duke wanted to say, Byodoin smiled Haki and said goodbye to this respectable opponent.



Oni Jujiro looked at Byodoin Temple from his side in surprise, and the blood behind him was exceptionally bright.

This time even he has to admit that Byodoin does have the charisma and responsibility as a leader.

"Good job!"

With light in his eyes, Mifune Jundao nodded with satisfaction. Byodoin had defeated the powerful enemy without exposing his Ashura Shinto. In the next quarter-finals, he became more confident.

"Congratulations, boss!"



Most of the players leaned forward, and Byodoin gained the respect of more teammates in this external battle.

I come, I witness, I change!

A smile appeared on Shang Xian Yu's face, and the "facts" in his memory were changed again, which made a certain belief in his heart more fulfilled.

Time to leave.

And the next time I meet, then I will face up to challenge these pioneers.

Only under the gaze of a few people, the shirt left here quietly, the present glory belongs to them.

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